
Extraordinary Member
Jun 16, 2014
Hi there
lately I've got BSOD right after I play BF3, each time I either quit the gameplay and hit my crome browser, my pc crashes and goes into BSOD.
I've never had this kind of problem before, it started some months ago, and I ignored it, now I keep getting it when I close BF3 and hit exit / close crome.
I've seen alot of topics regarding this in battlefield / battlelog forums, but still none of them has given me any answers to fix this.

Is there anyone out there, that can guide me through, fixing this BSOD, for now I'm getting more irritated about it, and I'm starting to get more concern it will "End" my pc.
I normally find a away to fix pc problems, but now I'm lost >.<

Should I upload my dumpfiles in here or what shall I do?
*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck 3B, {c0000005, fffff96000124283, fffff88008742020, 0}

Probably caused by : win32k.sys ( win32k!HmgLockEx+a3 )

Followup: MachineOwner
the above bugcheck 3B can appear for a number of reasons, corrupt system data or drivers and possibly bad RAM.
First, make sure...
If you think the state of the HDD might be in question then checking information such as SMART values as well as running a chkdsk should really tell you everything.

Link Removed
Hi there kemical
I have replaced my old harddrive with a new one.
Haven't got 1 single crash after that. So I might just run the old harddrive on slave, but I still need to check in with the scan guide you gave me.
I will give a update in a week. I have some vacation to take
See you in a week
Hi there kemical,
Now we can clear this off No more errors, no more bsod and no more crashes
Sorry for the delay, I have been busy.
I will still keep this topic in my browser, IF someone or even myself should forget what to do next time regarding the first and last steps.
Thumbs up for a good support I would highly recommend this page to people.

Thanks alot kemical