Windows 7 Disabling the wireless network adapter for a single user? How do I do it?


New Member
Jul 22, 2010
Hello, first time posting, so I apologize if this is in the wrong part of the forums.

I've got a desktop, that I want to create a user on, for my family, for games. However, I do not want that user to be able to connect to the router, nor in generally, the network.
I just want to disable, so to speak, the network adapter, for that single user, but leave it enabled, and auto-connecting to the network as the Admin (which is the user I use).

So far, the only way I've found is to, log in as admin, and disable the wireless card, before logging out, and putting the new user on.

As it stands, that's very annoying to do, as I've always gotta enable/disable it myself, when I want to use it.

I've looked under the adapter settings, and found an option that says "enable all-user" or "enable all-user and per-user" settings. Turning that on still left all the network settings in place for my family's user account, and my admin account.

If you find a way let me know, cause I would like to add that arrow to my quiver.
The problem with any, command, batch file, vbs script, etc. that you run against an interface, say like
netsh interface set interface "Local Area Connection" disabled
need to have administrator level privledges in order to work so creating a batch file and sticking it into the users startup folder doesn't work.
Unless of course you can pass the username and password of a administrative user from within the parameters of the batch file or netsh command
If you find a way let me know, cause I would like to add that arrow to my quiver.
The problem with any, command, batch file, vbs script, etc. that you run against an interface, say like
netsh interface set interface "Local Area Connection" disabled
need to have administrator level privledges in order to work so creating a batch file and sticking it into the users startup folder doesn't work.
Unless of course you can pass the username and password of a administrative user from within the parameters of the batch file or netsh command
