
New Member
Mar 19, 2014
I was on my laptop the other day and everything was running fine,
I was doing some work but got stressed so hit around the middle of my keyboard, not too hard.
But it made it crash. It froze the screen but things were still happening on it, so I turned it off and went to turn it back on.

I then realised that it wasn't starting up properly...

Boots up to a blank screen for ages, then eventually gets to my blue screen with a cursor
(like the login screen but without showing the users) just the regular background

Fixes I've tried:
.System repair. It crashes on looking for errors, I've left it for hours literally.
.Every single option on F8 menu. They all load to the same blue screen
.Burnt seatools to a disc and inserted it. It found around 100 errors but couldn't do anything on it.
.Samsung recovery. Loads to a green screen with 'Samsung recovery solution 5' and says please wait for hours, nothing happens.
.Taking the battery out and holding down the power button for a minute then putting it back, same thing happens.
.Taking the battery out and just having the cord plugged in, same thing happens.

I'm running out of ideas guys, and not sure if me hitting the keyboard had anything to do with it, as it really wasn't that hard.

Would love you guys to suggest other things, if you need any more info let me know.

I have no backup of my computer. I have lots of work on there that I need
I've had the laptop for around a year and a half.

Thanks in advance

Hi retep,
I was going to suggest returning under warranty saying you'd dropped it but not only is that dishonest you've also had the lappie for over 12 months and I guess the warranty is over.
Try this guide for running chkdsk outside of windows. Hopefully it might repair the drive enough for you to get into windows at least:

Oh and I also moved your thread to the correct section.
Hi retep,
I was going to suggest returning under warranty saying you'd dropped it but not only is that dishonest you've also had the lappie for over 12 months and I guess the warranty is over.
Try this guide for running chkdsk outside of windows. Hopefully it might repair the drive enough for you to get into windows at least:

Oh and I also moved your thread to the correct section.

Hi retep,
I was going to suggest returning under warranty saying you'd dropped it but not only is that dishonest you've also had the lappie for over 12 months and I guess the warranty is over.
Try this guide for running chkdsk outside of windows. Hopefully it might repair the drive enough for you to get into windows at least:|-windows-vista-tutorials/3903-disk-check-outside-windows-windows-7-windows-vista.html

Oh and I also moved your thread to the correct section.

hey, thanks for moving the thread and thanks for the info..

I found my windows 7 cd after a long look, inserted it but doesn't seem to come up at all. I've changed the boot priority to launch the cd first but nothing. I know there's nothing wrong with my cd drive too because the seatools thing worked a few days ago

normally once you change the boot order over to boot from disk you also have to watch for the on screen prompt: ' press any key to boot from CD' or words to that effect..

normally once you change the boot order over to boot from disk you also have to watch for the on screen prompt: ' press any key to boot from CD' or words to that effect..

the option to boot cd doesn't come up at all, it just keeps going to the same screen as before

To be honest it sounds buggered.. I guess you could find a forum dedicated to your particular make/model and enquire there but it sounds a tad terminal to me. (admittedly my experience is chiefly with desktops hence my suggestion re the other forum.) If you have a friend who's willing to help out you could always try removing the HDD and checking it's validity on your friends machine.

To be honest it sounds buggered.. I guess you could find a forum dedicated to your particular make/model and enquire there but it sounds a tad terminal to me. (admittedly my experience is chiefly with desktops hence my suggestion re the other forum.) If you have a friend who's willing to help out you could always try removing the HDD and checking it's validity on your friends machine.

I took my laptop into a shop and they said it's the HDD for sure, scary. because that's pretty much 500 GB of data at stake.
I guess this is the wrong forum to post in then. I'm going to take the HDD into samsung and ask about it.

Thanks for your help nonetheless. You were pretty spot on
