
  1. S

    Windows 8 Crash right after i turn my laptop on (minidump attached)

    Hello, I have experienced a crash after i turned my laptop on. I have windows 8 pro (64bit) activated , Norton internet security 2013 valid, thinkpad t400. I once had windows 7 and upgraded to windows 8 before 2 weeks (i made fresh install). I have in the beginning pc tools spyware doctor...
  2. P

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Install

    Hi! I have an Acer computer with an inbuilt formatting tool. I can reset my computer to factory settings with it. But whenever I do that and i'm reinstalling Windows 7 all the programs from Acer, Norton and McAfee comes with it. So i have been wondering if I could burn a Windows 7 ISO file on...
  3. paulthescot

    Windows 7 Gigabit LAN/WAN problem driving me NUTS!

    Hi guys, MCSE2K3 old dog here losing hair, sleep and sanity over this one, need some fresh eyes on the problem please. Setup: [ADSL2+ ISP - 10.2 mbps down / 1.2 mbps up] [CAT6 cabling from all peers all running at gigabit config / verified speeds] 1) Dell Studio laptop with RealTek gigabit...
  4. A

    Windows 7 Help Setup modem's Firewall in Sync with BitDefender or Norton Firewall

    Hello, Everyone knows you get what you pay for and this not a direct criticism on Windows Firewall, but recent studies have shown free paid products such AVG Antivirus and Windows Firewall have been hacked more often then other. My setup: * Windows 7 Home Premium 32-bit * Norton Internet...
  5. G

    Windows 7 Small program for blocking dangerous websites!

    Hi there, I would like to ask you if any of you knows a small program that blocks dangerous websites. It must be a small program which should be installed normally, or a browser plugin. WOT is a good program, but it only shows you an alert, without blocking the site (this is what i hate at it)...
  6. B

    Windows 7 DeviceDisplayObjectProvider trouble and more

    Hello! I am using Win7 Ultimate x64. Suddenly, it became impossible to safely remove external disc. At first it froze the computer. It became a "blue screen" and memory dumping before restarting. I chose to start Windows normally and then made a thorough check of my C drive, made on a deep...
  7. Octose

    Windows 7 Massive problems!

    So recently I had to purchase a new HDD due to massive BSOD's due to an unknown corruption or trojan. Today I installed a brand new Western Digital BLack Caviar drive and everything worked flawlessly until I started downloading files (specifically those for my security, i.e. avast, norton...
  8. M

    Windows 7 Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Nvidia Bsod

    :mad:PLEASE help me with BSOD I CANT FIGURE IT OUT since my antivirus norton ran out about 2 weeks later i got an ingame BSOD and only from 2 3d game specifically mw3= modern warfare 3 and lol=league of legends i can play other 3dgames just fine like tvs=tekken vs stretfighter and just sfter i...
  9. Z

    VIDEO Context menu error:windows is stopped working after right click a file

    Hey, everytime i right click on a file my windows explorer is stopped working. With some files it works but 9/10 not. I have already tried: -deleted .reg files. -disable enable context files with autoruns or shellexview -replace explorer.exe -replace shell32.dll -deleted broken .reg files...
  10. C

    Windows 7 Need help with BSOD.

    Hi, I recently built a new pc. It ran fine for the first couple of days, I ran Prime95 for 8 hours with no problems. A couple days later I was playing DayZ and the system crashed several times then i eventually started getting blue screens. I"ve searched around to see a lot of people are having...
  11. P

    Windows 7 Comparing MSE and Norton Security Suite: Which Offers Better Protection?

    Hello I think there is a statistical diffeence between MSE with Win 7 native firewall as opposed to Norton Security Suite offered free by my isp. I know subjectivty plays a large role in the choice but as an unskilled user I can only rely on substantial information -that is why I am here...
  12. B

    Windows 7 Hard Reset, Not BSOD

    For the past few days my Windows 7 computer would reset to BIOS. No warnings, just BAM! hard reboot of the computer. I've unchecked the box under computer/properties that would Automatically Restart the system on crash. So that's just one thing I've tried in order to try to find the issue...
  13. K

    Windows 7 BSOD upon user log in

    Hi! So recently my mother told me she couldn't use her PC anymore so I checked and she gets the so called Black Screen of Death upon log in. It doesn't even work on safe mode. I tried restoring to the last known good configuration and it worked after trying the different restore points, but only...
  14. G

    Windows 7 How to get rid of Speedbit ?

    I don't know how Speedbit got into my computer but it keeps hijacking both my homepage and default search engine. This is not a browser issue though, the filth is in my System folders (I run Win 7 Ultimate x64, but this is in the x86 segment). First, of course, I tried to uninstall it, but, of...
  15. I

    Windows 7 0x00007A and 0x0000F4 BSOD on Win 7sp1

    First off, hello all and thank you for taking your time reading this. I am a first time poster. Hx: About a month ago I changed my gfx card from a geforce 9600 GT to a geforce gtx 570 HD. I cannot remember if the problems began occurring before or after this, but it was very close to each...
  16. R

    Windows 7 Bad Pool Caller when playing games - Please help

    Hello Windows 7 64 bit my specs are in my profile. I started having this issue awhile ago, but never had much time to try to troubleshoot it, in fact, it went away for a little while... I will play a game (starcraft 2) for maybe 40 minutes or so when the screen will screw up, make a buzzing...
  17. felciano

    Windows 7 Program's can't install anymore; reset permissions (or confirm this is the problem)?

    Hello all -- The permissions on my Windows 7 system (Windows 7 Ultimate x64) seem to have gotten screwed up over a period of months, such that applications now struggle to install or upgrade correctly. For example, Acrobat and iTunes auto-updates no longer work because the downloaded updates...
  18. N

    Windows 7 When I show a text box, I automatically see: ////////////////////////////// or *********************

    Anytime I get to a dialog box or a text box or anything where I can type, I get a continuous/////////////////////////////// or a continuous ************************. The only way to stop it is to reboot - then it works OK for a while. Otherwise, I can't type anything anywhere. The characters...
  19. K

    Windows 7 How do change windows 7 32bit to 64bit?

    How do i change from windows 7 32bit to 64bit? Do I have to reinstall, i have no windows 7 disc it came already on my computer. If i do have to reinstall how do i do it and what about my norton and other programs etc how to i save them? Need help...
  20. R

    Windows 7 BSOD - IDSvia64.sys

    BSOD - IDSvia64.sys - Help Please Hello All, I have a ASUS P8Z86-V PRO/GEN3 Motherboard ASUS GTX 580 ENGTX580 DCII/2DIS/1536MD5 Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz 16 GB RAM OCZ Agility3, bios 2.15 (Updated) SSD Boot Western Digital WD2002FAEX 2TB Drive Western Digital...