i started a thread yesterday but i can't find it today. trouble sent me an answer but i can't find it now. i keep getting bsod's and cant seem to figure them out. i built a pc 6 months ago and keep crashing randomly i can't figure out why. these are all my mini dumps. i uninstalled norton and...
Hi all,
I posted a long (probably too long) issue recently but despite nearly 200 people viewing it, no-one offered a solution. So I am re-posting a shorter, clearer statement here but below I also enclose the long full diagnostic information (at the bottom).
At home we have 4 computers: a...
file sharing
mac os x
system settings
windows 7
I have been trying for months to get my Macbook talking to my W7 workstation. Finally today I devoted some proper time to gather some significant evidence, in the hope that someone smart out there can help as I am sick to the back teeth with this problem!!!
Below I have written a long...
svchost is using too much bandwidth. I am monitoring with NetLimiter 3 Pro. For example, from 5 to 6 AM it downloaded 268 MB and uploaded 6 MB. This is a problem since my internet provider sets a 400 MB/day download limit, so in less than 2 hours the limit is used up. I am running Windows 7...
home premium
power reg scheduler
sp 1
windows 7
windows defender
Recently it was OK. But after windows fail to restart. I restored by using norton ghost. After booting windows, BSOD happen about 4 times (as attached). I don't know what went wrong. But after booting in safe mode, it work fine. I tried to update driver in safe mode, all said updated.
Some issue I have read pitting imaging against registry backup which are clouding my choice.
1-Erunt requires that you turn UAC off for ERUNT and not to use it automatically. ERUNT has not been updated since 2005.
2-System restore and Norton = must Norton turn tamper protection off to...
Hello, first post here.
I've had this PC for quite awhile with NO problems but today, more specifically tonight, something weird started happening with it. I went to play The Sims 3 and I got the message "The Sims 3 laucher has stopped working, search for a soultion" but nothing ever happens...
I've heard and seen mixed reviews about this same question - some about where its specifically located to differentiate whether its the backdoor trojan or it being the real program
I've scanned my system with MalwareBytes and Norton 360
Heres a few lists pertaining to my system:
I have an unusual situation where some items on particular web pages do not resolve. For instance on this site, Link Removed - Invalid URL, items for s7.addthis.com and connect.facebook.net never resolve if I use Firebug to monitor the network traffic. Some sites such as ticketmaster.com never...
Hi folks - Windows 7 newbie and first time poster here. Link Removed - Invalid URL
I turned on IIS and configured a web site with no problem. However, adding an FTP site always produces an "Authentication Required" window when testing. Tried multiple combinations including "Anonymous/Basic"...
Windows 7 premium came with Norton Antivirus on the laptop i bought well over a year ago. Still says im fully protected and runs its updates and scans.. question is - do i permanently have Norton now or is it due to expire? every site i've been to says about renewing a subscription which i never...
I have 2 Win 7 x 64 operating systems. One pc will not accept the password of the other unless I connect the one needing to fill in the password to the router with an ethernet cable. Once the password goes through I have a homegroup and filesharing without the cable.
In an attempt to find...
Hello, my name is Tommie Green. I am a filmmaker from Detroit, MI. This is not the first time that I have come to this site for advice over the years, but this IS the first thread that I have ever posted on the site's forums.
I have malware I think. Every minute or so, Script Errors pop up...
Services.msc and homegroup joining
I have a desktop with Win 7 home premium x 64 and a laptop with the same.
I have Belkin router and Norton security suite. I called both about this but they say they are not the problem.
I have...
Hi, another homegroup problem here. Basically, I can create a homegroup on either of my two computers, but I can't join them. It'll just say 'there are no homegroups in this network'.
I've followed all the instructions here, including disabling mcafee and norton which seems to be a commonly...
When I first upgraded from Vista to 7, I was getting a lot of BSOD. It's been a long road figuring out what all was wrong, turn out I had a ASUS motherboard driver that didn't like windows 7 and had to get rid of norton. The computer was running pretty stable until I started getting the BSOD...
Hello all, my family recently purchased a wondows 7 64 bit computer. It worked fine until a couple nights ago when it started to infinately freeze. It still works perfectly fine in all versions of safe mode but when it loads normally it runs fine for about thirty seconds than freezes on...
I just bought a new Lenovo Thinkpad T400. This is my 5th Thinkpad. It is a 2767-P1U. It is running Windows 7. I have the Lenovo drivers installed and have upgraded them to the latest available. I have also got Norton Anti-Virus 2011 and Office 2007 Professional. Windows is fully updated as well...
event viewer
hardware issues
power management
startup programs
system logs
system performance
user experience
video drivers
windows 7
Hello, I'm getting BSOD mostly while playing online games. I have checked memory w/memtest passed. Drivers for video card are up to date. The error messages are all ways different. my machine is just 1yr old and after removing Norton a few months back BSOD went away with it. Unfortunately there...