
  1. A

    Windows 7 File size does not update in explorer

    Hi everyone, I have a problem with explorer: when I open a directory for example, and if a file in that directory is in use and 'growing' (its size is increasing), I don't see the change in the displayed size in the "size" column of explorer, even if I press F5. Strangely, it does update if I...
  2. P

    Windows 7 How to open pinned WinExplorer with a certain pre-selected and auto-expanded directory?

    In Windows XP I put a shortcut to WindowsExplorer on the desktop resp. the QuickLaunchBar and specified in the properties the following opening command: %SystemRoot%\explorer.exe /n,/e,D:\work When I clicked on this shortcut WinExplorer opened with the pre-selected and auto-expanded...
  3. P

    Windows 7 How to let a WinExplorer context menu run (only as administrator)?

    I would like to add a new item for Directories to the WinExplorer context menu. In former WInXP I simply add the following Registry entry: [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Directory\shell\OpenCmdPrompt\command] @="D:\\specialprog\\batchlog \"%1\"" However: This command is not recognized (for normal...
  4. C

    Windows 7 Unable Install Gadgets

    I am totally unable to install any gadgets. I am unzipping into a temporary directory then copying the .gadget file to the empty directory given to me by shell:gadgets. Clicking on that and chosing [Install] goes without error, but the gadget is not installed. I would have thought that...
  5. M

    Windows 7 "Error 0x80070091: The directory is not empty" = cannot delete folder?

    Have a problem with 2-3 directories that I cannot delete. If I try I get the following message: Error 0x80070091: The directory is not empty I have done a disk scan several times now - at first there where some errors, but they should now be fixed. Is there a way to force delete the folders...
  6. G

    Windows 7 Windows 7 can't browse SLES Samba directory via UNC

    Hi, I've got come across a very peculiar issue. We currently have approx 8 servers that are all running SLES 10 SP1 and have samba shares configured on them. On our Windows 7 machines, if I try to browse the shares via UNC (server1\share\directory) each directory comes up saying "this folder...
  7. T

    Windows 7 Where is the Start Menu located?

    In Windows XP, I can access my start menu through C:\Documents and Settings\...\Start Menu Where is the Start Menu for user and All Users in Windows 7? I tried opening that folder by right clicking on the Win7 start menu and clicking "Open Windows Explorer," but I can't find the resulting...
  8. K

    Windows 7 Network Attached Storage problem - changing permissions possible?

    Okay, I have a Hawking HNAS1 and I am able to use it with Windows 7 "for the most part", I did change my local security policies - network security - LAN Manager Authentication level to "Send LM & NTLM, use NTLMv2 if negotiated" - it doesn't work at all without this setting. The only thing I...
  9. N

    Windows 7 how to set the appearance of a directory ?

    Hello. I would like to change the appearance of a directory, to view the files as a list. How do i change it for good ? It seems there is not such an option :frown::confused:
  10. P

    Windows 7 Installing Adobe Acrobat Pro - Error 1317 or 1310

    Ok, this is a complicated back-story. Wasting third day trying to setup my old PC for my mom (new one coming tomorrow). So first I did a clean XP install on one partition. Then through it installed windows 7 on second partition. On the Win7 partition, first time I tried to installed Adobe...
  11. T

    Windows 7 Can't remove read only attribute

    This is not my first rodeo for sure. Well with win7 I guess it is. Anyway, I can't seem to get rid of the the read only attrib on a directory. I remove it and apply and close the window but when I look at the properties again, the box is colored again. (not a check mark) Meaning something in the...
  12. Windows 7 Folder Details in Explorer Status Bar

    Hello, I have been using Windows 7 for the past few months, and I am very happy with it. I have worked in the IT/MIS field and for years all you would get out of me when it came to windows would be gripes about this or that.. Many of my overall problems with Windows as an OS (Security Issues...
  13. Windows 7 VB6 Runtime issues in Windows 7 x64, stdole2.tlb in particular

    Heya, First time posting. I've recently been trying to install a game written in VB6 primarily for Windows XP, which did run fine in Vista x64. On installing I receive the following error message; "The file 'C:\Windows\system32\stdole2.tlb' could not be opened. Please check your disk is not...
  14. C

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Relaying Fault Hard Drive Space?

    Out of the 287 GB total, 201 GB is being consumed right after a clean install of the Windows 7 RC. I did delete the windows.old directory. I also checked with TreeSize, and it says I am only using 41GB of the harddrive space. Where could the rest of the 47 GB hard drive space be coming from...
  15. K

    Windows 7 Downloaded Files from FTP have small 'locks' - unexecutable! Help!

    Hi and thanks for reading. I recently downloaded some files from a safe FTP server, but they have small 'locks' on them. They won't run - I know this because the files I downloaded are maps for a game and although they are installed to the correct directory they are unusable. The game cannot...
  16. J

    Windows 7 Folders Shortcuts

    Does anyone know how to create a folder shortcut to a folder deep into the tree structure and show this shortcut as a folder under the root of C:?
  17. D

    Windows 7 Changing the user space to an other partition

    I've writen some scripts to change the C:\user to an other partition. all seems to work but I can not change the security on the SYMBLINK and Junctions (not the directories) assuming all in c:\users\%USERNAME% is machine independent ... All data will be recreated at first login anyhow...
  18. A

    Windows 7 CMD prompt dir problems

    Hai Thair Just recently(today) i noticed a problem with my CMD,when i type "help" or "attrib" or any other command that relates to an EXE in system32 it says unknown command blah blah but whne i have my CD as system32 it can find the help and atttrib EXE's just fine and i know this isint normal...
  19. M

    Windows 7 Windows Search Not Working in Specific Folder

    My problem is a bit weird and to be honest I'm finding it hard to determine what, if any, program could have caused this problem. Basically up until two days ago I was able to, in the top right search bar, begin to search for specific musical artist folders in one my music directories and it...
  20. L

    Windows 7 Error when replacing file .exe

    Has anyone met this error report: I'm programing with MS Visual C# And when I was trying to debug my program, Window prevented Visual Studio from replacing the .exe file on the bin directory and display that message. But If I try to wait 2 or 3 minutes and do nothing, I can debug again. And if...