
  1. A

    Windows 8 BSOD during inactivity; usually DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE message; multiple files flagged

    Hi All, So I've been having a strange problem with my Toshiba Satellite laptop lately, running Windows 8.1. Been having random BSODs, usually with a DRIVER_POWER_STATE_FAILURE message. I took a look at the dump files using BlueScreenView, and in almost every occurrence, it flags the...
  2. R

    Windows 7 windows 7 bsod problem with ntoskrnl.exe+f3bf0, NNSStrm.sys+22d9d

    Hi.. I have been facing blue screen problem on my sony vaio laptop with model VPCCB15FG. Laptop restarts with BSOD problem and 2nd time for this week. Using Device manager, i got to know all my drivers are updated. Using bluescreenview, i found out that it was related to ntoskrnl.exe+f3bf0...
  3. R

    Windows 7 Windows 7 BSOD problem with ntoskrnl.exe+f25b3 error

    Hi.. I have been facing blue screen problem on my sony vaio laptop with model VPCCB15FG. Laptop restarts with BSOD problem. Using bluescreenview, i found out that it was related to ntoskrnl.exe+f25b3. My CPU temperature was varying between 67 degrees to 71 degrees. I have also attached the...
  4. L

    Windows 7 BSOD - Sometimes seemingly at random. New Machine.

    Caused by: ntoskrnl.exe Driver mouse/keyboard? iso help :/
  5. FridgidDreams

    Windows 8 BSODS while playing games ntoskrnl.exe/hall.dll

    currently running windows 8.1, I built my own computer so I know all internal parts work together so that's not an issue but when ever I am playing a game, I listen to music or watch a tv show as well to not get bored on my computer. sometimes the bsod occurs and sometimes I don't get it for...
  6. nkro

    Windows 7 Random BSOD while playing game. 0x0000003b ntoskrnl.exe+75169

    I have multiple bsod's with "0x0000003b " bug check code. This is the most recent one. 0x0000003b 00000000`c0000005 fffff800`03088e5e fffff880`0a7a5ea0 00000000`00000000 Cause by driver/address: ntoskrnl.exe+75169 Recently installed new Mobo, PSU and CPU. I have tried reinstalling Vid driver...
  7. C

    Windows 7 IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL on ntoskrnl.exe.

    I've been running into this error when running a VM on my second monitor (with laptop in docking station) and also today when running a VNC connection to another PC in the office. Hoping someone can help solve this. Reinstalling isn't a viable option right now as it's a company PC, we don't...
  8. Adem Sadiku

    Windows 8 BSOD ntoskrnl.exe 0x00000124.Please help

    im getting this error for more than 1 month,can't play any new game.only counter strike 1.6 sometimes i get BSOD while watching movies.(sorry for my english).a help would be appreciated.thanks
  9. D

    Windows 7 PLEASE HELP!!! :) BSOD 0x124 ntoskrnl.exe

    I got this BSOD every time I play CS:GO sometimes I can play for hours other time only minutes. Please help! Sometimes my screen go in black and making a annoying sound in space engineers and then it comes back to normal agian after 10 sec, it is just like when my pc is getting BSOD just without...
  10. A

    Windows 7 Problems with bluescreens- bcc 0x124

    Hello, i have problems with random bluescreens. Prime95 and memtest86+ show no errors. I recently got a new videocard, ssd and an extern storage device. The recent bluescreens are caused by ntoskrnl.exe and i don't know why. I hope you can help. Infos about it are attached. Thanks.
  11. valerica

    Windows 7 Blue screen windows 7

    Hy i have some bluescreen Ntoskrnl.exe 031214-14695-01.dmp 3/12/2014 3:15:19 AM PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA 0x00000050 fffff900`c28e6cf0 00000000`00000000 fffff960`0032260d 00000000`00000000 ntoskrnl.exe ntoskrnl.exe+6f880 NT Kernel & System Microsoft®...
  12. P

    Windows 7 BSOD ntfs ntoskrnl errors

    I started out over a month ago with problems that seemed to be related to ITunes, did a couple of restores, and ever since returning from vacation, keep getting BSOD errors. I did download the BlueScreenView and found quite a few errors related to ntfs and notskrnl. I think I followed all of...
  13. DeferredGalaxy3

    Windows 7 Windows 7 constantly Blue Screen'd/Not Genuine?

    Ok, so I've constantly been getting Blue Screens of Deaths, ever since last Sunday. I was browsing through DeviantArt, consistantly getting these "Windows is not Genuine" messages out of nowhere, which is weird, since I've had a valid copy of Windows since 2010. Anyway, not too long later, the...
  14. Matthew Wieting

    Windows 7 BSOD! HELP

    Loading Dump File [C:\Users\Matt.INNOVA\Desktop\021314-14492-01.dmp] Mini Kernel Dump File: Only registers and stack trace are available Symbol search path is: *** Invalid *** **************************************************************************** * Symbol loading may be unreliable without...
  15. O

    Windows 7 help with bsod ntoskrnl.exe+4adb3c

    Recently I get error messages linked with the files ntoskrnl.exe +4 adb3c, I attached the files to your system, I would appreciate any help, Ori
  16. W

    Windows 8 Regular BSODs regarding ntoskrnl.exe

    This is a carry on from this thread as I was told I should come here. To put it simply, I started having regular BSODs since I installed my GTX 780, I was pretty confident that it was just a driver issue, and decided I would be sending it back as I didn't want the hassle (tried lots of things)...
  17. biggyk

    Windows 7 bsods only while playing bf4???

    Been getting these weird blue screen crashes when playing bf4. About a month ago I thought it was Corsair Vengeance 2000 because it would only happen while using it but I have been playing with my desktop speakers using onboard audio. I have made sure my drivers are up to date, including my...
  18. Matt Reynolds

    Windows 7 Ongoing BSOD problem. ntoskrnl.exe+4adb3c

    Hello. I've been getting this problem for a while now and I can't find a fix anywhere. I know how to analyze a dump file, I just don't know how to read it. I've tried everything, I've restored fully, because I thought it was a windows problem. Tried both RAM sticks, in and out. Memtest86...
  19. Morten Kristensen

    Windows 7 0x4F, 0x7A - ntoskrnl BSOD

    Hi there - "WindowsForum". I've had an issue with my computer for LOOOONG time, first it all started out giving me "0x4f" errors, but the whole 0x4f ended when I changed my keyboard, and it stopped happening the BSOD but then suddenly 6 days after. I recieved the 0x7A, and now its called...
  20. K

    Windows 8 Upgrade to 8.1, BSOD with wireless adapter: Driver_Power_State_failure

    Need some help with this recent BSOD that I have been having since I upgraded to 8.1 from 8. I have a Lenovo G500 laptop. This BSOD seems to be easily duplicated when I try to modify settings under the Advanced tab of my wireless card adapter, a Broadcom 802.11n wireless adapter. This is true...