Windows 7 So What Are You Playing Right Now?


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Aug 28, 2007
So I thought I'd start a 'what game are playing Right Now'? Thread. I know this is a 7 games forum and this is just a little light relief... I tend to revisit my games many, many times and I usually have a old favourite like FEAR running as well as a current title.
Often though, I'll be playing through some game or other and have an awesome experience in the process which I find is great to share... Anyway, enough of the tree hugging stuff...:rolleyes:

One game which has got me totally gripped at the moment is 'Battle-Forge'.. It's like a free to play MMO/RTS with a single player game to boot. One of the scenarios drove me nuts because I kept dying and I was still at it at 5.30am Thursday morning..and I still died.....sob..

So what are you guys playing at the moment? Which game is keeping you awake until 5.30am?

So I thought I'd start a 'what game are playing Right Now'? Thread. I know this is a 7 games forum and this is just a little light relief... I tend to revisit my games many, many times and I usually have a old favourite like FEAR running as well as a current title.
Often though, I'll be playing through some game or other and have an awesome experience in the process which I find is great to share... Anyway, enough of the tree hugging stuff...:rolleyes:

One game which has got me totally gripped at the moment is 'Battle-Forge'.. It's like a free to play MMO/RTS with a single player game to boot. One of the scenarios drove me nuts because I kept dying and I was still at it at 5.30am Thursday morning..and I still died.....sob..

Been playing the L4D 2 demo, bloody brilliant.
Borderlands co-op is brilliant fun aswell (when it works - steam version!), the single player lets me down though, it gets a bit when every third or fourth mission is the same just slightly harder :D

Been playing the L4D 2 demo, bloody brilliant.
Borderlands co-op is brilliant fun aswell (when it works - steam version!), the single player lets me down though, it gets a bit when every third or fourth mission is the same just slightly harder :D

Highwayman and myself are looking for clan members (kind of, well, other forum users into L4D2) would you be interested?

I would be interested, only for the fact i won't be getting the game for a while & will have barely any time for games until January - Assignments and Exams :(

You must be one of the first!
I must admit it does look good on the adverts.. Is the sp campaign very long?

Sadly I'm amongst the 130,000 and climbing boycotting COD6 as theres no LAN option or Dedicated Server, as good as the game seems it's severely crippled multiplayer features don't appeal until the patch the missing options. I urge everyone even if they purchased it already to sign the digital petition, or the PC versions gonna be damned to console grade multiplayer.

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Lety us know what you think of the games..

Me? Well, Mass effect 2 is very similar to Mass Effect but the face animation here is on higher level - when the characters talk there is a simulation of the motion of their facial muscies which makes the animation very realistic.

in BioShock 2 you can see the Big Sisters, they are extremely quick and arguably more powerful than the BioShoc's Little Sisters.

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My gripe with Mass Effect 2 is that they have dumbed it down a little, also that you and your team all have weapons locked to classes which is annoying, it forces you to play weaker characters just because they have the guns or abilities you need for certain missions.....the originals shop n swap method was far better than this locked class method. Sorry but they have managed to brake most of the games best assets just to get it out around the same time as inferior console editions.

Sure, the graphics are better (still get hideously block textures up close on certain objects and NPCs), but there's far more level loading for levels that are smaller than in the first game, even the souped up biotics seem less powerful than the stock abilities from ME1. And whats with the gay planet scanning for resources that cant be sold? so they just purely for upgrading stuff...yea that's far less realistic than the old game, I liked the space buggy driving around on planets looking for resources etc...and so far there's none to be had.

It's still a great game, but despite promises of a better experience....i'm finding a lot of things are less interesting than the last one, everyone has to agree its gayness to limit basic weapons to certain classes, playing through as a Sentinel class means all i can use are gay pistols and a heavy weapons with terrible low ammo, i'd rather have auto rifles than the crap heavy guns, but i'd don't want to restart in a soldier class just for that. They should have designed the class choices based on weapon loadouts and abilities you pick during the game rather at the beginning cos i feel it doesnt give you a fair crack at seeing what works or not without having to start over.

Umm feeling a bit ashamed now, a few hours further in and I've noticed buggy controls in the options and I've started unlocking weapon classes after helping my krogan crewmate....anyone for a slice of humble pie? guess I have to retract much of my ranting now

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I spoke too finnished the damn game already....without the tedious planet mining taking up half my time I would have finnished in half the time. Great story BUT shorter than the last game grrrrrrrrr
