Hello. Thanks for reading my post. I appreciate you.
I have Windows 7 x64 Premium Retail Version.
For some reason on my start menu, the little arrows next to some links such as (IE, Norton.. ) do not open no matter how many times I attempt.
Can you please tell me how to fix this? Guesses...
I don't know why, but I'm getting frequent blue screens of death, even if my computer isnt running any programs. I have included 2 of the dump files. I'd appreciate any help. I heard it might be because of norton antivirus, but i dont know what ti do if thats correct, reinstall, use new...
I have three machines on a wireless network. Two Lenovo laptops and one Dell Optiplex 960. The Dell desktop has an HP 8500 printer attached which I wanted/want to share.
I was running XP on all machines and there were no issues. I decided to install Windows 7 on all machines once it was...
I'm trying to read alot of posts here and while many of the problems are familiar, I'm not seeing my answer so far.
I have a new Win 7 PC. I have an existing two XP PC home network. The existing network successfully shares files and a printer. Integrating the new Win 7 PC into my network, I have...
advanced sharing
easy transfer
file access
home network
network discovery
networking issues
printer access
user permissions
windows 7
windows xp
New Dell Studio with Windows 7 installed at factory. Backup stalls at 28%, just as it is suppose to start copying to D:/. When I read what is on the dvd it ends with 13 images of the restore icon. I also found that I can't restore to an earlier time either. Tried restore with Norton shut down...
I was trying to help a friend of mine setup a new computer with Windows 7 on it and everything was working great except certain sites wouldn't work. A connection error and a button saying "Diagnose Connection" would appear on sites that worked fine when accessed from a different computer. At...
Norton Internet Security 2010 Uninstalls automatically on the first restart after being installed. It comes up with the unistall screen asking me what my uninstall preference is. When i close it when i try to open Norton it takes 5 min then it opens up OneSupport (or something). I have run out...
I installed Windows 7 and dont have Microsoft Office anymore. I chose clean install and the install was not clean, it changed my old system files and office into a file called windows.old. I can access this file from command prompt but do not know how to reinstall microsoft office. Does...
Here is a list of Network Connection Fixes I have read about.
(Ignore the html coed)
<P>1. Click "Start" and type "Fix Net" and press enter to let windows try to diagnose and repair problems.
<P>2. Verify network drivers are up to date for your adapter... (upgrading may
use old Vista...
To me, hard disk imaging is one of the most important thing to do after I’ve perfectly finished setting up a computer system the way I wanted. It is the best way of restoring the changes back to the way it was and also the best way to clone multiple computers with same hardware...
From PC XP and Vista I can see PC Windows 7 but from PC Windows 7 I can't see other PC whereas Norton Internet Security and Ping see all the network!
further adventures of How long is the wait.
it seems that a critical update is the culprit. Even with or with out Norton online backup, and with or without QB installed, after the critical updates install, the computer freezes on startup. It goes all the way to the last do-do-do sound, and the...
I just completed a successful upgrade from Win Vista HP to Win 7 Ulitimate. It went well but the Win 7 system is telling me that I have no virus etc protection and wants me to turn Norton on. It is on and when I hit the yes button in Win 7 to turn it on it does not do it. Any suggestions? Thanks!
is reporting "Windows Firewall and Norton Internet Security both report that they are turned off".
I assume that this is NOT good news so my question is, how do I turn the Firewall on (my W7 system)?
There was an option to Turn Windows Firewall On but when I clicked on it, nothing happened...
is reporting "Windows Firewall and Norton Internet Security both report that they are turned off".
I assume that this is NOT good news so my question is, how do I turn the Firewall on (my W7 system)?
There was an option to Turn Windows Firewall On but when I clicked on it, nothing happened...
I've upgraded to 7 from Vista. I had to uninstall Nortan Endpoint Protection and had trouble with a Google toolbar that doesn't exist and couldn't be uninstalled. There was no way I was going to let that warning stop me for more than a few minutes so I installed and thankfully it is working...
Sorry if this is long-winded, I just wanted to make sure I provided all the relevant information…
I am having some problems performing my upgrade from Vista Ultimate 64 bit to Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. I ran the compatibility wizard and was instructed to remove iTunes and some HP games...
Today i went to bestbuy and bought my parents a new Hp p6230y desktop. I got home and started up the computer and everthing went as normal. After all the updates and the computer was setup, i browsed the internet and it was fine. As soon as i installed Norton Internet Security 2010, the internet...
I amrunning Win7 Ultimate. When I try to do a Systm Restore, it seems to run to completion, reboots the system and then issues the following message:
"System Restore did not complete successfully. Your computer's system files and settings were not changed.
System Restore could not access a...
I've upgraded my vista home premium pc to Windows 7 ultimate. I had no problem in the upgrade process. However, I later found lout that my programs can't communicate to Internet altough my computer is connected to the Internet. A particular program like my Norton Internet Security can't make...