
  1. R

    Windows XP XP has stopped booting

    Hi I recently did a clean install of XP home on a Dell XPS M1210. This was SP2, but I installed SP3 and all the latest Windows updates, as well as a host of drivers off the Dell website. So far so good. I want to use this for playing back wmp audio files to a D to A converter. So I...
  2. J

    Windows 7 ClickLock enables automatically during Win7 restart

    Hello, I have a problem with ClickLock on Windows 7 x64 with Lenovo G580. This problem occurs in my sister's computer to which I don't have physical access but in case of need I may establish TeamViewer session with her. She dislikes the feature of ClickLock really much so I have disabled it...
  3. R

    Windows 7 How can i block all incoming and outgoing traffic except Teamviewer?

    Hello everyone. I'm trying to figure how i can block all incoming and outgoing traffic except Teamviewer? I've been trying to achieve this with the Windows 7 firewall but no succes. Anybody any ideas?
  4. Trouble

    Windows 8 Remote Desktop

    In my searching today across the vast InterWeb I found this and thought I would pass it along. Link Removed Tested it with a friend in England and it seem to work fine across the pond. So I would be interested in any comments with respect to how it compares in your opinion with other services...
  5. Windows 7 on Android OS

    Windows 7 on Android OS

    I continue my discussion, observation, and muse as I delve into the far reaches of Windows 7 on Android using the free TeamViewer app... join me in this discussion, as I marvel at the advancements taking place in the form of the re-consolidation of centralized networking (cloud computing) and...
  6. Remote Desktop Solutions

    Remote Desktop Solutions

    We examine a vast number of remote desktop solutions, remote support utilities, and remote desktop connection software to allow for remote access from nearly anywhere in the world. We evaluate these tools to determine their overall value, usefulness, and ability to be used realistically in both...
  7. D

    Windows 8 BSOD on new build with Asus 7870

    Hey guys! I was wondering if anyone could help me. I keep getting seemingly random bsod's. The last one I got was from opening a picture, and bam. Before that, it would be while starting a game. Sometimes, when I am using TeamViewer from work to get into this machine, running executables makes...
  8. J

    Windows 7 Help me debug

    Can someone help me? I have been using this computer since 2011 and loving it but it has always crashed in CS:Go and especially Dota 2. I have no firsthand knowledge of any detailed debugging but I am willing to work with someone using teamviewer/debuggers on my computer to figure it out. My...
  9. T

    Windows 7 Freezes After Startup. Clean boot does not work. Safe mode Does.

    Hello, I am working with a Lenovo V570. It has Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (64-bit). Has an Intel Core i5-2410M CPU @ 2.30 GHz and 6 GB of ram. I left my computer running when I went to work yesterday only running "Team Viewer 7" program so I'd be able to remote control my pc from my phone if...
  10. S

    QWindows 7: Desktop not covering full width of monitor

    I have just switched on my computer to find that a piece of my desktop has been cutoff by the full width of my 2nd monitor display, here's a screenshot of the problem: Link Removed as you can see i have tried to drag the area to the right of the screen with the cursor but it wont go any further...
  11. weehooherod

    Windows 7 [Q] Make Windows Connect to Specific Wifi Network After 60 seconds?

    I do a lot of wifi hotspot testing over Teamviewer. When the hotspot doesn't work I lose the Teamviewer connection. Is there any way to make Windows connect to a specific network after about 60 seconds or so? If I can choose the specific wifi network to make Windows to connect to after a set...
  12. Mike

    VIDEO Microsoft Windows on Android Phones

    It's here! Well, sort of. Any version of Microsoft Windows can theoretically be accessed from your Android cell phone using the free TeamViewer for Control App. Using virtualization, you could go so far as to access Windows 95 on your cell phone. Find out why Windows just doesn't seem to play...
  13. Mike

    Windows 8 Feedback Request: Preparing one last YouTube video for Windows 8 CP

    Hello ladies and gentleman, I am preparing to do one last YouTube video for Windows 8 CP before the next release candidate becomes public in June. In order to make the video noteworthy, informative, and interesting, I need your feedback. What would you like a potential Windows 8 CP video...
  14. D

    Windows 7 how did they do that??

    OK, I'm helping a distant family member with a Windows 7 security issue. (Using Teamviewer, which is GREAT.) I'm a Mac guy, so I'm really clueless about PC malware, though I'm reasonably impressed with Win 7 and can get around in it. Their system has been working fine, but (and this is...
  15. I

    Limit only specific functions of a user account

    Greetings, I am currently solving the following puzzles: 1) I need to restrict use of an account to certain hours, however it is greatly undesirable to limit any other function of the account (except, of course, the ability to change parental control settings). 2) I would like to be able to...
  16. S

    Best Mac Software for geeks

    If anyone is interested in reading about Link Removed due to 404 Error then I find a real and awesome article for those geeks..who are exploring and wasting their time in searching for some good software for their Mac Operating system.... 1.RealPlayer SP For Mac Operating System Portable...
  17. K

    Windows 7 Unable to access Websites

    We have a Main server in Mumbai through which different people around the world access oue websites. I work in Mumbai and a user sitting in Dubai is unable to access a particular website. This is happening with all the users in that country. We are connected in the following chain VPN - User...
  18. Trouble


    For anyone looking for a software solution that allows you to help friends and family with a computer problem by connecting to their desktop remotely and sharing their screen, TeamViewer has released an update to their latest version TeamViewer 6, to 6.0.10344. Not much in the way of information...
  19. Firecracker

    Help People "Real Time"

    As part of what we do here on the forums, We help others and come to get our problems sorted. I have been using a program called TeamViewer for my personal work that I do from Home and at work where I work, We have been using this remote connection software for over 6 month's to physically...
  20. S

    Windows 7 Question / Slow Performance Message

    Hi folks, I often remote control my Windows 7 machine using TeamViewer. Often, the connection is slow, and I get this message: Link Removed - Invalid URL I typically choose the top option. However, today I mistakenly chose the bottom one. But, I often need to change the color scheme for...