The game controller is easier on me, due to various nerve damge, etc. in my hands from my diabetes. Even with a controller, I can't play any game more than 10 minutes.
If I move my left thumb to a certain position, it and all my left fingers lock up. Excruciating pain when it happens.
Worst part is the position is like this. I'm doing a picture of my right thumb in the position the left is in when it locks up.
I get the left in that position quite frequently, by accident, especially while sleeping.
No surgery or treatments can be done to fix it, according to numerous doctors.
I've got a pinched nerve somewhere in my upper left arm that nobody will operate on.
In that case then the PC master race forgives...

I'd forgotten you had issues with your hands so yeah a controller sounds like it easier to use. Will they ever improve Keith?
I doubt it. The left hand has been like that since 2003. It's just gotten more frequent in the last 1-1 1/2 years.
I have a feeling I may get bad news when I go to my nephrologist about my kidneys. As this time I had to do 3 different types of 24-hour urine tests.
Normally, I only get 1 for my diabetic kidney disease and no chemicals are put in the test containe.
I know the 2nd 24-hour urine was because of my frequent kidney stone issues, to see if my extra diet and rolaids before any meal are working.
That's the 1st urine test that uses chemicals mixed in the container.
The 3rd test with uric acid in the container, has me thinking my diabetic kidney disease has progressed from stage2 or 3 (unsure which I was in) to stage 3 or 4.
Stage 4 they do surgery on your arm to connect a artery to a vein for stage fives dialysis.
Glad, I've never let medical stuff phase me or upset me.
Sorry to hear that Keith.. Let's hope they find or invent something that will actually work!
I learned along time ago not to hold my breath on medical stuff.
I experienced the worst with medical almost 40 years ago with my dad and his heart attack.
Then a year after he died (Friday was the 38th anniversary), I got diabetes.
Had he been alive when I got it, I think the military hospital would've had me on the right medicine from day one and I'd be in better shape now.
My mom didn't like going to the hospital, as my dad died there.
I understand that part of it, but if my dad was alive, my medical stuff would've been taken care of properly by my doctor's back then.
There were 2 medicines I should've been on and they were supposed to start checking my kidney's by the time I was 17 years old.
They didn't ever check my kidney's and the only type of insulin they had me on, took 12 hours to start working and it only worked for 18 hours. Yet, it was my fault according to them that my blood sugar was alway's high. Not that they didn't have me on fast acting insulin along with the long acting insulin.
If I could remember where in D.C. my records got sent to once I turned 21, I'd be a millionaire now. I have all the proof to sue our government for diabetic malpractice.
I just can't rememberwhere my dad said they stored medical records at after you lose your befits, as I was 9 and healthy, when he mentioned it.
My dad was a retired veteran, so I had benefits through him, until the day I turned 21.
I still can't believe that was over 28 years ago now.
Nice to know.
I've got some weird stuff going on I need to fix this week Medicare wise. I'm getting issues from it that damn well shouldn't be there.
I ran out of strips Tuesday night for checking my blood sugar. I went to my Pharmacy Tuesday afternoon and apparently my refills there for my insulin and test strips ran out.
When I was at my doctors in September, I asked for new prescriptions on everything.
Apparently they messed up and sent the prescription to my online pharmacy that does my insulin pump stuff.
Medicare apparently changed it, so I can only get my pump stuff from them.
Wednesday my doctors faxed the prescriptions for my insulin and strips to my local pharmacy. Apparently medicare now doesn't like the test strip prescription and doesn't want to cover what I pay them for to cover.
Calling Medicare is a waste of time tomorrow, as it's the day after a holiday for them and the lines will be busy all day.
What bullshit. Now all of a sudden I can't use my Medicare prescription plan I'm forced to pay for to get my medicine. If I can't get my medicine with it, why the hell do I have to have it or pay money for it, as it's a complete waste of money.
This is why I like our National health service with free universal care.
Yeah, our government absolutely suck's on anything health care related. I know this as I've dealt with it my entire 49 years of living. Complete joke of a system.
I'll guarantee if I did have my blood glucose test strips to check my blood sugar, it would be high due to the stress.
I'm real close to contacting all news channels, as this is ridiculous. Medicare part B covers diabetic medication and testing supplies, so why the hell can't I get mine all of a sudden?
I'm guessing your provider is just trying it on. Which with diabetes is a dangerous game to play.
No, I don't think so. My provider and pharmacy has been the same for year's now.
Finally got my prescription issue resolved. I just have to go pick them up tomorrow.
Next month I have to switch pharmacies, though.
Apparently Medicare altered how much they pay pharmacies for my insulin & Publix isn't happy about it.
That's o.k., Walgreens, Walmart and CVS are all closer to where I live now.
In case any of you have a Samsung ssd, they released Samsung Magician 5.0 yesterday. I haven't noticed any performance improvements in it. They did redo the looks of it, though.
Keyboard is off ale now. No games on Friday as the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt GOTY & Doom are back to full price on Steam. They'll have to wait until my old pc is sold. I may try to get a Samsung 850 EVO 1.0TB m.2. ssd once the old pc sells, too. That one depends on how much my eyeglasses cost.