Don't have administrator access. Want to defrag and install new prograI am using a laptop with following sepc:
ThinkPad lenovo laptop, T410i
Windows 7 Professional 64bit
This laptop is companie's one and I am using at home.
I don't have administrator access and neither I have the password...
access issues
company policy
computer maintenance
home use
it support
software installation
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user account
user permissions
windows 7
I am trying to use WLM RA to connect to another W7 PC. Occasionally it works OK but usually when I accept the invite WLM disconnects me and brings up a box telling me it will reconnect in X seconds.
If I keeping getting the other PC to send invites it might eventually work but it may take...
Need a little help from an expert on Remote Assistance…
I use windows remote assistance (RA) often to preclude the painfully grueling challenge of explaining computer stuff to elderly (and grossly inept) computer users. RA works great to show these users how to do something in a snap, but...
computer help
easy connect
expert help
linksys e3000
modem issues
norton 360
port forwarding
remoteassistanceremote desktop
router configuration
static ip
tech support
user support
windows 7
windows bug
Microsoft tech troubleshooter extraordinaire Gov Maharaj and I help walk you through troubleshooting solutions to your tech support problems. Starting this week we have an email address setup that you can also contact us with, it is We will still be checking comments...
defrag show
device drivers
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email contact
file locks
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pdf issues
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sticky keys
system errors
tech solutions
tech support
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wifi issues
windows 7
We are rolling out Windows 7 and need a way to remotely take over machines. We have a Citrix farm running on a Windows 2003 server environment and would like to publish an "Offer Remote Assistance" icon for our techs. Can we use 2003's Offer Remote Assistance to connect to Windows 7 machines...
I am trying to set up Remote Desktop access onto my Windows 7 laptop from a windows phone.
Basically my problem is that the option to allow connections to windows 7 is missing.
Here is what it should look like:
Link Removed
And here is what mine looks like:
Link Removed due to 404 Error...
Hi all,
Desperately having trouble with remote desktop connection on my new Windows 7 OS.
I have disabled Windows Firewall, there is no internet security on the pc at the moment (new pc) and I continue experiencing error 'This computer cant connect to the remote computer'.
I previously had an...
Windows remote assistance works great! Unfortunately I have not been able to use the "Easy Connect" feature lately. I used the Easy Connect before, but one day it shows as I can't.
I have uninstalled all applications that I installed when it occurred, updated all drivers, ran the Windows 7...
I continue to get this message while attempting to get Remote Assistance to work..
Internet Connectivity Evaluation - Active X is not installed.
I have tried this numerous times, each time click the bar on the top of the IE allowing the "IGDTool 1.3.5 Cab" to install itself, but it does nothing.
I have two PCs - one with Win 7, Pro 32 bit and the other Win 7, Ultimate 64 bit. On the 32 bit machine I can easly provide Remote Assistance to others via a request coming in from Windows Live Messenger (ver 2009 - build 14.0.8089.726), but on the 64 bit machine I can 'accept' the incoming...
64 bit
help request
home network
outbound rules
pc problems
remoteassistanceremote support
technical issues
windows 7
windows live messenger
I have recently purchased a dell inspiron 1545 laptop with windows 7 home premuim installed, i also purchased an acer 531 netbook with windows xp home installed for my girlfriend.
Wanted to install some bits and bobs on her lappy via remote assistance through windows live messenger, and...
I have recently helped a few friends with Windows 7 build 7100 with no previous problems. Today a friend with a recent Window 7 build 7100 installation needed assistance and I suggest we use Windows Remote Assistance. He has a 3 year old Toshiba Laptop U205 with 2 GB of RAM and it seems to...