Karma will get him eventually and is it worth trying those organisations again? Tell them it's an urgent procedure and needs to be done asap.
Yeah, karma will definitely get him, if I don't first.
I'm gonna try all the organizations again, too.
I'd rather have the surgery done on Sebastian to fix his knee.
He won't like it for 4-6 weeks afterwards though.
From what I was told, he'll have to live in a cage for that time and only allowed out to eat/drink or go outside to the bathroom.
I'm really wishing Microsoft would get off their asses and fix Windows 10 Anniversary Update, instead of releasing updates for it that screw it up worse.
Wednesday, I had to use Macrium Reflect to restore a image, because Tuesdays update all of a sudden deleted all my modern app's.
Now Thursday's update has all my desktop software saying new in the start menu.
If they don't fix this shit this week, I won't only be swapping out case fan's. I'll also be swapping out 10 fPro for 8.1 Pro.
This o.s. is becoming a added headache I don't need right now, ever since the Anniversary Update.
I have enough headaches now between my dogs and my health.
Sorry it took so long to respond. I finally fell asleep. Then Asus put out aa uefi update while I was sleeping.I got my uefi re-up-to-date again.
I'm still waiting for them to post the new version of AI Suite 3 for the Hero boards. I got the new one last week they posted for the Z170 Pro boards. It fixed some issues. I don't get why they didn't add a link for it to the Maximus VIII Hero boards, as it works fine. EZ Update works in AI Suite 3 now. It didn't before.
Now on to re-right-clicking everything in the start menu to get rid of all my stuff saying new again.
This is bullshit on Microsoft's part. I got all my programs in the start menu to no longer say new. I then restarted my pc a little while later. Once again all my desktop software says new next to it in the start menu.
I'll definitely be ditching this crap o.b Friday night as I'm sick of it. It absolutely sucks big time.
I got sick of all the Anniversary Update bugs I was having on this pc and I'm back on 8.1 Pro. I'm not reinstalling 10 on this pc for awhile until I hear the bugs have been panned out.
That probably won't be until Redstone is released to everyone.
So far, I have all my games installed, Chrome & Firefox, and some other software.
I still have a lot left, though.
Plus, I have to re-get used to the differences in 8.1 & 10, as it's been since July 21, 2015, since I've used 8.1.
I made some changes in my uefi for Friday or Saturday when I put the new case fans in.
I have my Arctic Liquid Freezer 240's cable plugged into my cpu fan header and its 4 fans plugged into the cpu optional header.
That's going to change when I do the fans. I enabled the waterpump header in the uefi. I'm gonna hook the main wire to the waterpump header and use each cpu header for 2 of the Arctic's fans.
I also changed the lower PCIe x3 to x4 in case I ever get a ssd to go there.
I could see if I can find a PCIe Samsung 850 EVO 500GB to RAID with my M.2 850 EVO 500GB.
That's after I replace my Intel sata ssd with a better Samsung sata ssd.
Those are 2017 upgrades, though.
I'm taking a pc part buying break after I get my new video card.
New fans arrived. Now I just have to put them all in sometime tomorrow.
I wonder why you have so many issues with the Anniversary build? I understand that many users were upgrading which almost always borks the installation and is a process I avoid like the plague. I clean installed the Anniversary update using the iso I downloaded from MSDN and haven't looked back since. So why your getting so many problems with it is a bit of a mystery as I know you clean installed too.. I know your using a SSD card as the C drive, have you considered installing on an SSD or spinner which is attached by SATA?
This is simply to test whether the fault lays with the os or your new ultra fast SSD.
I got my fans in except for the one I'm going to use in my cases pivot fan slot. I'll put it in when I do the new video card. I didn't feel like pulling my video cards today.
I have to go run a few errands, as doing the new fans took a lot longer than I thought it would. Bitfenix's Spectre Pro Red LED 200mm. fans are a pain to get in.
They work good, but I could only get 2 screws on them to line up properly in my case. The Spectre Pro Red LED 140mms. all lines up perfectly. The caswes pivot fan mount is just a pain in the ass and after 4 hours messing with it I decided I was through.
Of to do errands and then reinstall 10.
More pictures will be coming in a few days after my pc is all re-setup again.
I've had a few bsod's on Windows 10. Didn't have any on 8.1.
According to Raxco PerfectUpdater 2.0 my drivers are up to date. I installed it after the 1st or 2nd bsod. As after I have Windows updated I then install drivers, restart my pc and then go after my games.
I do Uplay, then Origin and then Steam.


I'm gonna post the minidumps in the bsod part of the forum. The drivers I installed for everything were for Windows 10.
Here's a msinfo32 of what my pc currently has installed on it, etc.


A few new pictures with my new fans. May be a little bit dark as I turned my lights off for the red leds on the fans to show better light.


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A few new pictures with my new fans. May be a little bit dark as I turned my lights off for the red leds on the fans to show better light.

Nice but that would drive me to distraction. I've been slowly removing lighted fans from mine. Going for a silent system that doesn't distract me when playing in a darkened room. Looking good though
I don't really see the lights. The way my desk is the pc has to be on the left side. The side panel is out of my view, so it isn't bad at all. Plus the case is about 1 1/2-2" longer than my desk from front to back, so the front fan is kind of out of view, too. I only really see the top right of the cases led and it only covers about 1" of the front right. The left led is hidden by the 5.25" bays door. In general the whole case's top is about 4-5" taller than me while I'm sitting at the pc. .
I have to redo the 2 lower fans in front of the psu that I put itn later today or tomorrow. I just need to rotate how I have them in by rotating them alittle as my bottom dust filter isn't locking into place. I noticed after I put it on my desk that side of the front 140mm. fan has 2 little leds on the side frame of the fan. All I need to do is point them towards the back side of the case and the filter will lock in.
My system.

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Looks good nmsuk.
I have to do my fans in the morning. I have the perfect opportunity for it as I have to wait for Bright House to bring me a cable box that works. Mine stop working when I got up today.
I tried my Microsoft Optical Desktop 2000 yesterday and once again a Asus motherboard that doesn't like wireless keyboards or mice.
Down the road I want to get a rgb keyboard & mouse.
That will be next year, though.
The video card has been put off until November.