
  1. R

    Windows 7 Win 7 loses Drive Mapping after sleeping

    I finally got my NAS mapped to my Win7 machine and when the PC goes into Power Saver (Sleep Mode) it loses the drive mapping. Logging off and back on does not seem to restore the mapping, only restarting. Also Win 7 doesn't see the other WinXP machines on the network? I have gone through the...
  2. K

    Windows 7 Network Attached Storage problem - changing permissions possible?

    Okay, I have a Hawking HNAS1 and I am able to use it with Windows 7 "for the most part", I did change my local security policies - network security - LAN Manager Authentication level to "Send LM & NTLM, use NTLMv2 if negotiated" - it doesn't work at all without this setting. The only thing I...
  3. Windows 7 network file copy Win7 > Vista - Dies

    I'm trying to copy DVD's and other large files from one win7 pc where I process and them over to my vista based mediacentre box. I have a Win7 box (source) and a Vista SP2 box (dest). I also have a QNAP TS-209 NAS box on the same network (which is gigabit). Source has a Realtelk PCIe GBE...
  4. T

    Windows 7 NAS not working in Windows 7

    Hello, I'm unable to acces my Landisk Pro drive. "Link Removed is not accessible. You might not have permission to use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find out if yopu have access permissions. The account is not authorized to log in from this station." Outher...
  5. Windows 7 Problem with sharing a folder to XP

    Hi. I have a little problem that is driving me insane. I have looked and looked on the net and through these forums with no luck. First, let me tell you my network setup. 1x Laptop with XP pro (using wireless) 1x Desktop with Win7 Ultimate (using wire) 1x DSL/WiFi router/modem combo (ISP is...
  6. Windows 7 Upgrade 32 bit XP to 64 Bit Windows 7?

    Hello! I have read the sticky notes and similar articles and have read forum posts, but none seem to address what I've encountered. I had a project to completely rebuild a PC that had been running 32 bit XP Pro. The PC is used mostly as a NAS. My intention was to put 64 bit Windows 7 on the...
  7. D

    Windows 7 Network error 0x80070035

    Just did an upgrade install of Windows 7 over Vista 64-bit. Everything is perfect except for the dreaded 0x80070035 "The network path was not found" error when I try to connect to my HPserver NAS. It worked perfectly under Vista. I can see the server in Explorer and I can ping the address. I can...
  8. C

    Windows 7 NAS via wireless

    Hi listers, On laptop that connects wirelessly, while I can *see* all the folders on the NAS I can only access a few. For instance, I can see "\\MyNAS\Share\Test" (which is an empty folder I created) but if I try to access "\\MyNAS\Share\Downloads" it waits for a bit then tells me...
  9. Windows 7 No passwords, share everything?

    Hello. My network consists of a Windows 7 PC, A debian mythtv box, a Macintosh G4 10.3.9 and a Windows XP SP3 laptop. I like this combination (the laptop is a Via based unit which came with Vista but turned out to be way too slow, so I *upgraded* it to XP which runs - and has always run -...
  10. B

    Windows 7 Help With Network Storage Libraries and Indexing

    Help With Network Storage Libraries and Indexing: I have all my documents stored on a 3TB RAID 5 NAS. I would like to add some of the folders on my NAS to my Windows Libraries. I would also like to index the entire NAS. Is there any way to do this without copying and taking space on my actual...
  11. H

    Windows Vista Simpletech NAS folder protection

    Hello: I have a Simpletech Network Attached Storage 250gb Link Removed due to 404 Error. It uses a web-page style configuration application that allows me to put a password on a folder. The folder can then be opened from a Windows XP machine on the the same LAN just by entering the...
  12. G

    Windows 7 Problem conecting to a network share.

    When I am connecting to my NAS I punch in the user and password that i nessicery for this. And I get the share conected to R:\ And all workes fine. But when I restart the computer I have to punch in the cridentials again. And I have checked the box for Windows to save the cridentials. Any...
  13. Windows 7 HowTo: Accessing NAS locations through libraries

    Hi All, I have seen alot of people having issues with NAS devices and Win7 Libraries (including myself). I have already posted this in response to a query on the subject elsewhere in the forums, but thought I would stick it here as well - hope no-one minds. This relates to people who are...
  14. A

    Windows 7 Can't find NAS and other devices

    I recently upgraded from Vista to Windows 7. When I go into network sharing, the computer does not see my NAS drive nor does it see the other computer on the network which is running XP and vice versa. I've tried everything to get it to recognize the NAS and the other computer to no avail...
  15. C

    Windows 7 Indexing software that works on x64 with network shares?

    So in addition to switching my machines over to Windows 7, I recently added a NAS, so most of my stuff is now on my network. Which sometimes makes it hard to find things, but indexing network resources isn't supported under the indexer so...any suggestions for something that does work for that...
  16. J

    Windows 7 windows media player and NAS

    why can't I choose which floders I want Media Player to monitor? All of my Media files are on my NAS. I can access the share and open individual files, but Windows wont index the NAS?!?:confused:
  17. A

    Windows 7 internet help!!!

    I call upon those more intelligent than i to assist with my headache! I am loving the windows 7 system, moving straight from XP, but just a couple of niggles. Everytime i reboot my pc my internet connection dies and displays 'local connection only'. This is with both or either my wireless...
  18. Windows 7 movies in windows media center

    i like the new movies section in media center but i am wondering how it compares to the myMovies plugin. i pointed it to my movies folder on my nas and it sees all the movies but doent seem to have any metadata for nay of them... and only covers for a few of them... is there a good way to get...
  19. H

    Windows 7 Transferring/ swapping files via VPN connection causing BSOD

    Transferring/ swapping files from NAS causing BSOD A strange bug, but, every time I connect to my brothers computer in Scotland using a VPN connection [I live in The Netherlands] I am getting a blue screen of death [BSOD] which is preceeded by a crash of explorer.exe. I've tried transferring...
  20. T

    Windows 7 Atheros WLAN Problems

    I have an Atheros AR5007 WLAN NIC in my laptop i have just build Windows 7 on! When i try to connect to my NAS i get 'network error (1208)'! I have tried every driver available from the Atheros website and the unofficial website and get the same happen no matter what version is...