During initial Windows 7 start-up or re-log on a file tries to load titled "David" and the best I could come up with it is some type of "MIME" type file. I tired to use MSCONFIG to locate the errant file with no luck. Any suggestions:confused:?
I've just started using windows 7 and I was going through msconfig turning off things for startup. I noticed a exe that does not have a manufacturer. I've read that it MAY be safe, or MAY be harmful and was wondering how I could tell.
Startup Item - Conime
Manufacturer - Unknown
Command -...
Hi. I had the 32-Bit version of Windows 7 installed last week with 2GB of RAM, and a few days ago decided to install the 64-Bit version and up my system to 4GB of RAM. Now, my sound card has sound issues, and did not with 32-Bit Windows 7 and the 2GB of RAM. I've tried all beta, non-beta (which...
I was running Vista Home I believe, and I just recently upgraded to the Windows 7 Home Premium (Student Version) via download. The download went smoothly (I left on overnight), but I have a few questions.
It seems through the upgrade some of Vista came along with it, most visibly the Dell Dock...
I have now tried about ten times to upgrade my 64bit Vista Ultimate to Win 7 64bit ultimate (retail version) without success. I get the error message every time at 86%. I have played with my RAM, went into msconfig and unchecked everything but Microsoft files, I have removed AVG free, removed...
The major cause of problems when UPDATING from Vista to Windows 7 are programs like Antivirus, Firewalls, and the dozen or so programs that are loading when the system boots up. Save yourself a LOT of headaches and turn them all off and run Msconfig and uncheck all the boxes under startup. Then...
Hello all,
Im having trouble when triying to use msconfig... it crashes don't know why, i have just installed my normal software and haven't changed anything in windows registry or something... it started suddenly and can't fix it... please help !
ps: im using windows 7 professional...
I had my system running with dual boot Vista Ultimate (32bit) and XP professional (32 bit). These OS were both installed on 2 separate partition of a single physical Hard disk.
Now, I just did a full install of 64Bit Windows 7 Ultimate, on the partition where windows XP was installed. I had...
64 bit
boot configuration
boot options
boot record
device manager
dual boot
hard disk
legacy systems
operating systems
repair tools
system restore
windows 7
windows vista
windows xp
Zoo Tycoon 2 does not work with Windows 7 (and from the research I've done, Vista as well) due to RAM issues. Following the steps below fixed my problem.
Error Message: You need at least 256 MB of system memory to run Zoo Tycoon 2. (xxx MB detected).
Problem Resolution:
1. Open the start menu...
Hi all!
I recently decided to try out Windows 7. I was previously using Vista 64bit so I though I could try to dual boot them. I have partitioned my main HD into 2, one for the current vista and another which I have named Windows7.
Everything went fine when I was installing Windows 7. Note...
I installed W7 but needed to get rid of it (I did the 32-bit and I'm going to get 4 more GB to bump to 8GB of RAM soon so need the 64-bit) but I am stuck with the W7 boot menu and I can't get XP's back!
I have a 500GB drive that I had 320 to XP and 50GB then the rest (about 75GB) unallocated.
Hey guys,
I've been using RC Windows 7 since release. I had a few problems to start with but fixed them.
Now, out of the blue, when I log in, all applications freeze like windows explorer, task manager etc. I can't open any new instances of any software but already open non-system software like...
I know this is a common problem but mine differs from everyone else.
Here's the deal..
When I turn the computer on it never gets to the Login part. It just go to a black screen and stays there.
Although, it works when I start it in Safe Mode. This problem started Friday, May 29, 2009. I've...
so i had Win7 RC as my main OS, then i got a second hard drive to put some file, all it had was some pics and videos, then i decided to pop in the XP cd and install it in the second drive, after the installation goes through i find that my Win7 is gone, it boots straight into XP and the OS...
hello there
The touch pad icon in the notification area, is that ok to uncheck in msconfig, i am quite happy with the setting it already has, which would be the default setting.
Windows 7 Build 7000
Gigabyte 790GP
AMD 6000+ 3.0Ghz
ATI HD3870 512MB
Western caviar 500GB
6GB PC6400
Hi i have a problem with Windows 7 it doesnt recognize me anymore as admin even if im logged in as the Administrator..
it wont let me
-Open C: -Access Denied
-Open -msconfig
How many times have I said...DON'T USE TORRENTS.
Well, desperate to get the latest build, I found one to be a .rar file which immediately made me suspicious. Another stupid ass thing I did was to not make sure the hashes were identical.
There were files called 4thmarch.exe and...
Hi, I'm new here.
I recently installed the beta on a dual boot machine (winXP is the other OS) and it it is working smoothly enough for me aside from the odd software compatibility issue. I do have one hardware issue: both task manager and CPU-z detect my quad core Q9300 as a single core when...
Under the general tab in msconfig in Vista Home Premium I have 3 buttons. Normal- which loads everything, Diagnostic Startup, and Selective Startup which has choices of load system services, load startup items, and use original boot configuration.
Am I correct in selecting Selective startup with...
Changing my Vista to windows 7 beta I got blue screen crash when loading programs. Went to msconfig in safe mode and closed all start up programs except microsoft essentials. Then started reloading one by one and found the culprit.
"Super Anti Spyware Killer free edition." will cause windows 7...
beta version
blue screen
difficult uninstall
error handling
microsoft essentials
safe mode
software issues
super anti spyware
system stability
utility tool
windows 7