I reinstalled Windows 10 Sunday night to a few minutes ago.
January's patch Tuesday update installed this time.
Now, hopefully tomorrow I get my stitches out when I go to my orthopedic surgeon's office for my follow up.
So far, I'm ahead on the physical therapy, as I added a few exercises to the list and have been putting weight on my left leg outside on the lawn.
The lady that changes my bandages is concerned as my leg is now red compared to Saturday.
I also found out some interesting stuff from the social worker they sent to see me.
Let's just say Florida Medicaid has been screwing me for years. Food Stamps has been, too.
I'll never get the hundred's of dollars the state owe;s me for every prescription co-pay I've paid, as I'm eligible for the state picking them all up.
Hopefully, I get a few grand, when I sue the lady who let her dog attack me, so I can either move back to California or New Jersey.
Both states kick Florida's butt in help for they're citizen's.

California sounds like the best place.... ;)

I agree there. I lived there from 90-97. I may have to do N.J. for a few, though. I need to make sure once my mom passes that her husband doesn't get anymore of my father's money, etc.
He's already squandered quite a bit of it.
I know from experience both states have more programs in place for people like me.

Isn't Cali' warmer too?

I also feel quilty, as I'm the only one that would visit my father's grave.
My mom supposedly does, but she brings th a***hole with her. He belongs nowhere near my father or his grave.
I feel bad because I haven't been to New Jersey or his grave since 2005.
Was there for 3 weeks and 2 days. Pissed off that mom only took me there one time.

I can imagine..

Hopefully, I'll be able to at least visit during this summer. I'll just put in a stipulation to my mom & sister first. I either go there twice or they don't see or here from me again.
I guarantee they'll listen.

My stitches stay put until next Thursday. I have plates & screws on both sides. After seeing everything yesterday, I can understand why the squad warned me to not look at it.
I have a strong stomach, but it looks bad after both surgeries. I can imagine how it looked pre-surgery.
No magazines other than surgical ones would want pictures.
I'm gonna have scars all over my leg, foot and ankle.

Windows 10 really sucks. I did a clean install Monday. I finished the last bits of setup this morning. I restarted my pc 1 hour ago and Windows 10 lost a lot of my stuff.
My next pc definitely won't have a Microsoft o.s., as they seem to no longer no what they're doing.
Absolute bullshit that I have re-restup everything again.
Really friggin sick of it and this buggy as shit o.s.

It's odd, I installed this when the anniversary update came out and have had no problems at all. Maybe you have a misbehaving driver or app.

Are you sure it's definitely lost?

Yeah, it lost all my Zinio magazines, my games, etc. Trying to get into safe mode wouldn't even work. I didn't get any options once I pressed shift & restart pc, it just restarted, instead of being able to get into safe mode, refresh pc, etc.
Reinstalled again and am getting my Steam games now. Drivers, Windows Update's, GOG Games, Origin Games and Uplay games are done.
I didn't get my stitches out yet.
I saw what everything looks like for the first time.
It's bad.
My ankle went through both sides and my heel.
Plates & screws holding both sides together.
Stitches are coming out Thursday.
On to being bored with the inauguration stuff, as my games download.
Already iced my ankle and did my exercises.
Laundry's done, except my legs ace bandages. They'll be done soon.
I can't wait until I can actually make my bed.
Sheets have been done since Monday, but mattress needs to be lifted off of bed frame I have to get everything on it.
Sebastian got unlazy while I was putting my shorts and shirts in the dryer this morning. When I got in my room, he was on the bed waiting for me.
He's right behind me now, so I can't move my chair.

I've been wondering, Keith how will Trump getting in affect your medical bills? I'm hoping it doesn't but from what we've all witnessed isn't he going to put an end to that kind of thing.

The ankle went through both sides of the ankle and my heel.
Hopefully Trump will improve the medical stuff.
I recently found out that Obama screwed it up for me.
Less money due to Medicare Prescription Plan cost increases eating Social Security raises up and then making what use to be free is now 3rd tier medication's.
He totally screwed us all before leaving office.
I personally don't expect too much out of Trump.
Something's telling me not to hold my breath.

As I'm already 49, I don't think I'll be getting the plates and screws removed down the road. Leaving them may reduce risk of future surgeries.
I'll just get hassles at airports, etc.
The airport hassles I dealt with in 2005.
They never read any of my medical paperwork I presented and treated me like I had a bomb.
It was more of a embarrassment having everyone in the airport vicinity looking at me and definitely talking about me.

Do you fly a lot Keith?

No, the last time I was in a plane was in 2005.
This summer I probably will go see my mom & sister. It all depends on if I can afford it.
That and I'll have a extra expense this time around.
I'll have to take Sebastian, as he won't eat if I'm not home.
That's why I wanted out of the hospital, so fast.

Knowing the airlines, taking Sebastian will probably add $100.00+ each way.
