help request

  1. M

    Windows 7 bsod stop 0124, please help

    hey all, been having some blue screen problems with my newly built pc. its only about 2 weeks old and i built it myself. I will attach the zipped file and hopefully included everything needed. If more info is needed please just ask and i'll get on it right away. Hoping to figure things out soon...
  2. T


    My PC: OS - Windows 7 Ultimate Case - Rosewill CHALLENGER Black Gaming ATX MB - ASUS M4A79XTD EVO AM3 AMD 790X ATX CPU - AMD Phenom II 965 Black Edition 3.4Ghz PSU - CORSAIR CMPSU-750TX 750W RAM - G-Skill Ripjaw Series 4GB DDR3 1600 x4 (16GB) HDD - Seagate Barracuda 7200 1.5TB GPU - XFX Radeon...
  3. J

    Windows 7 Help with this Blue Screen would be appreciated

    I've been getting a blue screen every few hours. I'm generally doing a different thing every time, so I'm not sure if there's a pattern or anything. I think I've attached everything needed. Thank you for any help. Link Removed
  4. K

    Windows 7 Blue Screen Crash

    Hi everyone My computer just crashed from this blue screen, I'm suspecting it's because of driver issues and I had tried to do a driver update for my computer but the update failed. Not sure how to solve it, help is appreciated. attached is the dump file from C:\Windows\Minidump
  5. J

    Windows 7 BSOD - 0x0000001E - Help please :<

    Hey hey, I've been getting BSOD repeatedly for the past week whilst gaming and even just on youtube and browsing the net. I've tried to identify the problem but I've had enough of dicking around now >.< I've attached screenshots of CPUID (6 of them for each tab) + files of my W7F Diagnostic...
  6. S

    Windows 7 Help! My admin account got deleted.

    I have just tried the below tip and later I end up in deleting my admin account.:( Login Directly Into Windows 7 Without Entering Password By Aun on Jul 21 2009 20 Comments Every time Windows 7 is started it asks you to select the username and enter the password to access your system, there is...
  7. Windows 8 Can't sign into music app and no smart DJ

    I'm not able to sign into music app.. There is no back button to goto Homepage and I can't use Smart DJ.. Please Help.. Pic Attached Link Removed
  8. Windows 8 "There was a problem resetting your PC"

    Hi guys I brought a dell a couple of months ago (Inspirion 17R) I have been having huge problems with the internet on it, so i wanted to reset the computer to see if that would fix the problem, but it then comes up with "There was a problem resetting your PC" and i have no clue how to fix it...
  9. M

    Windows 7 how to change extension of .txt file to .html in Windows 7?

    Hi, I want to know how to change extension of .txt file to .html in Windows 7? Looking and searching it on Google from last two days but not be able to get proper solution. In Windows XP it was really very simple to change the file extension. However I am not able to find perfect way that how...
  10. E

    Windows 7 Windows update problem unsolved

    I have searched Windows Update threads and tried a number of things suggested, all to no avail. I have prepared a long, detailed list of what was wrong and what I have done to correct it, but it's too long to paste here. I attached it below. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you...
  11. Windows 7 BSOD - Memory management

    I've been getting semi-frequent (few per day) BSOD's with the "memory management" message, mostly while playing WoW, but sometimes just doing random web surfing. On a possibly related note, I've been getting very frequent WoW errors that cite: "ERROR #132 (0x85100084) Fatal exception! Program...
  12. Windows 7 Windows 7 Crash dump and say System Operation Not Found

    Can someone help because it getting so irritating
  13. S

    Windows 7 Re-installing windows 7 from OEM CD gets a 0x8007003 error

    Ok, so i've had my current PC for about a year, and everything has gone smoothly until last night when I started to get some data error when unzipping compressed files. I googled the issue, and learned that this problem can be remedied by running a disk check for errors. So I tried, hit a snag...
  14. J

    Windows 8 Windows not using all RAM even though no limit?

    Hello everyone, I seem to have a problem at least i think i have a problem with my computer. The picture below is a picture of my computers information WHILE rendering a 3D-text object. I have done some research and cant seem to find a answer or im not sure what to do but i have gathered the...
  15. Windows 8 Can't Finish Account Setup Without Being Online...

    ...And Can't Get Online Without Finishing Account Setup! My admin at work configured a new laptop with Windows 8, created a user account on it for me and gave it to me so that I could get it setup with all my stuff over the weekend, ready to go on Monday morning. When I got it home this...
  16. D

    Windows 7 BSOD at login even at safe mode.

    Hello everyone, First of all: I'm very new here, I just registered to get some help because i'm in dire need of help. Really, really needy. My apologies for the wrong layout that needs to be done here but I really can't use that layout, because: * I can't install anything because I can't...
  17. Windows 7 BSOD a few times now.

    So, my computer Blue Screens about once every 24 hours or so, so it's not that bad yet, but it often happens when I'm not doing anything at the computer. It was only three times so far, but I figure that's more than enough to get help with it, so it doesn't keep happening. I love how when I...
  18. Windows 7 BSOD 0x000008E

    I have a user getting a BSOD but it isn't reporting any specific file or any second line underscored message. The only identifier is the STOP: 0x000008E and it's way too general. Can you check out the logs and other files the pinned topic requests and help me out? It would be very much...
  19. Windows 8 Media file Tag Data not appearing in Windows Explorer

    Hi all! I recently installed Windows 8. I noticed that at some point the media tags stopped displaying in Windows Explorer for media files such as mp3 and m4b. I am talking about such tags as "title" , "bitrate" and "length" for audio files, for example. Previously this data always displayed...
  20. S

    Windows 7 getting a buzzing sound/slight lag when playing music or movies.

    Just like the title says...... I'm encountering this annoying buzzing while playing a movie or music file. I first took it to Compusa and they looked at it and updated anything that had to be updated. They then hooked it up with there speakers and weren't able to replicate the issue. They then...