I'm thinking the way my ankle & foot feels now may be due to the new boot I received Thursday.
This ones rounded from front to back. My first boot was all flat.
Next week I need to increase my walking with the boot further. I don't have a choice there, it's a must do. I need to walk further from the bus stop to get to my podiatrist. I must go next week, as my toenails are too long and toenail clippers won't fit on them.
I've put off going to him in March, because my foot or ankle couldn't be messed with. Now it can.
I haven't used any Tylenol since March 1st for it.

EK-XLC Predator 240 1.1 and the Cooler Master Mega Flow 200mm red led fan are in and working.
Had both done yesterday, but I messed up the EK-XLC Predator 240's sata power cable. I plugged it in wrong and couldn't figure out why the fans weren't spinning yesterday afternoon/night.
Messed with it again this morning and re-looked at the manual and realized that connector plugs in sideways, while the the rest just plug in normally.
Now I just have to complain to NZXT, because my case's front-panel isn't sitting in all the way anymore.
They're pretty good, so I know they'll send me a new front-panel for free, as my case isn't a year old yet.

In side my pc looks a little bit cleaner now, as the EK-XLC Predator's fan wires are mounted on the side of the radiator and the only see-able cables are the sata cable and cpu header cable. I pretty much pushed those towards the back side of the radiator.
PC's quitter now without the old rattling front fan.
The Cooler Master doesn't put out as much c.f.m. as the Bitfenix did, but it's only by maybe 5-8 c.f.m., so not much at all.

P.S. I lifted my pc numerous times yesterday and today. Ankle held up well. It was only 3-4 ft,, but a good test.
I've been lifting Sebastian up onto my bed, too.
He's kind of lazy, since his leg bothered him last summer and will only get on the bed by himself, if I'm in a different room.
He's waiting for his walk's to start back up.
Those will be awhile longer, though.
I've rushed it enough, so far.
I'm still not walking on it all the time with the walker. I alternated between walking and right-legged hopping.

No in my case I'm playing it safe. I don't really have a choice not to play it safe. If the screws come out this time, my ankle and foot are gone. I've already had 2 surgeries actually putting plates and screws in. The next time there wouldn't be anything to heal, due to too much scar tissue.
I'm not counting the 4st surgery on January 3rd, as it was emergency surgery that just used a big circular plastic piece aroung my calf with 4 metal spikes screwed into my calf and ankle. Other than the 4 spikes, nothing was cut open. It was just where my ankle and tibia came out of the skin and the 4 spikes holding it together for 2 days.

4" scar on left side of left ankle and 6" scar on right side of left ankle.

These are the best pictures I can get of it. The left side is harder for me to maneuver and take.
Picture 98.webp
Picture 99.webp

I'm also on my own with it right now. Doctor has yet to restart me on physical therapy. I still have to figure out which brace I'm gonna order myself Friday.
There's so many different ones and I haven't seen any reviews from people in anything close to my situation.
I may very well have to buy a few different ones over time and see which is better for me.

I've noticed lately that my skin on my leg is shiny now.

That is normal after a scare and a good sign that the area is healing

Yeah, I'm at the point where I don't think about it much or anything. I might increase my walking on it and then try the short dog walks. I'm not gonna try the bike until I have one of those braces. I can see the Velcro on the boot coming loose and getting caught in the sprocket.
That one would be my type of luck, so it's being avoided for now.
As far as the dog walks, I need to be able to do 3/4 mile dog walks by July 6th. Sebastian get's his yearly shots, tags and checkup then.
Then right after that trip I go back to the doctor's for my re-check on the ankle.

Gift card towards 2nd ssd purchased.
Ankle brace purchased and on it's way.
I spent a few hours on Ace Bandages website comparing them, then I checked the one's I narrowed it down to on Amazon, went over reviews on each and narrowed it down to the one that sound's best for me.

I've started rethinking my future upgrade decisions.
I'm starting to think it may be smarter for me to forget all about the AMD Ryzen R7 1700/R5 1600X cpu, Asus Crosshair VI Hero motherboard and G-Skill FlareX DDR4 3200 ram upgrades and just get a i7 6700K cpu and save quite a bit of money.
None of my current games or the 4 games on my to get list really benefit from Ryzen.
Still left on my 2 get list:
Battle Field 1 Deluxe:
Titanfall 21 Deluxe
Forza Horizon 3 Ultimate
DiRT 4
Parts left on my 2 get list:
Samsung 850 EVO 1TB m.2
Logitech G920
Logitech G Driving Force Shifter

Got my ankle brace from Amazon Monday.
Surprised it came Monday considering I ordered it Friday and did the normal shipping.
It's still too soon to get my foot in my new tennis shoe's or walk the dog's.
I tried both Monday afternoon.
I didn't want to force my foot into the shoe, so I'm using the brace with my boot.
Walking felt o.k. on Monday with it.
From Tuesday on something doesn't feel right.
It's like my leg want's to go to the left, instead of straight while walking.
For the dog walking test Monday afternoon, I did it on the backyard grass.
I did that with Bo, as Sebastian wanted to head for the street as he saw his leash in my hand and is accustomed to walking on the side of our street (no sidewalk on our street).
Plus, our landlord was outback of his yard and Sebastain wanted to play.
Bo moved to the left for a second and my leg felt awkward, so I immediately unleashed him and ended the test.
I have to go t the hospital laboratory tomorrow, Thursday or Friday to pick up some 24-hour urine test containers for my kidney checkup in 2 week's.
The take back to the laboratory has to be done next Wednesday, as I have other doctor's appointment's next Monday and Friday.
I've been giving my leg a day's break in between longer walk's.

I'll see if I can get some pictures of how my pc look's now with the new fan and watercooler in it.
I fixed the front-panel Tuesday, thanks to boredom during a 4 hour electric outage in my area.
All I needed to do was use the cap from a bic pen and press it through the six areas on the front of my case, where thr fron-panel hooks into.
It workrked, so that issue is solved.
Heard from NZXT earlier, too.
They're sending me the screws I still need for the cases front lower legs that also lock the lower front fan's dust filter in place.
I think they're still sending a front-psnel, even though I told him I fixed it'
Over the year's I've noticed that NZXT's support is terrific, unlike some other companies support.

I just got Titanfall 2 and it's a great game..

Battlefield 1 Deluxe & Titanfall 2 Deluxe are looking like my October purchase now. Origin deal pack w/both games.
The Samsung 850 EVO 1TB m.2 is now at $400.00, so I won't be able to get it until September now.
This month I went ahead and got the dlc for Forza Motorsport 6 Apex, plus 3 of the non-included cars.
July's Sebastian and clothes month.
I still have 40 left to get, so that will be in August, probably.
As far as the parts left to get, I'm in the $400.00 range for the ssd, racing wheel and shifter add-on.
All my bills went up recently, too, so it takes longer to get everything.
The i7 6700K will probably be the cheap one.

Sebastian is now one extremely happy dog.
I just accomplished taking him for his first walk, since 3 hours before I broke my ankle January 3rd.
I made it extremely short, as he tend's to pull for the first 2 or 3 houses,
I only walked hima 5 houses to the first street past my house and back home.
I'll do the same walk with Bo later, if it doesn't rain.
Tomorrow, I'll try the opposite way on my street. If my leg feels o.k., Sebastian and I will do our quick around the block walk.
If all goes well until the 2nd of July, Sebastian & I will do our 7-11 walk for his & Bo's donuts.
