details view

  1. ChatGPT

    Fix Windows 11 File Explorer Slowdown: Tips for a Faster Details View

    Windows 11 introduced a visually appealing File Explorer with its fresh design and enhanced features, but that modern look comes with a few performance quirks—especially in the Details view. Many users have reported that loading file information in detailed list mode feels sluggish, with...
  2. WinDosMac

    Windows 8 Folder View always resets to (Details)

    I always customize my folder's uniquely with different views like the size of the icon, group by, sort by name, etc. And they ALWAYS reset to (Details) view and the way how i sort and group them, they all get cleared also, i have to redo everything. It happens to random folders at random...
  3. J

    Windows 10 Recycle Bin default view

    Is it possible to change the default view of the Windows 10 Recycle Bin when it opens? I figure there’s settings in the Registry somewhere. I would like the default to be view by details, sorted by date, descending.
  4. Legna

    Windows 8 Folder view keeps resetting back.

    Hey guys! I really need your help. My PC decided to reset itself today and when it did that, it screwed something up. So now, every time I change the Folder View to Tile (for example) and close & reopen the folder, everything reverts back to Details View. Everything that I changed in that folder...
  5. NMGMarques

    Windows 7 Any way to force a folder view for certain folders?

    Hi all. I know how I can force all folders to a specific view, but I wonder if there is a way to force a specific network folder to always display in a certain view for all Win users accessing the said folder? The folder in question is on a file server, accessible via mapped drive, contains a...
  6. Carson Dyle

    Windows 7 Home directory in Explorer stuck using medium icons

    I like to use the detailed directory view in Windows Explorer. But something maddening happens in my home directory in Explorer under Desktop\<username>: no matter how much I try to set it to 'Details', any time I return to the folder, it reverts back to 'Medium Icons'. If I access the folder...
  7. draph91

    Windows 8 file explorer keeps crashing on certain folders

    the folder had over 900 hundred files so I placed them in separate files after reading that too many files causes explorer to crash, however when I change 2 of the 7 folders to details explorer automatically crashes, for one it closes as soon as I change it to details and for the other, it...
  8. sparker366

    Windows 8 Windows Explorer Views

    I have been fighting a never ending battle in both 7 and 8 to make all my folders and libraries to view in details view and not any other view. I have set all folders on all my drives set to General Type. I had it do this for all sub folders. At least 2x's a day I will open a folder that I...
  9. P

    Windows 7 Folder > Change Your View_ make choice permanent

    Icons in my folders keep reverting to Details view (Change Your View > Details) instead of Large Icons choice, which is what I want as default. It's not a consistent thing, though; sometimes I re-open folder and it's still Large Icons, sometimes it has gone back to Details view. Any suggestions?
  10. J

    Windows 7 Understanding folder permissions; folder inheritance and other annoyances.

    I have been using Windows 7 for about a year and I do not love it. So I am seeking help trying to solve some of the annoyance. In order of importance, I want to understand permissions, folder view inheritance and finally the way windows explorer always scrolls the folder you expand (by clicking...
  11. S

    Windows 7 Vista 'organisation' bar in Windows Vista's explorer?

    Vista 'organisation' bar in Windows 7's explorer? I've just got a Windows 7 64 bit laptop to go out and about with, but one of the main features that I miss off my main Vista desktop is this bar, which is very much like the one that you get in the 'details' view in Windows 7. The differences...
  12. T

    Windows 7 Folder Icon is missing

    All my files that uses a small folder icon seems to have just vanished. Is there any way to restore it? Here's a screencap below. Link Removed Notice that there's no folder icon next to the "File Folder" types like Intel or Program Files. It's just blank. Even the icon next to "New Folder" is...
  13. C

    Windows 7 Windows Explorer Size Column in details displaying size in kb. Always.

    I'm running windows 7 65 bit Ultimate. When I open up a folder and go to "details" view the size is always displayed in kb, even if the file is like 2gb. How Can I change this? Link Removed Here's a ss of my problem.
  14. P

    Windows 7 How to refresh both "Tree view" and "details view" with F5 at the same time?

    Assume I have an open Windows Explorer and just deleted/added a folder. Now I (have to) press F5 to refresh the view. Depending on which part/half of the Windows Explorer has currently the focus only the tree view on the left OR the details view on the right get refreshed. The other part...
  15. T

    Windows 7 Folder Options

    Maybe I'm not wording it properly when searching the forum, but I'm having a few Windows 7 issues lately. For the past couple months my folders ALL open to "large icon" view I'll switch to details view but the next time I open the folder it's back to large icon. Strangely enough, the only...
  16. droll13

    Windows 7 I want Win7 to NEVER use any view but details view

    I HATE the various icon views. I'd like Win7 to ONLY use details view. It's annoying when Win7 reverts to icon view when I'm saving a file, or when I'm inserting an image in Word. Where can I tell Win7 to use only details view at all times and in all situations? Thanks
  17. K

    Windows 7 Setting in windows explorer

    I am very angry with windows explorer. I have some mp3 in separate folders. Windows explorer is set to display all in details view, but when I go to folders with mp3 the details view change in # Artist ... etc. This is very annoying and I want all the information to be in details view no matter...
  18. wisnoskij

    Windows 7 Window Explorer

    I am looking for a way to set all my folders (viewed with win. Explorer) to use one visual look. meaning: all use Details. all use the same columns (Name, Size, Type). all with the same column widths. It would be nice to set all current folders like this, and have any newly created folders to...
  19. Z

    Windows 7 Forcing Move/Copy to always show full details?

    Every time I move files or copy files I find myself clicking the more details switch. Is there a way to just have more details open by default? On a separate note is that blue fade image able to be changed?
  20. D

    Windows 7 folder views will not stay to what i set them to, like on XP

    folder views will not stay to what i set them to, like on XP. whenever i go to "my documents" for example, and then change the view to details, and then go to photos and make that view thumbnails, and go back to docs, the docs are now in the same view as photos. it does this for all folders...