display issue

  1. J

    Windows 8 Daylight Savings Time

    Did anybody else notice incorrect daylight savings time adjustment? My display was advanced 2 hours instead of one. I had to reset it manually. Joe
  2. S

    Windows 7 Display blackout after 10 - 15 mins of Windows Start Up.

    Hi, I have Windows 7 OS and the display gets blacked out after 10 -15 mins of start up. I hear Hard disk sound by which I assume that processor is running in the background. I tried reinstalling OS but unfortunately my DVD reader is unable to detect Windows 7 OS CD, whereas it is able to detect...
  3. L

    Windows 7 Window/Font problem W7

    I think that some fonts were manually deleted from my C:\Windows\Fonts folder and now some of my W7 system windows are cutting off text and even portions of buttons. Does anyone know how to reset/install the fonts that came with my W7 machine or otherwise fix this? I am attaching a gif that...
  4. G

    Windows 7 Dual Monitor Issue

    Hello, I'm having an issue using two monitors on my PC. A bit of background info: Ive been using dual monitors for about a year by plugging one into my on-board GPU (VGA-VGA) and one into my external GPU (VGA-VGA-DVI-I using an adapter). For reasons which I can't be...
  5. G

    Windows 7 GTX 570 Graphical Display Issue with Direct x11

    Hello, I have tried searching through the forums to see if anyone else has had this error but I have not found another thread similar to this so I thought I would post about it here. I recently took advantage of the Christmas/New Year sales and bought myself several games including...
  6. D

    Windows 7 Programs and Features

    Windows 7 Ult. (X64 bit), "Programs and Features" reports Money 2007 as 100 GB; I only have a 60 GB hdd, and it shows 20 GB free. So why is it showing as 100 GB? I went into the x86 program folder and it shows as being 81.2 MB's. So why is it being displayed as 100 GB's in "Programs and...
  7. R

    Windows 7 monitor issue...can't wake up monitor from sleep

    I have a HP pc with Windows 7 and a 6 year old Dell monitor attached. Initially there were no problems, but eventually the monitor wouldn't wake up from sleep mode. Now, the monitor will come on for a second and then won't wake up. The desktop is visible for a second before it goes to sleep. The...
  8. News

    Black lines appear in an application window that is displayed by using DirectX and GDI in Windows 7

    Fixes a display issue in which black lines appear in the window of an application that uses DirectX and GDI to display the window. This issue occurs on a computer that is running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2. More...
  9. News

    Computers that are running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 stop responding at a black screen if

    Fixes a problem in which you cannot turn on the display of computers that are running Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 when they resume from sleep mode. More...
  10. M

    Windows 7 I need to solve makes the Notepad in Windows 7 deals with hyphen such as Notepad in Windows xp

    We are in Saudi Arabia and we use Arabic calendar. We use database application and view date as text like that '25-09-1432' In windows xp this text appear '25-09-1432' if you use left to right direction and appear '1432-09-25' if you use right to left direction The problem in win 7 now this...
  11. D

    Windows 7 laptop bsod problem

    Hello everyone, I have problem with laptop. It worked well before it happened suddenly. It craches and shows bsod (attached image) When I restart laptop vertical discontinued lines are shown during bios hardware check. Then if I choose normal Windows mod bsod pops out, if I choose safe mode...
  12. News

    Bluetooth PAN Network connection link speed always shows 1.0 Mbps on Windows 7

    Case 111080172525632 Lenovo (OEM)NOTE: To fix this bug would have required a DCR change and there wasn't sufficient business case, as this is only a display issue. Lenovo requires a Rapid KB to document this issue, so their customers do not attribute... Link Removed
  13. H

    Windows 7 Cant support th full screen? why?

    Link Removed Dear Friend, I just bought a Dell XPS 8300.... and I found this problem. PLease check the attached image.... see the top right corner, You can see , It is not being able to have full screen.... Kindly help me to identify & resolve the problem THanks in advance, Himanshu Thakker
  14. News

    The Calendar gadget might not be displayed properly while you have Internet Explorer 9 installed on

    Consider the following scenario. After installing Internet Explorer 9 on a Windows 7 SP1 machine, when you try to add a Calendar gadget on the desktop, the Calendar gadget can be added successfully but might not be displayed properly. When the problem... Link Removed
  15. M

    Windows 7 windows wont reach top of screen after sleep mode :S

    Hey Guys, Hopefully one of you can help me cos im getting really frustrated. I have tried searching online for solutions but to no avail. My laptop is just under 12 months old and other than the battery dying already I have never really had any problems until last week. Its a Dell Inspiron...
  16. E

    Windows 7 Windows 7 refuses to start up.

    hello,I have a laptop with windows 7 that is just over a year old. I have never had any problems with it until this past week. I went on a vacation and had my laptop in a case for around 14 hours. When I got into my hotel room I started up my laptop and had the bluescreen display. I simply...
  17. V

    Windows 7 Only Native resolutions

    My problem lies in the fact that I can only be fullscreen with my monitor when it's in the native resolution(1680x1050). If I lower the resolution, the image actually crops to keep it's true value instead of being in fullscreen. The weird thing though, is that I use a VGA cable, so I don't have...
  18. R

    Windows 7 Computer won't start up after sleep mode

    I accidentally clicked sleep mode when shutting down the computer, and now it won't wake up. I can hear the fan running, but nothing is showing up on the screen, nor is the power light on. Help?
  19. J

    Windows 7 Dell Latitude XT - closing the lid turns darker screen

    Hi everyone! I am new in this forum, but looks like here have really interesting information about Windows 7. So I really like windows 7, I will stay and this forum. And thanks all for great work. So about the problem: I have Dell Latitude XT and Windows 7 installed on it. When PC is a/c...
  20. C

    Windows 7 Open or close Internet explorer causes a black screen

    Hey Guys, May just be a stupid problem but is rather agravating. Just installed win 7 on my PC upgraded from Vista. Vista ran pretty good but was slow and tempermental every once in a while. After fighting back and forth to get all my drivers, bluetooth keyboard working and such I just...