
  1. B

    Windows 7 IOMap64.sys and ntoskrnl.exe BSOD

    Ive had a few BSOD's in the past week, according to blue screen the majority caused by ntoskrnl.exe, and in the recent few joint caused by IOMap64.sys and ntoskrnl.exe. I attached two of the latest dumps, all help would be appreciated.
  2. L

    Windows 7 BSOD on random but windows does startup.

    My laptop have BSOD on STOP code 0x00000109 at ntoskrnl.exe+75c00 These few days, my laptop keep coming out blue screen on me, windows still started up, but it will BSOD randomly, sometimes with no program is running even. I really need some help to solve this problem.
  3. seekermeister

    Windows 7 Memory Management

    I just had the first BSOD since I did a clean install. I would have attached a screenshot of what BlueScreenView had to say about it, but didn't see anything in the post options that provides that ability. Can't we upload attachments any longer? In any case, the gist of it is that it's coded...
  4. A

    Windows 7 Daily BSOD Problems

    I've been getting daily BSODs for the last week or so (and one while compiling system specs for this post, so that most recent dump isn't on here). They throw different error messages, but all seem to point to ntoskrnl.exe as the source (from BlueScreenViewer). Also, it seems to happen almost...
  5. D

    Windows 7 BSODs with various errors

    I have been getting weird random crashes.... Latest one was corrupted memory one My viewer program shows this on 4 dumps: ntoskrnl.exe+104c8a Other ones had these two on 1 dump: ntoskrnl.exe+104c73 nvlddmkm.sys+2b97dc This on 1 dump: dxgmms1.sys+2b0b ntoskrnl.exe+751a9 This on 1 dump...
  6. C

    Windows 7 Need Help!

    Good Morning, Recently I've been having bsod issues. Looking around the web, I found blue screen view but can't decipher this info. ntoskrnl.exe shows as one of the culprits, but something else may be causing that. Not being the most computer savvy person, I hope I have followed all the...
  7. W

    Windows 7 BSOD frequently - Crashses during hibernation??

    Alright, I would really appreciate any help in resolving this - Laptop is crashing frequently, I was thinking originally that it was driver related as it is my work laptop, but I am beginning to think that it may be a hardware issue? Tried uploading my dump file but the laptop is saying no...
  8. C

    Windows 7 PC Bluescreens randomly when on windows 7

    I recently got my pc back up and running after replacing a bad hard drive and now whenever I try to install windows 7 (tried both home premium and ultimate) my pc would randomly bluescreen. The errors always had to do with kernel files and almost always prevented my pc from booting soon after. I...
  9. S

    Windows 7 Bsod after changing the video card. atikmdag.sys,ntoskrnl.exe and more

    Hi, this started after i took out my MSI 5770 card and put in ASUS 7770, i just swapped nothing more, didnt think i would need to install new drivers, then this started and happens when im running a bot in diablo3. ive tried uninstalling the driver, install the newest, install the beta...
  10. I

    Windows 8 Windows 8 BSOD - ntoskrnl.exe error.

    Happens at random times. I ran the windows debugger and it says it's probably caused by ntoskrnl.exe. I followed the instructions and got everything that's needed for you guys to diagnose the problem. Looking forward to your helpful replies, thanks!
  11. C

    Windows 7 Bunch of random bsod's

    When I say random in the title, I MEAN random. It does not matter what I do at the moment, it can be as simple as opening a new tab, or playing wow. Heck it sometimes crashes while I leave it idle in grindquest. I am new to these forums so, if you need some data files which you probably do...
  12. W

    Windows 7 BSOD ntoskrnl.exe

    Since 2 months I'm getting these BSOD's. I suspect the soundcard, for no clear reason. Help would be much appreciated. Kind regards,
  13. JoC1890

    Windows 7 BSOD results in crash Dump

    Hello Everyone...! I'm really new for this kind of problems; The last couple days the blue screen comes twice o three times at day, reading something about it, I installed Debugging Tools for Windows and when a I rode the minidump files, the software tell me something about the problem that...
  14. A

    Windows 8 Win8 BSOD

    I have had this problem frequently and its really got me :livid: . I used the Whocrashed program and followed what it said to do and it happened again. This is what it says: Crash Dump Analysis -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Crash dump...
  15. J

    Windows 7 PFN_List_Corrupt and ntoskrnl.exe Crashes

    I've been getting these crashes a lot recently. Last night I ran the memtest and I recieved 8 errors in 10 minutes. I swapped the rams into a different slot and it seemed to solve the problem, but then a day later I got this crash again. Also, I have to press the restart button twice and on the...
  16. T

    Windows 7 Laptop crashes IRQL not less or equal (ntoskrnl.exe)

    Hello everyone. I read the forum rules, and posting rules for BSOD's. Well here we go, I had numerous BSODs on my laptop. Usually when playing games or watching videos online. Bsod appears as IRQL NOT LESS OR EQUAL and some stop code, or sometimes it writes that the file ntoskrnl.exe had a...
  17. N

    Windows 7 BSOD - ntoskrnl.exe

    Hello. Im going out of my mind, getting BSOD constantly and i cant find the solution.. Im in desperate need of help
  18. jeffgedgaud

    Windows 7 BSOD with NTOskrnl.exe as common factor

    I have been receiving several Blue screens with the ntoskrnl.exe as a common error, I have included zipped files and screen shot of CPU-id. This is a custom built pc and has been having this problem for a few months, I previously was having the same problem finally just re installed Windows 7...
  19. A

    Windows 7 Random BSOD's limited internet access

    What drivers do i need? Crash dump directory: C:\Windows\Minidump Crash dumps are enabled on your computer. On Sun 1/6/2013 5:31:51 PM GMT your computer crashed crash dump file: C:\Windows\Minidump\010613-13696-01.dmp This was probably caused by the following module: ntoskrnl.exe (nt+0x7EFC0)...
  20. I

    Windows 7 BSOD ntoskrnl.exe

    Well, I've got a BSOD a couple of times now and it's really starting to annoy me.It comes a couple of times a week so not every day.I've googled abit and what I've found out was that it's a hardware that's faulty or it's driver.I'll attach probably all the files you will need to help me out. My...