partition magic

  1. G

    Windows 10 Windows 10 storage space "full" when trying to copy files

    I have 2 identical hard drives set up as a "storage space" in a redundant mode. Since the last forced crap windows update or so, when I try to copy a file of any size to the space, it says the drive is full. Windows explorer, system, terracopy, ubuntu subsystem, partition magic and western...
  2. Caeden

    Windows 7 How to remove software from boot

    A while back I used Partition Magic Pro v7 (the last good one) to change some setting on my system drive. Surprisingly it worked (originally designed for win2K), but the problem is that it doesn't think that it worked. Now every time my computer boots it tries running the partition magic...
  3. V

    Windows 7 help Partition magic 8 problem

    i installed an old partition program called partiton magic 8 without knowing the specs anyhow i installed the program when i tried run it it sjowed an error.I thought of changing the compatibility settings i set it to xp mode and then tried to run it again some error came but after a while i had...
  4. J

    Windows 7 Partition Magic and Windows 7 - Partitions Unaccessible

    I made a mistake in letting Partition Magic 8 "repair" my HD. now I have lost my partitions except my C: D:, E:, F:, G: are gone and I can't even access them in Windows 7 disc management. When I tried to assign drive letters to each partition, I receive an error message "The opreation failed to...
  5. R

    Windows 7 My hard drive (not c drive) is not showing.

    My hard drive is not showing in my computer. I installed partition magic and it showed to fix some errors and i clicked yes it fixed 2 errors and then showed some problem.........and my laptop restarted and after it was reboot my two other drives not showing in my computer.......i tried to give...
  6. ExTaCy

    Windows 7 Triple Boot ( Windows XP , 7 And Linux Backtrack)

    Hello there, how can I triple boot on 3 different partitions of 1 HDD Windows xp , 7 , and linux backtrack? :) Please help me, I tried and got bootmgr file missing... and I had to format cause I made something on Partition Magic that hided my partitions and now they are inactive..:S anyway if...
  7. sqzdog

    Windows 7 Win7 won't boot after installing non-compatible partition magic (I know....)

    I wanted to resize the partitions on an external hard drive, so I installed Partition magic 8 on my brand new Windows 7 machine. I have used PM on XP and just wasn't thinking when I installed it that it wasn't compatible. Now my computer won't boot. I can't roll back to a previous time because I...
  8. K

    Windows 7 Windows partition lost, help

    Hello everyone, Sorry if I posted this wrong but I am going nuts right now. I did have a windows 7 installation on my laptop with 1 HDD 320 GB and 2 partitions, 85GB and 225 GB or something like that. My windows was installed on the 85 GB partition called ACER[C:] and my stuff/documents were...
  9. N

    Windows 7 SupremeFX II Audio Card drivers wont work

    I have a Asus P5E motherboard that uses a SupremeFX II audio card that follows with it. I installed windows 7 a couple of days ago and it actually worked fine. Then stupid enough i started playing around with partition magic abit and it fucked up my hardrive, so i was forced to reinstall...
  10. T

    Windows 7 Install on Fat 32?

    I realise this will make me seem somewhat dinosaur-like, but for a very good reason, I would like to install Win 7 on a Fat32 partition. I cannot find any way to do so. Can anyone provide a means to do this, even perhap using Partition Magic or Acronis etc to convert the partition to Fat 32...
  11. S

    Windows 7 windows 7 64 bit problem

    Hi, i had installed windows 7 (RC candidate build 7100)on my Dell studio 1555 laptop which had windows sp1 32 bit home premium. I had opted for clean install. My problem is that it worked like a dream for almost 3 weeks . But after a normal shut down now comp won't boot,it just freezes when the...
  12. pork

    Windows 7 Windows 7 - Can not find partition

    I have windows 7 rc x64 installed , which occurs Partition Magic installed some errors occurred when i know it was another error and reset machine, the operating system does not boot more, when getting in way of security to try to load the file classpnp.sys reset it, is that Windows...
  13. T

    Windows 7 Partioning a 1TB hard drive

    I've got a dell studio xps desktop with a 1TB Samsung HDD. I want to shrink the C drive and expand the D drive but I can't do it with either windows or Paragon Partionmagic. I get an error message in Partition magic that it won't work on a 64 bit OS. Anyone any ideas? Tom
  14. G

    Windows 7 Moving 2nd partition onto deleted 1st partition?

    I put 7100 on a second partition on my p.c. so I could test it out since I have had to revert to 7000 paritition on this machine on all builds after 7022 due to internet loss bug. However I have solved the problem and am now ready to move the second partition over onto the first one, which I...
  15. B

    Windows 7 removing win 7 from dual booted with xp

    i have xp and win 7 dual booted. xp on c drive. i want to remove win 7. i dont want to merge the partions im going to use the 2nd partion to store files. my concern is what to do about the boot. can i just use partion magic to formate the win 7 partion. thanks for any help
  16. B

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Beta: Blue screen, Memory dump

    I recently installed Windows 7 onto my PC at home.. It seemed to install ok but shortly after startup it blue screens, dumping the memory and restarting the computer. Originally I thought this could be a problem with my HD, I had to use Partition Magic in order to dual boot XP and 7 and I...
  17. R

    Windows 7 Windows 7 won't boot on dual boot system

    Hi, I have a computer with two physical sata drives on one of which is a 32 bit version of XP. I had Vista on the second untill this past weekend when I pulled it to install the new Windows 7 beta 64 bits. Before installing I used Partition Magic to re-partition and format. All went well with...
  18. ArchTech

    Hard Drive Partition

    I'm planning to partition my current Hard Drive, yet this could be the first time to partition my currently use HD(yet I did pration before but before I install OS, yet this is my second reformated drive cuz by OS conflicts & I forgot to make two partitions). Yet I just want to know if it's...