account control

  1. Windows 10 Restrict Visitor account from applications

    Hi Evertybody, I'm using Windows-10 (Home) and recently added a "guest" account that I call Visitor. I want to restrict the Visitor account from even opening certain applications, such as my private accounting and tax programs. How do I go about doing that?
  2. Windows 10 How to tell if you're a true Admin?

    Is there a way to tell if you truly have Admin rights? Aside from checking your profile. Any way to confirm that you have absolute authority in Windows 10?
  3. Windows 10 disabled admin account

    So I wanted to take out the signing in everyday by going to the netplwiz program and I accidently disabled/deactivated my account. This was the admin account and now I cant get it back. Even when I go into another basic account/user it doesn't have admin controls so it cant activate it. please...
  4. Windows 8 lack of administrator priviliges

    this machine just has 1 user - me. in user settings, i'm listed as administrator of course. yet i'm still always bombarded with "administrator privilege" prompts, and currently............ i'm trying to untick "fast startup" under power settings. it's greyed out, as if i don't have...
  5. B

    Windows Vista Admin Vs Standard user account..creation and installed programs

    Windows ( in the case Vista home Premium a system i am restoring on a VAIO for a friend). Setting it up with an Admin account and a standard user account. a Few questions: When is the best time to add the standard user account for everyday use? Here is why i ask, i notice that sometimes certain...
  6. Windows 7 what should i do to disable other users access over some apps

    i have downloaded many apps which are a bit private i want them to be private for ever, in short what should i do to disable other user's access over some applications [not every application]
  7. M

    Windows 8 I cant run as administrator or acess my local disk. It is my computer only.

    Whenever I try runny as administrator , i get a error saying i am restricted to do this. When I try accessing my local disk, I get an error message saying access denied. I recently went to local disk properties, security and I think I Disabled all of my permissions and un-admined my self. Is...
  8. I

    Windows 8 Admin Permissions

    On multiple occasions when I have tried to create or delete files I am told that I do not have admin permission and that access is denied. My account is the only one on my computer and when I checked in control panel it says that I am the administrator. Does anyone know a way to bypass or fix...
  9. Windows 7 Can't use " run as administrator".

    I can't open any software with "run as administrator". My laptop is Hp with win 7. If I open a program, at User Account Control window box YES tab does not active and only NO tab active. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. F

    Windows 7 Can the administrator add a password to a guest account? How?

    I've turned on a guest account. Now I want to add a password to that account so only designated guests can use my PC. How?
  11. Q

    Windows 7 how can i delete admin account during bootup using cmd command in win 7?

    i run cmd in Elevated Command Prompt mode. i used commands such as; net user administrator * (but can not change password, the system error 5 has occured) net user administrator /delete (access is denied) net user administrator set /inactive net user administrator /inactive:yes but all these...
  12. Windows 7 No Administrator Account

    I recently installed Windows 7. During installation, there will automatically be a user with administrative privileges. After completing, i created another "Standard User" as I wanted to limit other users for accessing all things. Then i opened the Built in Administrator account (net user...
  13. S

    users login time limit

    Hello. I have 3 users in my pc. I want to control their logon time. example: user1 6 hr perday. or user 1 login time 1pm - 6pm. How can i do this?
  14. N

    Windows 8 personal file and lock

    when my system starts up it always opens my personal file.. How do I stop it happening ? Also when I put my desktop PC to sleep I tweaked it so when I wake it up I don't have to use password.. however when pc goes to sleep automatically when I wake it up it says it is locked and asking me for...
  15. T

    Windows 7 C:\ Is not accessible - Access is denied

    So, I recently began receiving this problem which disallows me (although I'm admin, and the only user account on the computer) from creating, moving, or accessing anything within the hard drive. I am also unable to download anything. I'm still able to access stuff outside of the hard drive, but...
  16. R

    Windows 7 Getting administrator permission

    Hello, I know this title I posted seems to be very general and alot of websites actually answers that question, but I'm really stuck coz I find my laptop one of a kind. Alright so here goes the problem, I installed Windows 7 on my laptop, and due to my personal needs, I have to install adobe...
  17. O

    Windows 7 Gaining access to document folders

    I was seeking to access a backup folder (from my iPad) on the Documents and Settings tab on the C drive. When I did I received the message "You don't currently have permission to access this computer. Click continue to permanently get access to this computer. Clicked continue:, got this...
  18. R

    Windows 7 Can't move folder even as the administrator - how do I do it?

    I am using Windows 7 Home Premium Edition in a Toshiba netbook. I created a folder on my desktop with a file in it. In Windows Explorer, I tried to move that folder into another folder that is in the Program Files folder. When I tried to do that, I received a message box, "You need to provide...
  19. C

    Windows 7 Administrator Permissions not working on Administator Account

    [SOLVED] Administrator Permissions not working on Administator Account Alright, so I did some looking through similar threads but couldn't find any with this exact issue. Hopefully this is not a repeat thread, I don't think it is. SOLUTION It turns out that some of the files in the folder were...
  20. S

    Windows 7 Standard User Accounts

    Hi everyone! I have a problem that’s making me want to pull my hair out, sorry if there is already a topic on this as the search function on this site would not work (database error) and Google returned nothing specific. I recently got a new PC with Windows 7, which is turning out to be a bit...