Yeah, it lost all my Zinio magazines, my games, etc. Trying to get into safe mode wouldn't even work. I didn't get any options once I pressed shift & restart pc, it just restarted, instead of being able to get into safe mode, refresh pc, etc.
Reinstalled again and am getting my Steam games now. Drivers, Windows Update's, GOG Games, Origin Games and Uplay games are done.
I didn't get my stitches out yet.
I saw what everything looks like for the first time.
It's bad.
My ankle went through both sides and my heel.
Plates & screws holding both sides together.
Stitches are coming out Thursday.
On to being bored with the inauguration stuff, as my games download.
Already iced my ankle and did my exercises.
Laundry's done, except my legs ace bandages. They'll be done soon.
I can't wait until I can actually make my bed.
Sheets have been done since Monday, but mattress needs to be lifted off of bed frame I have to get everything on it.
Sebastian got unlazy while I was putting my shorts and shirts in the dryer this morning. When I got in my room, he was on the bed waiting for me.
He's right behind me now, so I can't move my chair.