I disabled Hibernation in Win 7 a couple of weeks ago.
I verfied this by viewing
START--->Dropdown menu
shows now "hibernate" entry.
When I look now on C:\ then I can see
- hiberfil.sys is still existing
- hiberfil.sys is still updated (last modified date=today)
How else can I check if...
error management
knowledge base
system performance
user profiles
windows issues
wmi queries
How can I send the top part of the ball in windows 7 start menu to go back behind opened windows. I m using small icons in the start bar, when the start menu is wider the ball aligns with the width of the task bar.
I wrote this post once but it did not appear so I will try again.
When I put a folder in my admin acct it also appears in the guest acct which is dangerous. I need both acct's but how can I put is only in admin. When I delete it from the guest acct is disappears from the admin acct too...
Windows 7 Professional: The Thumbnail feature in my Toolbar is no longer functioning correctly. When you hover over the icon of the program in question, it still shows
the small icons of which windows are open, but when you hover over an individual small icon, it no longer flashes the...
I have an admin account, but it's the only account for my computer. I used to have plenty of old accounts, some of which were also admin accounts. When I decided to delete them, I chose to keep the files just in case. Now I realize I don't need them but it won't let me delete them.
I went to...
admin account
administrative tasks
computer security
file deletion
file management
old accounts
process explorer
user accounts
user files
By Link Removed - Invalid URL
Are you looking to combine the best bits of Windows 7's desktop with your Snow Leopard-powered Mac? HyperDock 1.0 aims to fill in the gaps by bringing two of Windows 7's best features -- pop-up thumbnail previews of open windows and programs, and the ability to...
application shortcuts
desktop features
keyboard shortcuts
mac os x
pop-up previews
snow leopard
software licensing
thumbnail previews
trial version
user interface
window managementwindows 7
C:\ Users lists SIX user accounts, some of them with massive data.
Control Panel / User Account lists only THREE User names: Administrator, Standard User and Guest.
Users Properties / Security / Group or User Names lists four: Everyone, SYSTEM, Administrator (one only) and Users (one only)...
access control
account cleanup
control panel
data management
file system
standard user
system users
user accounts
user groups
user properties
My folders open out of the desktop, when i try to minimize and maximize them it seems they go past the right side of the screen and I dont know how to move them back.
==> It was the multi-display problem
Thanks everyone for assistance.
is this disabled in some way for some reason?
for learning purposes i have setup a samba pdc and have win 7 pro installed at home which is joined to the samba pdc. i also have some win xp pro systems joined to the same pdc. the xp boxes have no issues caching passwords and have just about the...
Ok I'm having a bit of grief with Windows 7
I like how it allows me to preview windows of applications when there are multiple open, but what i hate is how you hover over a preview and it closes the other windows giving you a full screen preview.
Is there a way to disable this effect so that...
I have" AERO" disabled in order for older apps not to switch windows color, turns out windows 7 is not running same colors as vista did.
If any program freezes, i cant close it. I click CLose button and nothing happened.
Even moving mouse over X X is not hovered (dont see the effect)
So i click...
application issue
close button
cmd scripting
color scheme
desktop environment
legacy apps
not responding
program crash
service management
system freeze
system settings
task bar
ui effects
user interface
windows 7
Here is my boot manager info retrieved using the command line command: bcdedit
As you can see the upper {bootmgr} area is pointing to the wrong device - partition=L
I don't know why since this volume never had a OS installed? In windows 7 using computer management/disk management it shows the...
boot issue
boot manager
boot priority
command prompt
file management
hex id
installation dvd
user assistance
windows 7
Anyone else never heard of this?
I was doing a little digging, when I read that there were some new features in 7.
One of them is Aero Shake, a 'shortcut' of sorts, allowing you to take a window, and make it the only one open.
To do this, when there are multiple windows open, grab a window...
hi everyone first timer here can anyone tell me how i can change the behaviour of my folders and windows in vista home prem they just minimize themselves as soon as i open them and i can not find where or how to change this setting they will stay open when i keep the curser on them but when i...