
Essential Member
Microsoft Community Contributor
May 25, 2009

It's been almost two weeks since I uninstalled Chrome because of problems I was having with my computer after the Anniversary Update.

Since then, there have been several updates to Windows 10 and my computer has been running perfectly.

So today I decided to reinstall the latest version of Chrome to see if it really was what was causing the problems or was it just some kind of glitch that I was getting, that didn't really have Chrome as the cause.

I installed it and my computer immediately slowed to a crawl.
Even opening Task Manager was impossible.

I could get to the screen where you select Task Manager, and had to use the shut down icon in the lower right.

I shut down and restarted then without touching Chrome, I used Revo Uninstaller to remove it completely, right down to the last registry entry.

When I rebooted my computer was back to normal again.

So there is no question that the problem is Chrome.

I've used it for years and it worked fine right up until the Anniversary Update, and don't really want to change but I've tried Opera, which is OK and Edge which I can live with, but I've just installed Mozilla Firefox for the first time in years.

If anyone reading this has any experience with Firefox I have a question.

I believe that it has a Favorites bar like Chrome, but while I can find the favorites side menu, I can't at first glance find a way to activate the bar that you can drag the link to the way you can it Chrome.

If there is one, how do I activate it?


Never mind on the toolbar thing, I just found a way to show it.
Now it looks like a browser I can live with, in fact it looks a lot like Chrome.

It really makes me wonder what Chrome can be doing that screws up my computer that none of these other browsers do?

I installed and uninstalled Chrome at least 4 times and it essentially crashed my computer every time.

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Mike, are you signed into Chrome? Where your favorites bar is synced to your google account in the settings area. I had something very close to what you're experiencing. I had to remove everything synced with my favorites bar and this disconnect the account and start over. Once I did that chrome was fast again. There might be something in your favorites bar, like mine causing the slowdown.

It has something to do with your sync data being stored on Googles server. Open Chrome and go to settings, while logged in and your account is synced, click the "Google Dashboard" url in the sign in area. A new window will open up, scroll down to the bottom of page, click "reset sync" tab. Then disconnect your google account, close chrome, uninstall...
Not sure why your seeing these issues Mike, Chrome runs perfectly for me so perhaps you have something on your machine which clashes with Chrome ( I can't imagine what)?

Google Groups

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Shall also add I'm also using Chrome and have seen no such issues with it on Anniversary update.


I have no idea why this would happen either, I've used Chrome for years, but there can be no doubt that it's something in Chrome that causes the problem.

I can't imagine what it's doing that would have such a massive effect on my computer.

My computer is about a trouble free as you can get, and certainly has the resources to run anything.

At one point I did install an older version of Chrome and that worked OK, but then it updated automatically and the problems started again.

I guess that for now I'll just have to give up on Chrome.

I'm planing on getting a new computer around the end of the year, then I can probably go back to Chrome again.

Very weird, but I'm not the only person seeing this, I have found posts about similar problems on other forums as well as someone here.

For now Firefox is running fine and is very similar to Chrome to use, so I'll stick with it.


With the updated version, do you see performance problems only when chrome is running or all the time with it installed?


The computer is fine until I open Chrome, once I open it the computer immediately gets so slow that you can't do anything.
Right clicking doesn't work, Task Manger won't even open etc.

the only way I can get it to work again is to reboot and then not open Chrome.
As soon as I open it the problem starts again, just closing Chrome does not stop the problems until I reboot.

To get rid of it I had to reboot and use Revo to uninstall it.
Revo wouldn't work until I rebooted, when I tried to use it while the computer was acting up it just wouldn't respond.


Hi Mike,
Sure is weird my friend! :skull: I've got my Dino W10 Test Machine (Dell Dimension E521 c. 2007) running AU from Clean Install as we previously talked about on the AU threads here with zero problems on Chrome, IE11, and Edge. Like we talked about, I believe it's got something to do with new CPU instructions available in the newer 5th & 6th gen Intel Processors. I can't remember, does your test machine run Intel or AMD CPU?

Clearly, my machine which is early Vista-era, is on like 3rd or 4th gen Intel dual-core CPU, and doesn't support stuff like DirectX v.11 or v.12 as your machine may along with a host of other internal CPU instructions they've added that would take us months to track down and figure out. As I had stated before, this may be causing the problem as if there is a bug in Chrome or one of the default Chrome extensions that gets enabled when you install it (since it doesn't sound like you added any extensions at all in your descriptions above), perhaps the bug is calling an instruction in the processor incorrectly and returning a result with a non-zero or negative parameter value. In older machines such as mine, without that CPU instruction, it just ignores the request and returns a "not-there" or "not available" result to the Chrome program or library call, and moves on without a hitch. Your CPU may be giving Chrome a response to the instruction or loop that's causing Chrome to choke on the returned result since that instruction is available in your CPU, but Chrome can't figure out the response and goes into a "feeback loop", gets stuck and has no way out; the program slows to a crawl or crashes completely and jams up the CPU with high utilitization or something. Result is your PC runs crappy, and until you remove Chrome, continues to degrade your entire PC's performance. This is all surmisal of course.

Since several of us are running a combination of new and old hardware with the AU, such as Ross and Norway, it doesn't make a lot of sense. Have you reported the bug to Chrome (Google) on their forum yet? Maybe it's something they can look into.

In the meantime, it might be worth re-installing Chrome on your AU test setup in a quarantined environment such as a virtual environment. Could you try to run VMware or Hyper-V and install Chrome in a virtual session and see if you get the same result? :lightbulb: Might give us some more information on the problem.

EDIT: As I was re-reading my post, I thought of another thing; have you tried installing your AU on DIFFERENT hard drives? I mean one at a time of course. Is that hdd you have your current AU installed on a mechanical or SSD drive? If it's an SSD drive, you might swap out to a mechanical drive and repeat the test. Maybe it's a quirky in your particular SSD drive; not the brand as I know you use stuff we've both tested. We've seen stranger stuff. If you are now on a mechanical drive, swap to a different mechanical drive that is known good or from your parts pile or from another working PC and retest the Chrome. If the Chrome problem abates in either case, it could be a thing with a faulty read sector error in just the right spot on your hdd that could be the culprit. Swapping out the drive would remove that possibility from the picture.

Talk to you soon,;)

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If you want to install the WPR and have somewhere upload the data, I'd be happy to look at it. The dump will be huge though 1-2GB usually.
TO use WPR, after installing, you would want to change Loggin mode to File, then click on "More Options" and make sure "First Level Triage" is checked and everything in "Resource Analysis" except power.

Click Start, then launch Chrome once it starts slowing down the system you can click stop and save the dump. Zip it and upload it somewhere.

*Forgot the link for WPR* Windows Performance Recorder

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I have pretty much no extensions installed, I did have Add Blocker but I tried it with that removed and it didn't make any difference.
I'm not going to install it again until I get a new computer, and I'm finding Firefox easy to use and fast.

Better then either Opera or Edge, so I'm just going to stick with it for now, but it is really weird how Chrome is interfering with something that just bogs my computer right down to nothing.


So after reading this, it sounds like chrome is running in the background which is configurable, if you don't want to restart your computer every time you test something. It has a little icon in the lower right corner of your screen on the task bar, right clicking should give you the options you want. If your system only has 8 gigs of ram free that could cause problems, since chrome is a known memory hog. Google chrome is not designed to be resource effective, since every tab is a different program to Windows and it can have ghost tabs. These are tabs that you can't really see until you check task manager. Can you check to see what's throttling, the CPU, ram or networking?

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I've got 32 Gigabytes of ram, and a quad 4 Gigahertz processor running Windows on an SSD.
I can run any game at max setting and get over 60 fps, running in stereo, that's why I'm so baffled about what Chrome is doing that would load my computer to that point.

Unfortunately I can't even open Task Manager when it does it to look at what's using the resources.

But it only seems to effect a few people so I'm just going to ignore it until I get a new Faster computer at the end of the year.

I'm guessing that the same thing won't happen on it.


Mike, are you signed into Chrome? Where your favorites bar is synced to your google account in the settings area. I had something very close to what you're experiencing. I had to remove everything synced with my favorites bar and this disconnect the account and start over. Once I did that chrome was fast again. There might be something in your favorites bar, like mine causing the slowdown.

It has something to do with your sync data being stored on Googles server. Open Chrome and go to settings, while logged in and your account is synced, click the "Google Dashboard" url in the sign in area. A new window will open up, scroll down to the bottom of page, click "reset sync" tab. Then disconnect your google account, close chrome, uninstall chrome.

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I will take a look at that, next time I install it.
There has to be something that's causing this, I suppose that I should really look at Google forums too, and see if there is any help there.



That's true, I did install an older version which worked but then it updated itself without asking and it went back to all the problems.


I believe there is a setting to prevent the updates but since no longer use it its only a memory.

I have disabled mine in System Configuration. So far so good.


Thanks, I'll look at that tomorrow.
Maybe I'll give it another try.

