
  1. T

    Windows 10 Folder size info

    My hard drive is getting full. Is there a way to see all at once which folders are the largest? I know I can open the properties for each one, but I remember years ago before Windows there was a utility called "Keep Track" that showed all the folders and their sizes all at once. That would be...
  2. ARNK

    Windows 10 Folders/files "Read-only" Idiocy. Please Mr. Gates, Might I Control My Folders?

    I'll keep this brief because Windows has wasted a fair portion of my life for various reasons. Is there no utility that cuts through the stupidity of not being able to TURN OFF "Read-only" folders and files contained within MY file system FORCING them to STAY write-able? I ask about a utility...
  3. sinan

    Windows 10 undelete files

    Hi. In earlier windows versions, If I remember correct, I could restore deleted files easy, In recent editions I could not find it anymore, I have bought recuva, It works just fine but it took hours to scan, most time I need to recover single file only and do not need to wait hour(s) to get...
  4. Imageman

    Windows 10 Uploading FOLDERS to OneDrive - Impossible ??

    I have literally spent hours researching to find an accurate step-by-step instruction on how to upload FOLDERS to OneDrive (I know how to upload files). First, I'm shocked it's not a feature of onedrive and made as easy as uploading files?? Sample of many Dead Ends "Just use the Upload tab in...
  5. B

    Windows 10 Document folder is the same as Picture folder

    Hello Everyone, I have a small problem and I really hope you can help me. I recently bought a onedrive subscribtion so I wanted to move my document and picture folder to the onedrive folder. The result is that now my picture folder and document folder are the same. If I change the location of...
  6. G

    Windows 7 Importing .pst File Into Outlook 2007 Adds All Folders To Existing Email Account - How to correct?

    Hello, I recently imported a .pst file (from a completely different email account) into Outlook 2007 and rather create a separate account with all of the folders, it added all of these folders into my current Hotmail account. Does anyone know how to resolve or correct this issue? I don't want...
  7. J

    Windows 7 Unable to access encrypted folders and files

    Hi, Can anyone please help me on this :- I had mistakenly added a encryption to my one of the folder in D drive in Windows 7 and then had my Windows formatted and installed fresh again. The user from whom the encryption was initiated, is no deleted (as windows is formatted). Now when I access...
  8. kemical

    Windows 10 Turn on anti-ransomware features in (Build 1709) Fall Creators Update

    A new setting which stops ransomware from taking control of your folders has been added to the Fall Creator update. This is accessed using Windows Defender and won't work with third party security applications. To turn it on follow my screenshots below: Click the arrowed setting: Simply...
  9. AnonymousUser

    Windows 10 Changing the default Library Icons?

    Q. Ok so I'm looking to change the DEFAULT ICON for the libraries such as Downloads, Documents, Music, Videos, Favorites in every location that they are displayed including File Explorer. Regedits are fine. Is there a way to indefinitely change the icon for these folders in Windows 10? Thanks...
  10. N

    Windows 10 Grayed-out folders - what happened?

    Since yesterday, all the folders on my computer, on each drive, look like the ones on the photo. What may be the reason of that and what should I do about it?
  11. PaulyD0051

    Windows 10 Woops, Folders Issue with "This PC" pane

    I was trying to move my Music, Videos and Pictures folders to the D: drive instead of keeping it on the C: (SSD) drive. Unfortunately when doing so I created this monstrosity and I can not seem to undo this mess: Link Removed How do I fix said issue to remove those D:/ links and actually move...
  12. P

    Windows 7 Switch ownership of "normal" folders (tree): Disadvantages?

    When I inspect my file system some of my "normal" (=non system) folders then I can see owners like "S-1-5-21-15185678....." or "S-1-5-21-107808153 Why do only approx 30% of all folders have "S-1-5-21-151..." as owner and all others "Administrator"? I dislike these "S-1-5-21-......" owners and...
  13. usermn

    Windows 8 Cannot delete folder, cannot change permissions

    I use Windows 8.1 64-bit and Firefox 53.0.3. I'm the sole user and administrator on the computer. There is a directory I tried to delete the folder. It says I tried to move the folder to another folder. It says I clicked Continue. It says Advanced Security Settings says I clicked...
  14. D

    Windows 7 Cand open or delite folders??

    Hello, Have this strange folders in my C:.../local/temp directory.. vs.mcj-113109805 File Folder vs.mcj-799792520 vs.mcj602733114 when click on that folder, I got msg That I don't have permission to access this folder. I have an option to get access to this folder. When click "continue" I got...
  15. C

    Windows 7 Cannot move of copy pictures.

    Hi there! I'm having a problem with my picture files. I have hundreds of them in separate folders: holidays, family etc. The problem is is when I try to copy them or move to another folder, I keep getting the message: 'Windows Explorer Has Stopped Working.' Windows Explorer then shuts down...
  16. S

    Windows 10 Windows Version Backup in drive C

    Hi, In my Hd, c:, I have the following folders $winre_backup_partition.marker, windows.old, windows, $windows-WS, $windows-BT. Can u please tell me which version of windows are they and how to use. Cannot recall when Microsoft created and for which Windows. ie Windows 7, windows 8, or windows...
  17. K

    Windows 10 Help deleting quick links in file explorer

    I just installed an update for my computer and have this issue where there are extra quick selection links in my file explorer and they are blank. Does anyone know what is causing this and how to fix this? I have scanned my computer for any viruses and it is clean. I am running 64 bit windows...
  18. F

    Windows 8 How can you create a self contained picture folder with only shortcuts to pics

    Hey Guys, I am currently on a project that requires that I go through tonnes of photographs and be able to organize them in different ways. Currently I'm having to copy pictures and paste them into different folders. Is there a way I can create folders that only have shortcuts to pictures...
  19. InsaneFreakshow

    Windows 7 Problem after clean installing Win 7

    Hi all, okay so yesterday I installed Win 7 on a laptop that had XP before that. XP was on C: disk, and me not being that good at reinstalling OS's I chose to make a clean install of Win 7 on disk D: Now.. if I understand correctly a clean install should've just deleted the previous OS...
  20. S

    Windows 10 Windows works word processor

    I have a large folder of .doc files made thru Word. Windows Works error message appears when I try to open these .doc files. The message says works cannot open file.which may be in use by another app. I dont wish to use Works. How do I get rid of this app so that I can access my .doc files