A job for Judge Judy if ever I saw one..

Dog should have been leashed if it was being walked by the road.

If it isn't then the owner is responsible for any accidents caused.
Yeah, hopefully. I have a feeling it's going to be longer than expected due to my diabetes. When the first physical therapist came by Sunday to re-wrap it, I saw 4 big cuts. Thanks to the diabetes, those will take longer to heal.
I'm supposed to have the wrap and half-cast 6 weeks. Then I have to re-learn to put weight on it and walk.
I have to take aspirin every 6 hours to thin my blood, so I don't ;ose my calf, ankle & foot.
I've never had good luck, so I'm not exactly holding my breath on anything.
Everytime I take the aspirin, all 4 cuts get a strong burning feeling for a few minutes. It usually happens withing 5 minutes of taking it.
It happened in the hospital, too, but I was receiving 5 different things and a shot, all at the same time.
I have to renew my i.d before I can get my pain medication. That will take a few days to do. The other med's I have to get later today sometime hopefully.
Right now I'm just doing generic Tylenol for pain and the aspirin.
Found out Saturday, that my old pharmacy stopped doing any Medicare prescriptions. Now I'm using Walgreens and they obviously accept it.
Before Saturday, I only knew that my old pharmacy wasn't gonna cover my insulin. It obviously switched to everything in January.
Was planning on switching pharmacies anyway.
I just hope it's not real cold in my area next Wednesday. I have to go see my orthopedic surgeon. I'm not cutting the left legs on my jeans to fit over the splint & wrap. If it is too cold out, I'll just put my coat over my legs and use 2 sweat jackets for my upper body. I have gloves, too, as I ride my mountain bike year round.
I'm hoping my surgeon approves me getting a walker. I can't fit my computer chair and my wheelchair in my bedroom. After I while the wheelchair gets uncomfortable to sit in, even with one of my pillows on it, I start to get sore.
If I get the walker, the wheelchair will stay out of my room and my computer chair will be back.
I'll be able to get Sebastian's leg fixed in a year or two, as I'm going after the lady that's loose dog attacked me.
She never tried to stop it, then she laughed after it bit my right leg and I fell and broke/dislocated my ankle and then she hid my friends bike from him, instead of returning it to him for me, like she swore to do.
I just need to start contacting some attorney's this and next weekI figured out how I'm gonna have to do my 2 ssd upgrades, as the prices went up over $300.oo for both now.
Ut will take 2 month's to have the money for each one.
I'll have to get a pre-paid credit card and add more money to it on the 2nd month for each one. It will take 4 months to have both, instead of 2 month's.
Next month is my new water cooler.
I'll have the 2 extra fans for it next week, as I ordered the add-on kit last Tuesday.
The new water cooler will last longer as it's refillable, coolant wise.
I can also hook it to a video card down the road, too, if I want. It has quick disconnects for adding water lines to it.
This time next year, I may change the lines to clear ones and use red colored coolant in it.
Yes, by law it has to be leashed in front yard, if front yard is unfenced. Dog wasn't leashed, owner was b**ch and I will have revenge in 2 ways. After I have my money from suing her for damages, pain and suffering, Sebastian will be getting a snack down the road, literally.
He's bigger and strong as a ox.
I know that from experience.
He literally ran into me early last year in my backyard, when I got out of the hospital from my 1st kidney stone surgery. He ran at me atleast 60 m.p.h., because he was happy to see me and he couldn't stop fast enough, so I got hit in a certain area and fell backwards with him licking me.
At first I thought he was a Labrador Retriever-Pitbull mix. I uploaded a photo of him to a Microsoft site that identifies dog breeds. He's a Chessapeake Bay Retriever-Ptbull mix.
They're known to be icy water capble bird catcher's for hunters apparently.
The only way you can tell he has Pitbull in him, is by his white chest area coloring. The rest of him is brown.
He's always leashed, when he goes out front.
I had to have my brother walk into my house first Saturday, before I was wheeled in.
He was all over me as soon as I was wheeled in.
Atleast my 2 roommates I have now are good. He was well taken care of While I was in the hospital and they take him out for me noe, as I can't get out any of the houses doors with the wheelchair. 2" drop out each door and another 1-1 1/2" drop off all sidewalks by each door. Yard is hilly, too. The backyard is pretty big, probably about 1 1/2 acre's.Pond in my backyard and my ;andlords backyard next door. His backyard is about 2 1/2 acres, so Sebastian runs all over our two backyards and occasionally goes swimming.
He eats his dog food, dog biscuits and some of everyones food. Everybody gives hime something at every meal.
He loves my non-bunned cheeburgers and spaghetti. I found out on New Years Day that he love's lasagna, as much as I do.
I made a big tray of it for Sebastian, Bo and I.
I gave Bo my plate to lick and Sebastaian the empty tray I cooked it in to lick. He pushed it around for 15 minutes after everything was gone trying to get more.
2nd physical therapy a few hours ago. First bathroom fall happened 10 minutes prior to the therapy. Both legs are real sore now.
KB3213986 update is buggy and won't finish setting up.
Other than those 2 thing's everything else is o.k.
Except the bike tube I received has weird nozzle fitting and no regular pump will fit it, so the tube has to go back.
I even manuall downloaded the update and saved it on my pc and it fails installing at the end after the required restart. I'll wait for Microsoft to release a new update that works.
I may eventually be gone for 4-6 weeks. I'm having too many issues in the current situation and can't make it to a bathroom fast enough. I'm awaiting to hear if they can get me into a home/facility until I can walk on my leg. I don't want or feel it's right for my roommates to have to change their routines over my broken/dislocated ankle.
good luck with it mate... hope the leg comes good
Thanks. It's gonna be really tricky on me, though. The hospital that operated on me made things difficult. Because they only treated my ankle and not any of my medical conditions and me complaining to them on that, they tried making it look like I'm crazy after I caught the ward supervisor in a lie and let her know I did and threatened contacticg the mews.
Now this 49 year old has to get his ailing 77 year old mother's permission on medical care.
My mom's with me on this one, but certain things I'm skeptical on and think everyone will go against my wishes.
I take after my father, so the only device I want to rely on to live is my insulin pump.
I don't want a kidney transplant when they eventually fail, as the immunosuppressives needed for life kill your whole immune system. You can't even walk outdoors if it's cold.
Nor do I wish to permanently live off a ventilator, etc.
To me that's not living, it's being a vegetable..
Just to echo Graham, I hope you feel better soon Keith as well as finding a way to stay at home as it's usually better than somewhere unfamiliar.. Take care bud
Yeah, I'd definitely rather be at home. A lot of it is really rough though. Too much I can't do at the moment.
Constant diaherrhea due to diabetes and it occurring in my sleep is the worst one.
That's the big one, as I can't do my own laundry or cook anything either.
Bologna & cheese sandwiches and hot pockets are getting old real fast.
I definitely know there's a lot I wouldn't be able to do. Use a computer, smoke my cigarettes, etc.
Maybe, I'll get a walker soon and some stuff will improve.
It's just hell at the moment.
I also found out earlier one of the medications prescribed to me I didn't need.
I stopped it, so I'm actually not on any prescribed medicine for my ankle right now.
I didn't realize my id expired, so I can't get the pain medication.
I'm just doing Tylenol for pain and aspirin to reduce swelling & blood clots.
The pain part is ok, as I have a extreme tolerance for it.
The stiffness and my legs being raised higher so they don't fit under my desk is the worst part.
That plus both my upper legs are always stiff & tired.
Physically therapy for some odd reason bothers my right leg more.
I gues it has to do with my left leg always being the stronger one.
They finally ok'd me getting a walker. It arrive between 6 & 7 P.M.
I have until Monday to make up where I'm gonna be until I can walk.
Bright side my 2 fan add--on kit arrived from EKWB.
I get to have fun when I can lift my pc again sometime.
I'll have my new cooler and the new Cooler Master front fan to put in.
Then I may have to clean install 10 again to get Tuesday's update to install.
Don't feel like messing with it right now.
It will be good to sit in my pc chair again tonight, instead of the uncomfortable wheelchair.
I got my walker and went for my 1st 1 legged walk outside. Right leg is extremely sore now. I think I'll actually sleep tonight.
Actuslly in my case it's a single hop.
Feels good to gou outside whenever I want now.
Sebastaian was right by my side every hop. My landlords backyard is pretty big, so he runs it a few times and sits on the back deck with everyone.
It feels real good to have my desk chair back in my room. Way more comfortable than the thin wheelchair. Even with a pillow on it.
I got lazy when I ate and used the desk chair to get in the kitchen and dining room
Later on it's one legged laundry time.
Eveyone around wants to help me, but I won't let them. The more I do, the faster I heal.
i'll just get one fro Amazon next moth.
Pain in the neck because my tires are 27.5", instead of 26 ".Had the bike tube I ordered not had the wrong valve for my pump on it, I'd be riding it the day the splint comes off.
I would've just tried it first in my landlords back yard and then the street (opposite direction) and then sidewalk.
I don't know if Walmart will refund the tube, as it came from a bike shop through their website.
It'd probably cost $6-*.00 back
Apparently I'm ahead on the physical therapy. I add extra exercises that aren't on my list. Laying down on my bed, I can't hold my left leg straight up for close to 5 minutes.
They're increasing my therapy to every other day starting Monday.
This week it was just Tuesday & Thursday. On Sunday they just rewrapped it and game me a exercise list.
Between catching in baseball, playing drums and karate, my legs have always been fast.

Coming in handy now, but the diabetic leg cramps started up a week before the fracture/dislocation happened.
I cheated a little bil I was outside. I'm not supposed to put weight on it, but on my lawn, I did a couple of times for a1/2-1 minute before each step.
Yeah I'm having to use a stick at the moment and limited mobility is definitely the pits. Hopefully not for long tho, for either of us..
Hopefully so for both of us. We take things for granted in life and then it hits us like bricks when we lose it.