
  1. G

    Windows 8 the random cursor motion is still alive and jumping

    my cursor jumps all over the place. originally I had W7 installed with word starter but the cursor jumps wherever typing occurs. I reinstalled w7 to no avail. I installed W8 pro and office 2010 pro - the cursor motion is still present. disabling the built in mouse does nothing. I asked the same...
  2. T

    Windows 7 Bootup problem on restart

    I have a Toshiba Satellite which bootsup OK (most of the time) when I switch it on but when I do a restart it gets to the Windows 7 logo then I just get a cursor on a black screen. Can anyone help with why this should be the case? Thanks Tony
  3. I

    Windows 7 No typing cursor. It simply vanishes!

    When typing, my cursor disappears. I then have to left click the page I'm on to get it back. I can type for about 20 seconds/100 characters, then I get a Windows beep warning. Any characters I'm typing stop showing up on the monitor. Same thing when I'm scrolling up or down a page: the cursor...
  4. L

    Windows 7 Windows 7 no task bar, no icons only cursor

    Hello, I have problem when my windows 7 it does not load task bar or icons all and i cant do anything only have cursor i tried last known good configuration but it didn't help I think its something in registry. I can boot system up in safe mode. Can anyone help me ? Thanks!
  5. julio99

    Windows 7 gupdate service/ auto (delayed) start

    I ran across an issue when I booted my computer this morning. One of the tray icons was missing that usually shows and my cursor was spinning non-stop. Not to mention nothing else worked. It was frozen, so I pressed the power button and restarted it that way,Normal, not in safe mode. I'm...
  6. S

    Windows 7 In Word doc -cursor suddenly changed to spinning circle

    In creating a Word doc, the cursor is suddenly a blue spinning circle - the one we usually see when something is still downloading. The curser still works fine - but that spinning thing has got to go!! Not sure how it appeared suddenly. I had just dowloaded a bunch of critical updates including...
  7. D

    Windows 7 Samsung 300 E5Z notebook, with Windows 7, startup problem

    The Problem: When I start the laptop, the screen first shows the usual bios screen. Immeditely after that it goes blank, with only a small blinking cursor showing on the top left corner of the screen. Sometimes all screen goes blank, even cursor doesn't blink. If laptop behaves normal, then...
  8. shahril

    Windows 7 Windows 7 login dont show up just black screen

    Hi All Windows7Forums member, I have some problem after install ubuntu alongside my windows 7. After I installing ubuntu, when I want to use my windows 7, when came to login area (because I place password on my account), it dont show nothing, just black screen with cursor, I tried it with safe...
  9. 2

    Windows 7 windows 7 installation problam shgowing background and courser while installing windows 7 not showin

    I have windows 7 ultimate while i was installing it was booting and showing a background with courser but not showing installation window ... please help me with this .... +o(+o(+o(
  10. 2

    Windows 7 not showing Installation window in windows 7 after booting

    Hello Please help me ........ I have windows 7 ultimate while i was installing it was booting and showing a background with courser but not showing installation window ... please help me with this ....
  11. M

    Windows 7 touch pad troubles

    Well basically my mouse cursor is stuck in the center of the screen. The issue occured on my asus k50ij about 3 days ago. It wasnt a problem before, it worked fine the night before, then the next day i turned it on and the touchpad wasnt working at all, no left or right buttons or the touch...
  12. C

    Windows 7 How do you disable "hover to select" feature?

    In various forums, including this one, I've seen users post questions about the same problem. But none of the solutions works on my Gateway laptop PC with Windows 7 and Elan pointing device. Here's the problem: My mousepad clicks without my clicking it. It has sent e-mails I wasn't ready to...
  13. T

    Windows 7 Cursor Hotspot Adjustment

    How does one change the hotspot on the cursor. I really want to make it the middle of my funny little scope reticle that I have as the cursor. Any Ideas I would appreciate.
  14. S

    Windows 7 String of errors preventing me from doing anything

    A friend of mine asked me to see if I could fix his laptop for him so I picked it up from him to check it out. It has Windows 7 SP1 installed on it, when I try to start it up regular it haults right after the windows load screen and bsods, if I try to start it up in recovery, or any safe mode...
  15. B

    Windows 7 Mouse Issuse

    I'm having a problem with my cursor selecting things at random times. It will select things out of the blue and it makes working on the computer quite difficult. The problem comes and goes and does not seem to be tied with any of the internal windows 7 settings. I'm using a RAT 9 wireless...
  16. H

    Windows 7 No icons on desktop

    On a few occasions just recently my win 7 pro system has come out of "screen saver" with nothing but my desktop background displayed. If I then ctrl/alt/delete the screen goes black with just the cursor showing and otherwise unuseable. After a while the background will reappear but the only way...
  17. W

    Windows 7 Can not boot from a CD nor a USB

    My computer is currently stuck on a black screen with a blinking cursor in the top left hand corner. I tried rebooting from a bootable disk and from a bootable flash drive and neither one worked. My machine is an HP Pavilion Elite HPE-110f. I am running on the 64 bit version. Has anyone run into...
  18. V

    Windows 7 Cursor Height in Word 2010

    Interesting Problem! Cursor size (height) remains in excess of 72dpi despite adjustment to font syle or point size. Any suggestions on how to correct will be appreciated. Thanks Vant
  19. D

    Windows 7 No Toolbar, Frozen Keys?

    My 13 year old daughter Lucy has just dropped her Dell Inspiron 1545 from a height of 15 inches :( (she tells me) !!. When she turned the laptop back on the first thing she saw was the wording "Windows is loading files", she has never see this before. When she gets to her login screen all she...
  20. B

    Windows 7 Windows fails to start and my computer is blank except for the cursor

    Hi, does anyone know what I can do about this problem? Thanks.