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* Bugcheck Analysis *
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Use !analyze -v to get detailed debugging information.
BugCheck 1A, {61941, 1a2f82cb268, d, ffffd0002057fa00}
Probably caused by : ntkrnlmp.exe ( nt! ?? ::FNODOBFM::`string'+1e6d6 )
Followup: MachineOwner
I went through all your dump files (pheeew that's a lot!). You have many different Bugchecks which can sometimes be indicative of a hardware issue. Bugchecks 1A, A, 1E, 9F, 3B, 23, 7F, 50, D1 and FC were all present and the errors could be divided into 3 main groups consisting of memory, Storage/File system HDD and graphics.
I doubt there is an issue with all three areas and checking your system Bios I see it's version 0901 (a beta bios). The latest version stands at version 1801 and includes many stability updates:
Z170-AR - Support
You only need to update to the latest version to get what's included in the previous releases. If your unsure about flashing the bios then you may want to get the local pc shop to do it for you?
Please update your system drivers using the versions found on the moBo support page:
Z170-AR - Support
However, if the bsod continues after the bios flash and driver updates then first create a Recovery disk/USB:
Link Removed
Run the driver verifier (this can cause a bsod bootloop, if it does use the recovery disk/usb to boot from, enter safe mode and turn verifier off)
How do I fix a Blue Screen in Windows using Driver Verifier?
If your running Samsung Magician software for your SSD please check on the SMART data and health of the drive
If the bsod continues then you'll need to test your RAM. Windows does have a memory testing app but it can miss errors and the best app for the job is Memtest86.
If you open the link below you'll see you can run Memtest86 in two ways. You can either burn it to disk or install it onto a USB drive it's entirely up to you. You'll then need to enter the bios to change the boot order so you can boot from either the Disk or USB stick you have Memtest86 on.
You must test for at least 12 hours unless it becomes obvious there is a problem straight away.
Memtest86+ - Advanced Memory Diagnostic Tool
Please post any new dump files.