my documents

  1. P

    Windows 7 Mapped Drive problem

    A User stores their "My documents" on a NAS unit I have a mapped a drive through to My Documents ok however after each reboot the Mapped Drive is not connected & the Username & password must be entered in the connection window, a connection is then established ok I have checked "Save...
  2. H

    Windows 7 User folder sub folders

    Hello there , I have a question : In my user folder I see the following sub folders , My Documents , My Pictures , Desktop , My music , My Contacts , Favorites , Download etc. I wish to permanently remove a few of these folders , although I deleted , Desktop, My music , my contact etc...
  3. I

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Backup - File Skipped - x80070002

    Dell Studio XPS Laptop - Win 7 Home Premium - Intel i5 - 4 GB Ram At 97% completed, after 2:40 of back up time, Backup reported complete but a file skipped. "Backup encountered a problem while backing up file C:\Users\Paul\Desktop\2010_06_14. Error:(The system cannot find the file specified...
  4. V

    Windows 7 windows 7 problem

    when i start my pc after the authentication wizard my windows 7 opens My documents settings and in the background there is nothing just black screen when i close the my documents then black screen remains when i start explorer.exe from taskmanager then everything goes to normal. please give me...
  5. A

    Windows 7 Libraries Folder --> My Documents

    I want to know how to change my registry in order to do the following: #1 Force all actions that would create/use/edit/modify/(any other verb) any file in the libraries folder to instead preform that action in the My Documents folder instead. #2 Git rid of the Libraries icon. In...
  6. Windows 7 My Documents folder on C:

    My documents are all in a partition (labelled) "Terry" reserved for, well, my documents. They're in a folder called "My Documents". But in My Computer there is a "Terry" item too. Which relates to my log-in and is in the users folder of C: And that one also contains a "My Documents" folder. (My...
  7. D

    Windows 7 Source Path Too Long - Can't delete folder!!!!!

    Hi. I just upgraded from Vista to Windows 7 last weekend and I must say its been a really bad decision, Win7 is not so much of an improvement to me. We always think the grass is greener. The other idiot thing I did or didn't do was not back up so I could roll back to Vista so I am stuck with...
  8. Windows 7 Windows 7 Freezing when a window is opened

    I'm not sure what the solution is, but whenever I open various windows, such as My documents,My Computer or even open my external drive.. I will not be able to switch back to the other windows. I can click them, but they do not light up and I'm not able to close them. The only way around...
  9. J

    Windows 7 Use one hd to boot and other as defualt documents and programs folder?

    hey , i have a question, i had a 30gb ssd tht boots to windows 7, then i have a 1tb drive that i use for pics and vids and stuff, but what i want to do is install windows on the 30 gb and have it so when i install programs the defualt location is on the 1tb hard drive, and so that the defualt...
  10. B

    Windows 7 Help with changing 'My Documents' target please!

    Hi I just installed Windows 7. Now I encountered one problem... Before installing, I made back up of all files and that included My documents. I just drag it to the 'Back up" folder and the copy was made. After the install, I organzied everything that includes moving my documents to the...
  11. J

    Windows 7 I don't understand "home folder" behavior under Win7 on a Windows domain

    I am the sysadmin for a WS2k3 network at a small school. All users have a "home" folder on the file server mapped as their R: drive. (Additionally, for students I have redirected their "My Documents" folder to their R: drive.) Under WinXP it worked fine. But with Win7RC I'm starting to get...
  12. O

    Windows 7 Lost documents, "unresponsive" folders

    Documents that I saved remained in the Wordpad recent documents for a couple of days, then disappeared, then a search found no trace of the documents. Indexing is on for the whole drive. They are not in any folders that I can find. And a perhaps related problem - the Library had labeled both...
  13. Windows 7 My Documents access problem after reinstall

    I installed W7 a few days ago but had problems so I reinstalled it today setting up the same user name as before. I had my My Documents folder on my D drive and set that up as it's new location. On my new installation that My Documents folder is only readable. If I try and add anything to it...
  14. M

    Windows 7 2 My Documents folders ?

    i opened %userprofile% folder and found that there are 2 My Documents folders. Does windows 7 allowing same names now ? Both are exact same name, copy name paste to other has no effect as if they were named differently but not. This making me confused where user data is stored. Is this normal ...
  15. Windows 7 Moving Folder Location Question

    Hi I'm really confused about what I should do. I recently wiped my HDD after getting a new box, installed XP then W7RC. When installing XP, I made 2 Partitions, C:/ and D:/. The C:/ drive was ~100 GB on which I installed the OS, and the D:/ Drive was ~130 GB. What I then did was copy the...
  16. Windows 7 Getting permissions back from Win 7

    I'm running XP Pro, and installed Win 7 on a second hard drive so I could dual boot (which worked fine). I'm an admin for both boots, as well as the only user. I've now managed to hijack almost all of my access with Win 7 via those "You do not have permission to access this folder. To take...
  17. G

    Windows 7 arrange by name and all my files are gone! bug?

    This is weird... When I arrange a folder by name that is located in My Documents, all the files disappear and refresh doesnt bring them back! I can reproduce it consistently using blank text documents. If I copy that folder and paste it somewhere outside my documents, I can see the contents...
  18. Windows 7 Explorer Doesnt start

    ok i have another problem :P which now is windows 7 related XD When i start my pc and log in on my account all comes up is a my documents window.. which means the explorer doesnt start properly.. when i do ctrl + alt + del and run explorer everything works perfectly i get the taskbar and...
  19. Windows 7 XP File Permissions

    Hello world! I have been using XP and Windows 7 for a while now, and have been keeping my media all on my XP partition. Windows 7 added it's permission settings to the "My Documents" folder of my XP installation just fine, and was working without a hitch. Yesterday, I tried to share the XP "My...
  20. Windows 7 positioning windows on desktop

    I don't know if I'm being dim and missed a switch or something but I can't seem to arrange my windows on the desktop anymore so that they appear where I need them when opened ? this is important to me as I am used to working in My documents and My computer simultaneously with those two...