Windows 10 Needed to Uninstall VPN to Access Internet


Honorable Member
Nov 27, 2016
Windows 10 Home, version 1803

Now this is strange. I've been using Nord VPN without difficulty. All of a sudden, I lost my Internet connection. Thinking it may have been caused by Nord, I shut it off. Still no go. After spending about an hour with an IP tech, we decided to try completely uninstalling the VPN. I thought it strange because it WAS shut off. Sure enough, that did the trick. So I reinstalled my previous VPN (Tunnel bear) and it works fine. It's curious that Nord VPN had been working fine and all of a sudden needed to be uninstalled. Good thing I only paid for a month to try it out. Nord is highly rated, too.Go Figure!

Related, but unrelated.... I have an issue with PureVPN on one of my machines where when it gets disconnected it removes my IPV4 DNS Servers from my adaptor, which "breaks" the internet until they are restored. Be interesting to see what your network adaptor properties look like on the machine you were having problems with when Nord breaks it.
Many VPNs create a virtual network adapter. If for some reason it didn't disable correctly your computer would have continued to send traffic through it. Secondly a VPN can have it's exit node in another country and many countries will block traffic if traffic isn't from the same country or even just specific countries. I block a lot of countries traffic in general because it isn't expected nor typically safe.

I use nord at times. I don't use their client though, I've set it up using the windows built in vpn and never an issue. Have the same done for PIA.

I didn't know Windows had a built-in VPN. Is it as effective as the paid programs? I've always gone for the paid ones. During my investigations most "experts" advise staying away from free versions, for various reasons that seemed to make sense.

As a bonus, uninstalling Nord also fixed my Yahoo mail problem. Now I can read my inbox. I wanted to keep Nord because I know it's a highly rated product. I'm back to using tunnelbear VPN, which is working fine for me. It's strange that just shutting off Nord wasn't sufficient; it needed complete removal.

Neemo, as always, your explanations are excellent.

It's a built-in client it's not a service, so you'd still need to pay for Nord

I Just discovered something "funny" today. I'm using my newer HP laptop, running W10 plus Nord VPN and it's working normally whereas my other laptop, same OS, wouldn't work with Nord VPN installed. Getting stranger by the day. Maybe I need to give it more time since I don't use my HP machine as much as my Toshiba.

I Just discovered something "funny" today. I'm using my newer HP laptop, running W10 plus Nord VPN and it's working normally whereas my other laptop, same OS, wouldn't work with Nord VPN installed. Getting stranger by the day. Maybe I need to give it more time since I don't use my HP machine as much as my Toshiba.

That's really very awkward situation.. by the way NordVPN is working smoothly on Windows 8 as compare to other VPNs, Just try it and just wait its time to get more discount through Link Removed.

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Related, but unrelated.... I have an issue with PureVPN on one of my machines where when it gets disconnected it removes my IPV4 DNS Servers from my adaptor, which "breaks" the internet until they are restored. Be interesting to see what your network adaptor properties look like on the machine you were having problems with when Nord breaks it.

Been using Private Internet Access for years, since 2014. On Windows 7, Windows 8 and now Windows 10 and Andriod and iOS devices too I haven't had any software issues some times connectivity one but nothing consistent. I've added ProtonVPN as an option and that has performed pretty good too.

I almost tried NordVPN but it was just too expensive for me to pull the trigger on it.

Hi, This also happened with me last but 2 months back. I read it in an article that Nord VPN has been facing issues on windows but working fine on mobiles. I switched to ExpressVPN to avoid any further internet connection problem. It has been working really fine, have read that they have also launched some sort of new Link Removed deals ?? Is it an authentic deal ??
