
  1. Windows 7 Windows 7 And Windows Vista: Performance Compared

    Table of contents 1 – How Much Better Is Windows 7? 2 – Windows History 3 – Hardware And Test Details 4 – Test Setup 5 – Benchmark Results: Synthetics 6 – Benchmark Results: Application And Audio/Video Performance 7 – Benchmark Results...
  2. I

    Windows 7 AutoSelect User on WakeUp after StandBy

    Hi guys, I Wonder... Is there a way for windows seven to auto select the user when coming back from StandBy? I only have one user and it's already logged on! Thank you
  3. C

    Windows 7 boot disk failure insert system disk and press enter

    hello once again iam having a new problem when i place my windows 7 / computer into s3 sleep mode and then later resume it the computer starts ok but the screen stays on standby and then i have to reboot when i reboot i get the message( boot disk failure insert system disk and press enter) what...
  4. I

    Windows 7 Standby mode

    Hi, I had Win XP and I configured the "sleep" button in my Microsoft's keyboard to get computer into Stanby mode, which means the computer is set off, but the memory is on and when I click the mouse button the computer starts and show me the state I was before the standby mode (S3). I...
  5. R

    Windows 7 Dropping my internet connection in Windows 7

    I've been using windows 7 for quite some time now. I had my time with both the beta and the RC1. I have installed the retail Windows 7 Home Premium. It regularly 'drops' my internet connection, and almost always does when coming out of standy/sleep or hibernation. I'll be downloading...
  6. U

    Windows 7 make windows 7 auto-sleep/standby after time

    so i like to listen to pandora before i sleep, is there a way to make windows 7 sleep/standby (not hibernate) after like an hour or after X time?
  7. U

    Windows 7 how to disable usb power in standby?

    so i usually have an external plugged in and i usually put my laptop (a hp dv5t) to sleep mode at night, but the external harddrive still stays on. how do i disable usb power in standby mode? i already went into advance power options and couldn't find anything. also, in power settings, USB...
  8. Windows 7 2 Issues with RC (build 7100)

    Hi! Just upgraded to Windows 7 RC and loving it so far. Really a change over XP and I'm actually liking the organization a bit more! I've had most of my issues resolved right off the bat as it just "works"! However, 2 issues are plaguing it that I would like to see if I can get some tips on...
  9. R

    Windows 7 Monitor Goes Into Standby After Installation

    Hey everyone, I've done a clean install of Windows RC 7 (64-bit), and at the point where the install says "determining video settings" (or something similar) my monitor will go into standby mode and nothing will wake it up. After rebooting, I can get to the part where it wants me to enter the...
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    Windows 7 Stubborn Monitor Standby

    Hi there. I seem to be having a problem with my monitor going into standby after say 10 to 15 mins? (not sure to be honest) I have made sure this is NOT selected in my Power or Screensaver settings. I use my own created Power Profile with this always on. Using a LG L196WTQ connected as...
  11. A

    Windows 7 USB Bluetooth Dongle AND Standby mode (S3)

    Hi all, Do you own an USB Bluetooth Dongle? I want to ask can I wake up my PC by Bluetooth mouse or keyboard out from S3 mode? Thanks, Bee
  12. J

    Windows 7 Taskbar disappears

    I'm running windows 7RC now more than a month and it makes me smile :) But i've got one problem. When my laptop awakes from standby or when i am not using my laptop for a long time (more than a hour), the taskbar disappears. I can open the start menu with the windows button and all programs work...
  13. I

    Windows 7 A USB device no longer works on a Windows 7

    Hello everybody, My USB Keyboard doesn't work on Windows RC, the issue is exactly same as Vista KB948643 "A USB device no longer works on a Windows Vista-based computer after you resume the computer from standby (S3) or from hibernation (S4)", is anybody know how to fix it in Windows 7? Many...
  14. B

    Windows 7 Windows 7 isn't finding my monitor....

    Hello guys, I just finished installing Windows 7 and my monitor is plugged in but the light is on standby. It doesn't seem to recognize it. I works fine on Vista but I cannot seem to get it working. Any help or suggestions? Regards, BloodedMayhem.
  15. L

    Windows 7 I can connect to router, network shares, but no Internet?

    I'm running Windows 7 on my Asus laptop with the Intel 5100 AGN card. Being that it's a laptop, it gets moved around a lot and connects to several networks. When I get to a new location, I resume from standby and it automatically connects to the wireless network. However, sometimes I will...
  16. K

    Windows 7 video signal is lost during first boot

    I finished the install and tried loading up windows but after it tries to go passed the loading menu with the logo my monitor goes into standby mode, so that tells me that for some reason I'm losing video signal. Is it possible that windows 7 doesn't support my 9800GX2 yet?
  17. S

    Windows 7 Screensaver won't invoke..

    ..wondering if it's a bug or if the power settings for this laptop need tweaking to get the screensaver to work. I have it set at "high performance" because it's most often plugged in. Screensaver is set to come on at 21 minutes of no use. "Standby" and all that is set to "never."
  18. N

    Windows Vista Alternative to group policy editor in Vista Basic?

    Running Vista Basic on a notebook with multiple user accounts. Since no policy editor exists on the basic verssion, from what I have found, is there another method to make configuration changes to ALL users? Specifically, I want to set the power settings globally for all users. MORE...