user engagement

  1. News

    Windows 7 Ask the Experts - Evan Lew

    In this “Ask the expert” video, Evan Lew, product manager for Office Web Apps, addresses some of the burning questions from our users. During this short video, Evan talks about Office Web Apps on mobile devices, co-authoring, the benefits and advantages of using Office Web Apps, and a variety of...
  2. Mike

    VIDEO Forum Syndication and Windows 8 Rumors

    New syndication efforts are being made to make and readily available to the great majority of the Internet. Much of this information will hopefully include breaking information about Windows 8 in the future.. In an effort to...
  3. Digerati

    User count

    When I look at this page: I see at the bottom it says there are currently 61502 users on line - (a record, no less!). Yet when I add up all the folks viewing the various forums, I only get about 16,000 folks viewing. What are the other 45,502 people doing if not...
  4. whoosh

    Windows 7 Office 2010 Downloaded 8.6 Million Times, Beats Windows 7 During the Beta program

    There is little doubt that Office 2010 deserves its position alongside Windows 7 as Microsoft’s key products. Judging in terms of the sheer size of the Beta testing process, Office 2010 is at least on par with Windows 7, if not enjoying even more success, than the latest iteration of the Windows...
  5. Mike

    Welcome to the Blog Section of Windows Forum!

    Windows Forums provides a blog creation system to our members. This blog system can be used for: Information Sharing Creative Writing Technical Journals Online Publication Opinion Pieces Independent Journalism Presentations Helping Others Connecting with Others Do not use the blog system to...