Hello! I didn't found any other section to post this and I'm running windows 10 on my PC so..
I'm wondering if is this possible!
For example 1 partition with windows 10, another one with linux. I start my computer and both systems will run, windows 10 as default system and with a simple...
I just have a fresh windows 7 on on harddrive here, installed like i always do, but this time i have a weird problem. always when i install a programm (doubleclick the exe), on the top of the monitor pops up the language bar. never had that before and I want it to go away forever. I...
I am running windows 7 sp1 on a laptop. I have 9 network drives mapped. After I close the laptop lid (hibernate) and re open the lid, all the network drives have red x's. I can click on each drive and they come back. Is there any way to stop this from happening?
drive access
drive mapping
file sharing
laptop issues
mapped drives
network drives
network issues
network troubles
power management
red x
sleep mode
user experience
windows 7
windows support
64-bit Windows 7, Home Premium sp1, AMD FX-8350 on an ASUS Sabertooth 990FX/Gen3 R2.0
Not sure whether I have a problem or not. I have been getting some bsod's while using Sysinternals Process Explorer. My question is not about the bsod's. I have another thread going on that and am in the...
Could anyone please help me find the registry key locations for the PC username, and the PC hostname on Windows Vista?
I could NOT find anything on Vista.
Thanks so much in advance.
Just to be clear, it's not one of those usual things. I got Win 7 Home Premium.
CMD, Task Manager, all exe files and GPEdit works fine. Everything works fine actually - exept regedit just does not respond.
I have Nod32 and my PC is virus / malware free.
All I want is just access to registry...
Where do I begin... This recently started happening, I don't know when but I think it was yesterday or the day before, prior to this I've never even seen Windows go into "Resuming Windows", it would just wake up from it's sleeps. But now it seems that every single time I put it to sleep it...
I got his BSOD since yesterday or the day before.
I used whocrashed and bluescreen viewer analyzed the error.
On Thu 3/26/2015 11:41:59 PM GMT your computer crashed
crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\032615-68531-01.dmp
This was probably caused by the following module: wanarp.sys...
Please help,
I have the same problem over and over again. I have an internet connection (I can watch tv with a windows 8 app) but when I open chrome, I can't surf to any site (same with Mozilla Firefox).
My friend told me to go to system configuration > services and switch everything off.
connectivity issue
hp laptop
loading problems
service management
technical support
use of services
user experience
web browsing
windows 8
I have a system with Windows 7 Pro x64 on it (came with it) with a full Windows 7 Installation DVD. It has a 500 GB drive with an 8 GB RAM. I partitioned it with AOMEI to give me an extra 100 GB primary drive.
On this I wanted to install a Windows 8.1 (x64). But it just wouldn't let me...
64 bit
disk management
dual boot
file transfer
installation dvd
merge partition
operating system
primary drive
problem solving
remove os
windows 7
windows 8.1
I booted into safe mode and it is not functioning. So I can't get to msconfig to uncheck safe mode boot. Is there a way to access the advanced boot menu before booting into Windows? Used to be F8 but doesn't seem to work in windows 10.
Help please
I had a working 64gigs SSD + 160gigs (friends) HDD. Today, my new 1TB HDD arrived, so I switches the HDDs, but after I wanted to boot, weird thing happened.
no partition
Grub Rescue >>
and something like that...
Okay I tried some things I found on net, but then I just reinstalled my...
boot issues
boot management
disk partition
error messages
grub rescue
hardware issues
operating system
pc repair
rescue mode
sata cable
systemconfigurationsystem disk
windows 7
windows installation
Hi there. I just recently moved over my RAM, hard drives, and CD-Drive to a new motherboard and CPU combo. My old build was AMD x86_64 architecture, and my new build is an Intel x86_64 architecture. I've worked out almost all of the driver kinks but it seems like now I'm having a hardware or...
I dual boot Win 7 and Win 10 TP.
If I want to switch OS, all I have to do is to click Restart and I will be given a choice of the 2 OSs. That's nice.
The time it takes to switch to the other OS seems to be forever. That's disgusting.
Is there any way to speed up the switch over ?
Hi, I'm Jenn, also new to these forums.
I stumbled upon a problem when switching from Windows 7 x64 to Windows 8.1 Pro x64.
I have the EXACT same setup, same laptop, same hardware, same programs, same configuration, everything.
Windows 7 never did anything like the problem I now have in Win 8.1...
Today I installed Win 10 Technical Preview into my VMware Player.
Install was successful. After all essentials setup, I proceeded to install 3 programs which I use in all my computers....... CCleaner, Malwarebytes (free) and MS Office Home and Student 2007.
I installed them and then ran the...
Press the Windows key+ R keys simultaneously to open the Run dialog box.
Type control userpasswords2 in the run prompt and press Enter key.
Click on your Microsoft account, uncheck the “Users must enter a user name and password to use this computer box”. Do the instructions and you are done.
account management
account settings
computer security
control panel
forum guide
login bypass
microsoft account
password change
password update
run dialog
tech tips
user access
user accounts
user passwords
windows 8.1
windows features
windows keys
Hi, I've searched but i can't find no solution..
bios detects 16gb (single-channel says)
msconfig/boot/advanced no memory limit
resource monitor: installed 16.384 total 8.171 available 6.252
windows 7 x64 ultimate
motherboard asrock 970 extreme4
please, does anyone know about this issue?