It's, really, hard to say or predict how this OS release will pan out. Whatever happens will be interesting. It will make a big impact from how many, how quickly, get past the Start screen & realize there IS choice and that they can work, nicely & exclusively @, on & from the good ole desktop AND not be switching screens, constantly.
Right now that is being a huge bone of contention to & for people. It is a poser what impedance this may be & when greater awareness will take things for a turn.
Certainly, there is no obligation, this fall, to move from an in-use OS to Windows8. Some will, just cus... ; some just happen to need or want a new machine @ that time.
And then there are those will end up using 8 sooner or later, @ home or @ work just things are a continuum. Things come n go, OSs, computers, people, cars, TVs, Premiers, horse. Kids grow up & gotta have the latest stuff. Or next year some kid is starting college & must have/buy one... attrition, it's going to be 8.
Sooner or later the noise, hype, myths, will be old news. Keep or have an open mind. Whatever feedback, input, polls, surveys, 2 things come into play, tolerance & acceptance. It's a mystery who is to blame (if Folks don't like it), responsible (if ppl DO like it), who gets credit, who makes decisions... is it MS or Users or business or culture or youth or society or ourselves. But, does it matter cus, ultimately, it is & it will be what it is, no matter what an individual thinks or prefers. Best is to learn, discover and, if possible, help others. To go through, every time an OS is released or about to be, having a chip on one's shoulder, bashing, gripping & complaining seems so old... @ the end of the day, be there excitement or dismay, there's an(other) OS to use, know & teach.
But, that's the beauty & intent of betas... the advanced chance & opportunity to check things out & voice things