Windows 7 Windows7 freezes when idle

I suspect that something different is going on since I really never got a BSOD when I tried to wake up the system. I could do directory listings via the command line even though the system was otherwise partially frozen. The knowledge base article was interesting, but I am not convinced enough about the similarities to apply the referenced patch without some input from someone that knows the internals of Win 7 at a much deeper level than I.
I can't really think of anything more, but I do go back to the original supposition, that it freezed when idle. Windows 7 does a lot of things for housekeeping purposes during idle times. I don't know all of them, but defragging, drive checking, Self-healing, and other such tasks might be causing some violation in your system.

If you felt like trying, Process Monitor might help if you could let it run for the period during the freezes. Maybe it would be able to catch the situation before the freeze. You can download it from SysInternals. Set up a backing file on the hard drive so it won't try to use your memory.

Beyond that, I thought I would let you know about my new RAID system (2x640G WD Black) that seems to give an error message whenever I let it go to sleep. Messages like this would make me think the system could be corrupted if it happened often enough. My problem is more than likely an older motherboard, but I might try to track it down anyway. I don't suppose you have seen anything like this in your event viewer?

The platform firmware has corrupted memory across the previous system power transition. Please check for updated firmware for your system.

It does not do this when I put it to sleep.