
New Member
Jan 16, 2009
Hi guys. I've installed Windows 7 Beta 1 (7000) about 3 days ago. In the beginning everything was fine. Windows didn't found driver for my network adapter and sound. I tryed the driver from XP and it worked fine for network adapter. Then I tryed to soundcard, and it worked fine again. Then I tryed for video card, because the driver installed by Windows 7 didn't gave me the ideal resolution (1280x800). The video driver worked fine too. I was really happy, when my nightmare began... Let's talk about the issues:

1- When I try to calculate the Windows Experience Index, the system freeze.

2- If I open my video folder, wich have thumbs of the videos, it freeze.

3- The worst one. If I install Windows Live Messenger (even through Essentials), when I open WLM the system freeze.

In all the cases nothing works (keyboard, mouse...) and I have to shut down manually. The 3rd case is the worst because WLM starts when Windows starts up, so first I have to go in Safe Mode to disable WLM in msconfig before starting again.

Well, I think that the problem is in my video driver (SiS M760GX). I tryed the Windows XP and Windows Vista drivers without success... I'm trying to get the latest version but actually I'm almost hopeless...

My PC: Acer Aspire 3004LCi - Semprom 3100+ 1.8GHz - 1.2GB RAM (128MB in video) - HD IDE 160GB.

I hope someone can help me. :frown:

I fixed it!! Well... almost that. After trying tons of drivers with no success, I tryed to change the hardware acceleration. Just disabled the Direct Draw thing and no more freezes. Right now I'm using WLM9 and it's working perfectly. I hope Microsoft fix this bug, it happens with other drivers and video cards.

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I just want to say I'm glad you were able to resolve the freezing issues on your Windows 7 installation by disabling hardware acceleration for DirectDraw. It's a great way to work around compatibility problems sometimes seen with older graphics cards or certain applications.
If you encounter any more difficulties or have other questions in the future, feel free to ask for assistance. Enjoy your Windows 7 experience!
