Windows 10 "We couldn't complete the updates..."


May 16, 2016
Hello WF,

I upgraded to Windows 10 on several computers with no issues.

However, on one of my Dell laptops, after installing W10 regular updates, I get the following below message after restart. The computer undoes the changes and then boots to my desktop.

This happens on every restart.

Any suggestion on how to fix this?



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You can try to manually delete the update cache and attempt an update after.
  • Press Windows key + r
  • Type services.msc
  • Stop Windows update and Background Intelligent Transfer
  • Delete C:\Windows\SoftwareDistribution
  • Re-enable Windows Update service
  • Check for update.
  • If it still fails, open a powershell prompt and type Get-WindowsUpdateLog -LogPath "$env:USERPROFILE\Desktop\log.txt"
  • Upload the log.txt for analysis
Hi Texas! It's not as complicated as it looks. You create a flash media creation tool. Then you use the tool to do the install repair by clicking on setup exe. at the bottom of the flash drive! There are several ways to do this. Maybe other members will have replies latter.;)

If you don't want to create the media creation tool, then just go to step #6
step 6: To do a repair install of Windows 10 with Get Windows 10 (GWX) app

Hi Texas! I have no idea where that is going??( Post #24??) Can I answer any thing for you? A clean install might be what is needed. Did you read my post #23?
Will be logged on for awhile if you have any questions!

Hi Texas! I don't know what you want to know? Did you use the media creation tool to upgrade?
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It's hard to help when I don't know what you have done or how you upgraded to W10.;):(

Yes, I used the media creation tool to upgrade. I'm trying to find an easier solution before trying all the other more complicated things.

Hi Texas! I would check with the manufacture to see if your Dell lap top is compatible for the up grade.
If your using the media creation tool and it fails to up grade, you could have several problems.
Try a chkdsk /r and a sfc /scannow. What do yo consider easier solutions?? We need to know more about your PC.
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Hi Texas! Have you thought about a in-place-repair install?? Post #4
Also I clean install suggested by @Neemobeer might be in order.;)

Since he just did the upgrade an in place repair install really makes no sense. Now doing another clean install would make sense at this point depending especially since this was a computer running Windows 7 and may have had issues prior to the upgrade the user wasn't aware of.
I know the thought is not pleasant but sometimes in retrospect is actually the one that was the fastest.

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Hi The way I understand this issue, the PC never upgraded to W10! Maybe I'm missing some thing. It tries and then fails and goes back to the original OS.
Not every PC will up grade to W10 successfully . That's the reason for my reply #29. When it says (Post#1) " We couldn't Complete updates, Undoing changes" " Don't Turn off your Computer" To me, this;):) means the update failed and it's going back to the original OS! Why it's doing that! I don't know and that is the issue here!

Hi The way I understand this issue, the PC never upgraded to W10! Maybe I'm missing some thing. It tries and then fails and goes back to the original OS.
Not every PC will up grade to W10 successfully . That's the reason for my reply #29. When it says (Post#1) " We couldn't Complete updates, Undoing changes" " Don't Turn off your Computer" To me, this;):) means the update failed and it's going back to the original OS! Why it's doing that! I don't know and that is the issue here!

This was your post # 4:
"Hi Maybe a in-place-repair- install??
If you're having problems with Windows 10 on your PC, you could use push-button reset to refresh or reset Windows."
How can you have problems with your pc on Windows 10 if it wasn't installed there might I ask?

I was wrong in post #4 I can see now that W10 never upgraded. After reading this thread again several times, I can see that the upgrade did not work and the PC went back to the original OS. My bad! Might give it another shot and see if it will upgrade now. I'm still learning W10 and I make mistakes! Sorry!:red_smile:
I think I mentioned a clean install in post #26. I'm getting confused and need get away from this thread.
I'm sure you will Get-er-Done.
Good luck and let us know of any progress!
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What are you talking about? I have already explained I successfully UPGRADED to Windows 10 from 7. The problem is that I now cannot install UPDATES for Windows 10.

Hi Texas! If you would have made that clear from the very beginning, There wouldn't be all this confusion. See if this helps! This will be my last reply on this thread. You may get more replies from other members latter.;)
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Hi, I did make it clear from the very beginning. In fact, in the very first post of this thread, I wrote:

"I upgraded to Windows 10 on several computers with no issues.

However, on one of my Dell laptops, after installing W10 regular updates, I get the following below message after restart. The computer undoes the changes and then boots to my desktop."

By the way, someone else already posted the Windows Update Troubleshooter, and I already replied that it didn't fix the problem.

Hi! Texas! I said I wouldn't reply on this thread again. I'm sorry if I didn't understand your issue. I have tried to suggest things to the best of my ability and limited knowledge of W10.
I was confused and there were others confused also. If you would have made it clearer and maybe said some thing like this.
"The computer undoes the changes and then boots back into W10 without installing the updates after a restart."
My advise is to save your data and do a clean install of W10. Other members may have a better solution, however I believe that has been suggested already;):)
Please post back and let us know if you find a easier solution to your issue!
Thank you!

I don't want to wipe my drive and start over because this is an old laptop from my prior company, and it has Windows Office on it. I don't want to lose those programs.

Hi I have posted this before. No one here seems to have a answer for your Windows10 not up loading the windows up dates.
Shawn Brink is one of the best known PC personality persons on help forums. Shawn says you can do a in-place-repair-upgrade and not lose any thing. That's the best I come come up with. This thread is quite old and no one is replying to your issue with a better solution. I guess if you can't live with your issue, you could create a back up image of what you have now and give this a shot. That way you could always get back to where you are now. This doesn't have to be difficult. Create a back up image and give the in-place-repair- upgrade a shot.;) There's always a chance that there are other issues on that PC that are stopping the up dates. I have posted some things to check. You reply, but you never post any thing that you have tried to do to fix your issue. It's very hard to help you when you don't post what you have tried. I don't think there is one magic bullet that's going to solve your issue or someone would have already posted it!
Repair Install Windows 10 with an In-place Upgrade - Windows 10 Forums

Yes you can certainly try a repair but I have yet to hear of one that worked.
You can use Magical Jelly Beans to retrieve the key and then either buy office disk on eBay or borrow disk.

KeyFinder | Magical Jelly Bean
