Windows 10 Last Win 10 upgrade broke some of my games.


Hi, i have windows 10 and a week ago i saw that when i was turning off the laptop it said shut down and upgrade. So i upgraded and it last like hours, then when i started the computer a day after i saw everything was changed... like my screensaver to another one. Then i tried CS GO and it worked very bad like mi fps instead of being 150 where 60, same in lol fps where 250 when i let them free and although fps are free again they are steady in 60. I proceeded to do the backup that windows let me, all came back to normality but my games wich are still habing the fps problem. Thank you and sorry for my english.

I had similar problems after the Anniversary update.

This may not relate to you, but for me it was caused somehow by Goggle Chrome.

I tried uninstalling and reinstalling many times, and when it's in my computer grinds to a halt.
When it's removed everything runs great.

In my case no question that Chrome was the cause.

Try backing up all your stuff to external media, and then attempt to use W10 System Restore to "roll back" your system to a point in time before the Update came in to your computer. This will easily undo any changes to your Registry that changed incorrectly. :up:
