
  1. A

    Windows 7 Computer is sending duplicate packets

    Hi all. I'm having a weird issue with my network connection: When sniffing my connection using wireshark I'm seeing a ton of duplicate packets incoming and outgoing. To check the issue I've filtered ICMP packets and ran a ping to What I'm seeing are 4 request packets leaving my NIC...
  2. News

    Windows 7 Ping 182: Legos & Robots, Bing search, Xbox One Domain name, Kinect spy? | Ping!

    While Paul is off sewing his wild oats, we had the pleasure of being joined by Mark DeFalco. Enjoy! Link Removed Bing expands auto search The domain name battle Is your Kinect spying on you? Link Removed Link Removed
  3. R

    Windows 7 Command prompt not working

    Hello. It seems as if my command prompt will not let me do any simple system commands such as ping, ipconifg, etc. And it will also not let me use commands for my compiler. The paths are set properly in the environment variables, but it still does not work. See the screencap below...
  4. P

    Windows 7 Brand New Computer not connecting to wired or wireless internet

    Hi All, I have a brand new Samsung NP550P5C and have never been able to connect it to my wired or wireless internet (Draytek Vigor 2710n). The network works fine with Apple macbook pro running OSX, IOS phones and iPads, Sonos system, smart TV etc. I have had the Samsung replaced and it is...
  5. dawiz

    Windows 8 Second user can't access Internet

    I am a new Win 8 user. I set up 2 user accounts. The first one works fine. The second user indicated that it is connected to the Internet. I can ping Yahoo! and it pings fine. Both users have administrative rights. When I open Internet explorer it will not connect. Any suggestions?
  6. T

    Windows 7 terrible and weird internet lag spikes on my computer

    ok this is the whole story, so recently i have been having some troubles with my computer about the internet, i get random lag spikes both while browsing and playing online, at first my internet was fast but recently is been a nightmare for me (my internet provider is called "claro", now the...
  7. K

    Windows 8 Can Able to Ping Websites from Command Line But cannot able to Open websites in Browser.

    Hi, I have connected My USB Mobile Broad Band device to Windows 8 system. The Windows 8 Popup shows that mobile broad band is connected and internet connection is available. I tried pinging websites from command line i.e. ping , I have got reply back. But when I am trying...
  8. D

    Windows XP Netbios Problem

    Hi, I am running windows 7 on my host machine, and also running virtualbox with windows xp. I have internet running on the host and the VM using the same LAN network (home network). But I have a netbios problem on XP even though I have netbios enabled in network connection properties. Even...
  9. D

    Windows 7 Who wants to have a go at helping me fix my network?

    Hi all, After many different repair options, I've managed to get my network partially going again.My network is WLAN based. DHCP client will not start - error = "error 2, The system cannot find the file specified" I can ping, my gateway IP, my other PCs on the network but I still...
  10. C

    Windows 7 bridge between network adpator in win 7

    Hi, I have two network adpatro in win 7 one is lan card network adpator that use ip Gw one is VPN network adpator .If it enable , the IP will ber 192.168.2.X /24 . I want to make bridge and so , the computer from 10.1.4.XXX /16 can use my computer to reach the...
  11. M

    Windows 7 Remote Desktop x64 Connection Problem

    I am having an issue with Windows Remote Desktop in a domain network. The PC in question is running Windows 7 x64 Professional. I can remote desktop to any machine from the machine currently having the issue, but cannot remote to the PC. I have disabled the firewall, removed the anti-virus...
  12. V

    Windows 7 Connected to Internet

    No Browsers Work. I have pinged out successfully and I am connected successfully. Google Chrome and IE Will not load any page. I tested using windows diagnoses and it is claiming there is a DNS issue? I flushed DNS, IPConfig /Release, Renew, stopped service and restarted and still nothing...
  13. neok182

    Windows 7 network connected with internet access but no internet

    full disclosure, i originally posted this on windows8forums since i'm on windows 8 but it's getting ignored there and my laptop is useless. I kinda doubt this is a specific windows 8 issue and i'm hoping that one of you may know a windows 7 fix that will work. My laptop is basically useless...
  14. D

    Windows 7 Internet randomly disconnects. Speed varies.

    So, I am running Windows 7 and started having trouble with my internet connection this morning. What happens is that my connection seems to cut out (or drastically slow to a crawl) intermittently and I get many "Server Not Found" errors while browsing. Everything will be fine for a minute or...
  15. neok182

    Windows 8 Win8 Shows connected to internet, but unable to load any webpage/app

    This is an Asus Zenbook UX32VD, it came with Windows 7 and i upgraded to Windows 8 on friday through the windows upgrade adivsor and everything went just fine. I connected to my network and internet with no problems on friday, saturday, and even this morning. Then upon opening the laptop a...
  16. R

    Windows 7 DNS server not responding. Differs from other thds

    Ok, after 4 days of research and much head scratching, I will enter the fray. I think that my problem is in my router after reading everything I can find on the net. I'm getting the error ' DNS server not responding' but have followed suggestions from this site and others to resolve the problem...
  17. T

    Windows 7 Getting strange lags.

    Hello everyone, This is my first time posting on this forum ^^ So I've recently (about a month ago) bought a gaming laptop. For the first three weeks everything was phenomenal about playing LoL on my new laptop. Unfortunately, about a week ago, I started having problems with my game. It's...
  18. J

    Windows 7 No internet access but DHCP working.

    My computer does not have internet access anymore. On my network, I have a wireless laptop, a wii console, a dsi console and two desktop wired computers. They all work fine on internet except one of my desktops. The defect one can obtain an IP address from my router or from my ISP if I bypass...
  19. georgewesker97

    Windows XP Connected but can't open anything in a browser

    So, when I try to connected to a public wireless network my computer starts "acquiring network address", and this is what the status says during connecting: Link Removed After that for a second it says Limited or no connectivity and then it says this: Link Removed When I try to open a page in a...
  20. P

    Windows 7 IPV6 Internet Problems

    Running W7 HP. Have Cisco E1500 router. NO homegroup, no sharing files, printers, etc. PC up-to-date, network adapter has latest DD's. No viruses, Security up-to-date. Internet usage is horrible. Pings to Google and other sites timing out. Using IE9 and have MSN as homepage. Click Google...