
Extraordinary Member
Jun 27, 2013
Hey guys! I was wondering if anyone could help me. I keep getting seemingly random bsod's. The last one I got was from opening a picture, and bam. Before that, it would be while starting a game. Sometimes, when I am using TeamViewer from work to get into this machine, running executables makes it bsod too. I haven't had any problems with waking it from sleep, because I have it to never do so. I have tried uninstalling the gpu drivers and reinstalling them but that didn't help.
Any ideas? I also attached the Diag tool zip file, and inside that folder I included my whole minidump folder just in case it didn't get all of them.

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*                                                                             *
*                        Bugcheck Analysis                                    *
*                                                                             *

Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.

BugCheck A0000001, {5, 0, 0, 0}

Probably caused by : atikmdag.sys ( atikmdag+23c5c )

Followup: MachineOwner


the few dumps i looked at is showing your graphics driver as the culprit although this isn't always the case. I noticed a few drivers are a tad old as well as Teamviewer which hails from 2010. Please update if possible to a later version.

TVMonitor.sys Thu Nov 25 11:07:00 2010

TeamViewer - Free Remote Control, Remote Access & Online Meetings

You are also showing this driver:

MBfilt64.sys Fri Jul 31 04:40:32 2009

Apparently this is a Creative sound driver although your system also has a Realtek driver installed too. Do you have a sound card plugged in? If so please update the driver.

Your network driver is old too:

Rt630x64.sys Wed Oct 19 13:12:55 2011

Please update:

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I'm pretty sure this is your motherboard and you could use the info found here to find updated drivers:

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See how you get on after updating the above. If issues still persist please post back with any new dmp files
Doesn't look like updating drivers did anything. I've even wiped the computer and I still have issues
After you wiped the computer, what have you reinstalled as far as software and drivers?

Edit: I could not get to your link. It looks like it wants me to sign in to the wikisend site. Since you can attach files directly to this site, I don't really want to do that.
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Software wise, teamviewer, which I get BSOD's A LOT when using, especially when I open Internet Explorer when I'm using my desktop remotely with teamviewer. I have installed the latest available drivers (not beta) from AMD, some games, and other programs that would not affect the system in a way that should be causing this. A few days ago, a few times in a row, if I started watching something in MPC - HC and moved it to another monitor and fullscreened it, it would bsod.
With that in mind, I would also like to note I have 4 monitors set up, 3 of them are on the card and one is driven by the integrated . When I get home tonight I will re-run the diag tool, and upload it again
Here ya go


I checked the dump files, but I am not that experienced with such things. As kemical mentions the video driver seems to be getting caught most often. It happens during several different processes that that I saw in the files I analyzed. Twice is was the Desktop Windows Manager, once during mpc-hc64.exe, which looks to be a video player of some type, and once during NexusClient.ex.

I am not sure if these dump files were taken after you reinstalled, but when troubleshooting, I usually load only basic software initially for testing, then add software that might be involved after I have confirmed a stable system prior to their addition.

I did find one thing I don't think kemical mentioned, but I don't have an ATI card so it may be normal. The driver

in the path

C:\Program Files (x86)\Corsair\CorsairLINK2\CorsairLINK_HardwareMonitor.sys

Seems to be from 2008 and I have no idea what it is. Possibly a utility to monitor and control your system's cooling?

EDIT: You may also want to check your msinfo.exe readout for problem devices. It seems to show a situation with a PS/2 mouse.
Other things in the Event Viewer which may or may not be relevant. You may have messages in the Action Center about these.

as this is also happening with me so i am also looking for support in this issue as well .. so far i have tried the given suggestions but nothing is working