
  1. J

    Windows 7 No Internet Connection - Wired

    Alright, so I just did a fresh install of Windows 7 build 7086 x64. Everything works just find, except my network adapters. I'll detail system specs after I explain the problem. When i connect one of my cables, the computer attempts to identify the network. It doesnt. I check IPconfig, and it...
  2. Windows 7 Wireless ping spikes and my solution...

    Well, it is definitely a problem with Windows 7 and the Linksys WMP54G wireless card's driver (and the Ralink drivers for that matter!). I finally got my MSI Turbo-G Wireless Adapter last weekend. Did a fresh install of Windows 7 with the adapter physically installed in the system. Once...
  3. Windows 7 W7 XP Networking Issue

    Hi, I am having major networking issues. I’ve two systems that I’m trying to network. One’s a laptop running Windows 7 Beta (Build 7057) and the other is a desktop running Windows XP Pro SP3. I’ll detail the problem first, and then describe what I’ve...
  4. N

    Windows 7 "turn on network discovery wont stay 'on'" and connecting to an xp machine

    I have an xp machine connected by wire to a wireless router, which my win7 machine is accessing wirelessly. I want to be able to take files off my old xp machine machine onto my new win7. I dont mind if I canonly see a connection from one side or another as long as I can grab these veyr large...
  5. L

    Windows Vista internet speed suckage

    Has anyone noticed a serious SUCKAGE of internet speed with 7022? my torrents are taking FOREVER to d/load. and i don't mean overnight, i mean DAYS, and utorrent indicates weeks to finish d/loading. I called my ISP when i had 2 second Ping times, and they reprovisioned my cable modem. It...
  6. J

    Windows 7 W7 Build 7000 X-64 Weird Networking Problem

    OK guys -- as I've posted else where I'm happy with X-32. Now I'm seriously testing the 64 bit version. For 64 bit only build 7000 seems available at the moment even from "the usual places" where treasure can be found.:razz::razz: Strange networking problem - even with all firewalls off...
  7. J

    Windows Vista No internet on fresh windows 7 install

    Just installed windows 7 on a spare laptop hard drive I had. Installation went fine, got suspicious when windows update didnt do anything after 15 minutes of looking for updates. Loaded IE and no sites would load. If I put ping into cmd, it pings fine... Any ideas? Cheers Laptop...
  8. C

    Windows 7 Windows 7 & 2003 Domain

    Ok, here's a weird one. I just got Win 7 all up and running and I've joined it to my domain. The domain in question is named Empire.local and we have two DC's. One's name is EOM with the IP of and the other is EXCHANGE with the IP of Once I'm logged into...
  9. Windows 7 internet lag [+tf2]

    hi guys, i instaled windows seven and now my ping on tf2 is like 100, before with xp was like 40, 50. many other guys doesnt have this problem are there any fix, update or stuff to fix it? :(
  10. H

    Windows 7 Windows 7 7000+ Build / Super Slow NET!

    Alright I've reinstalled Windows 7 multiply times.. all my drivers are up to par. For the life of me, I can't figure out what's causing my ping to fluctuate so drastically. I've tried disabling both windows defender/firewall/UAC with no ado. I'm currently using a direct lan connection and have...
  11. B

    Windows 7 Windows 7 computers not visible and cannot see others on the network

    I have 2 Windows 7 boxes (one laptop and one desktop) plus a vista machine and a Windows Home server. All but the Home server is connected via a wireless connection. All machines can access the web, etc. however only the home server is visible on the network (and the home server can access the...
  12. T

    Windows Vista Vista does not allow access to certain websites

    I’m currently running Windows Vista Ultima 32bit on a Dell Inspiron D530. My problem is I can’t access certain websites i.e. LINKEDIN the browser will search forever and not find the site. I don’t think it’s a browser issues (Internet Explorer), the same problem occurs on Safari as well. I’ve...
  13. U

    Windows Vista Cannot connect to Network Printer with Vista

    I have a network printer (OKI C3200n) running on my home network. I can print wirelessly through my two XP laptops, but I am unable to successfully print to this printer using my new laptop which is running Vista (HP Pavilion dv200). I have configured the printer to connect via a local...
  14. B

    Windows Vista web page loading problem

    Hello folks!! well its been a while since i fixed it up all with vista and got it running just perfect, thanks to "Link Removed", who helped me with my previous post for maintain and fixing vista. well as new problems bloom on vista tree everyday as i keep on trying different things on it, i...
  15. B

    Windows Vista Vista Network with XP

    I am trying to net work a vista machine with xp any one out there has the now how to doit:( I can ping xp to xp not vista to Xp or XP to Vista.