
  1. WareNetwork2000

    Windows 11 Computer getting bluescreens every day since I upgraded to Windows 11.

    Hey. Ever since I upgraded to Windows 11, my computer has been getting multiple bluescreens every day and so far, I've found absolutely no way to fix this. Most of them are caused by "ntoskrnl.exe" and even after running the minidumps through a debugger, some of them don't tell me the process...
  2. Daisuke13

    Windows 10 minidump

    Hello everyone, I would like you to help me with a minidump error that causes the blue screen with the error code nmi hardware failure and tells me that it is in the system minidump, what can I do? 021321-8093-01.dmp NMI_HARDWARE_FAILURE 0x00000080 00000000`004f4454...
  3. I

    Windows 10 System_service_exception and irql_not_less_or_equal,ntoskrnl.exe

    Здравствуйте, мне очень нужна помощь, я не могу справиться с этой проблемой очень долго. Моя система: AMD FX 8300 (4.4Ghz) RTX 2060 Оперативная память: 2 HyperX 1866mhz (повышение 1960mhz) твердотельный накопитель Kingston 120GB SSD WD 500gb синий Материнская плата: ASrock 970m PRO3 KSAs...
  4. Panic

    Windows 10 BSOD Related to "ntoskrnl.exe+22de6a" ATTEMPTED_TO_WRITE_TO_READ_ONLY_MEMORY

    Fairly new built system getting a bsod. Seems to happen alot more when waking from sleep but not always. Ran memtest for a few days and checked out fine. ran tests on the nvme drive seems fine aswell.
  5. J

    Windows 10 BSOD System Servce Exception

    I keep getting this BSOD System Service Exception. I downloaded a program called WhoCrashed and here's what it read for the dump files: On Mon 4/29/2019 3:02:02 PM your computer crashed or a problem was reported crash dump file: C:\WINDOWS\Minidump\042919-49515-01.dmp This was probably caused...
  6. rronald25

    Windows 10 BSOD unexpected store expectation & critical code one after another

    Hi, I am using a 4 year old Toshiba Satellite C855. In the past few months I have experiencing BSOD, but not that annoying, maybe 1x or 2x a week, the problem is, the BSOD is not during heavy task, just while watching youtube or movies. Now in the past few days I got it almost everyday, and not...
  7. T

    Windows 10 BSOD related to ntoskrnl.exe

    I'm having BSOD whenever I run BlueStacks and sometimes when I run a game or Microsoft Edge, but after the crash when the system restarts everything works fine even BlueStacks and I don't encounter any BSOD until I shut down the PC. After shutdown when I again run BlueStacks the cycle repeats...
  8. D

    Windows 10 BSOD of many kinds the past few months

    I have been receiving BSOD's with many different bug strings as seen below Most of these different errors correspond with a ntoskrnl.exe crash. Some of these then lead to the computer restarting many times and at times beeping and making the sound that corresponds to a high CPU temperature...
  9. W

    Windows 10 Various BSoD with different errors

    Hello, Hello. I have a problem wih bluescreens. Short History: first I upgraded my windows 7 to windows 10 and got these bluescreens. So I decided to completly reinstall windows 10. Did not work with any form of backup, the windows install is completly fresh (or was about a month ago when I did...
  10. T

    Windows 10 Bsod every 5 minutes ntoskrnl.exe

    Its really ridiculous I'm not sure what to do. I can't update my drivers because when I try it crashes I can't even reset it because it crashes at about 30% every time. What should I do its a custom built computer
  11. T

    Windows 10 BSODs galore!

    I just recently built a computer for myself, but for some reason I am plagued with constant BSODs, most of which have different error codes but all pointing to ntoskrnl.exe driver. I've tried to do some troubleshooting on my own by reinstalling Windows, running Memtest86 overnight with no issues...
  12. Jokohama

    Windows 10 ntoskrnl BSOD while running browsers and Android emulator

    Hi, I casually got BSOD 1-2 times a day for about a week. This is a brand new hardware PC but I was running old Window 10 moved from my old PC so I'm not sure if its driver or hardware problem. So I would like your help to have a more detail look at that. Thanks for your help.
  13. despuit

    Windows 7 Hardware Latency/CPU issues after (SOLVED)

    Had a black out here not too long ago, a program was going to reboot the computer prior however never had its chance. Now I can't use the computer any more due to lag, I spent 8 hours the other day fixing a hardware issue that caused latency spikes of 25ms which was effecting the whole system...
  14. JayLb

    Windows 10 System (Ntoskrnl.exe) Memory leak

    So while I did not receive any BSOD from it It's having some huge memory leaks with it spiking to almost 1GB of memory used while my brother is at a steady 0.1mb at all times. Wanted to know if there's any causes or solutions for it I'm running: CPU: AMD 6300 FX GPU: Radeon R9 280x 4gb ram In...
  15. D

    Windows 7 Possible ntkrnl Problem??

    64-bit Windows 7, Home Premium sp1, AMD FX-8350 on an ASUS Sabertooth 990FX/Gen3 R2.0 Not sure whether I have a problem or not. I have been getting some bsod's while using Sysinternals Process Explorer. My question is not about the bsod's. I have another thread going on that and am in the...
  16. H

    Windows 8 Windows 8.1 BSOD system service exception. Kindly ask for help

    After an auto-update (I think Windows) I get a BSOD after entering my password. Message: system service exception. I can start the computer in safe mode. Searched threads but could not find the fix. I kindly would like to ask your advice or help in solving this. Best regards, Hans Dump file...
  17. C

    Windows 7 Multiple DSOD ntoskrnl.exe + various errors + Stop error code 0x0000000A

    Hello, I'm new to my office, since I started working here I'm getting this constants BSODs, but checking the windows logs it seems like it started happening long ago. A week ago I unnistalled several drivers and software (including avastt and daemon tools) and it stopped crashing, but it was...
  18. jackoccleston

    Windows 7 BSOD playing games

    My specs GPU: Gtx 960 CPU: fx 8320 @3.5 MoBo:GB-78LMT-USB3 RAM: 4x4gb Ripjaw HDD: Seagate 7900rpm(I think) SDD: Intel 250gb PSU: 475w I also have multiple fans and temps are good I've been getting the BSODs when playing games and they are getting spookin me. I have dont the following tests...
  19. DGuru

    Windows 8 BSOD Whilst gaming (ntoskrnl.exe+ 1509a0)

    My BSOD's started about 3 days ago, the first one was whilst I was gaming. After my pc started back up and I joined the game again, it kept crashing to desktop. After a little while it started doing this in other games as well and now I just go in expecting I wont have to click quit game because...
  20. S

    Windows 7 Windows 7 BSOD randomly appears.

    I bought a new laptop, I removed Windows 8 and I installed Windows 7. I have 128 GB SSD, Operation System in it. I got BSOD 4 times, everytime same crash address (ntoskrnl.exe+76e80). Sometimes it also comes when booting Windows. I used Avira before but uninstalling it did not help. PC Info...