I NEVER have BSOD's, crashes or lags with any of my XP machines, because I set them all up for Maximum Efficiency.
I can start up all five of my Anti-Malware scanners at the same time and still be able to sit here and work the forums while they run and I don't even see a keyboard or mouse lag. A well tuned PC will do that. One that's not, will CRASH, big time.
Mike, what's a 'fps'? Is that Feet Per Second, or 'Frogs per swamp?'
XP Pro + SP3 is the most stable OS I've ever run, except maybe DOS. That was pretty stable too.
W-7 is supposed to be
MORE stable, but I don't get the
MORE part of it. It
CAN be stable, yes, but stable is stable, there's no
MORE to it.
Get off this forum and read the rest of the internet. Complaints about W-7 BSOD's, crashes and burns are all over the place.
I don't see them on any of my Customer's PC's because every one of them has my custom tweaking and tuning on it.
They just run and run and run, year after year with never a problem, except for getting old.
I even program them for self cleaning, on every boot. I call it my FREE Maid Service. lol
That means it's Optimized for the hardware it's going to run on.
I keep saying this, but I guess people think that because I'm over sixty, that I'm stupid or something....but.....I'm not!
Every Windows OS, right off the shelf and out of the box, totally stock, is a real dog. It's got so many "Safe Defaults" built in that it's a wonder it can even run at all. It's actually designed to run and not puke on a single core CPU and only 512meg's of ram.
And then there's the bloatware that comes installed on every new PC and how about those G'zillion redundant Services that no home PC user will ever use in their lifetime? Eh Mate?
I use a little batch file, of my own making, to shut off up to 24 services in XP and a lot more in Vista or Win-7.
So if your XP crashes, you've done something terribly wrong, someplace. Or maybe you've never done anything at all with it and that's then the problem. Back to the books!
You can pick up a few of my own XP tune-up tips from my web site. (shhh! It's in my control panel, public info.)
AS for Win-7, everything I use to set up and tune up a Windows 7 PC, is in one
.RAR file, Called, appropriately, something like
Win-7 Stuff.rar. It's mainly for people with at least a modicum of Technical Expertise.
Real Nubes can just get themselves in trouble and I take NO liability.
Supper time! I'm outta heah! Eh?
Y'all have a great day now, Y'heah?