
  1. B

    Windows 7 TcpAckFrequency and TCPnodelay

    I've read that adding the registry keys TcpAckFrequency and TCPnodelay (setting these to 1) can improve your ping in online games - albeit at the detriment of other web activity (i.e. torrenting). Anyway it seems that adding these registry keys is a pretty innocuous change so my theory is...
  2. K

    Windows 7 Wndows 7 wired not connecting to router

    I just installed a fresh copy of win7 pro on a desktop PC. I'm trying to assign a static IP address over IPV4 (have disabled IPV6) I have gone over settings numerous times and still cant get a ping to my Linksys 3200 router. (destination host unreachable) I'm pulling my hair out here trying to...
  3. Windows 7 Long delay connecting to share

    This is more of an annoyance but when I initially try to connect to a share on my network it takes about 30 -60 seconds. For example, when I go to \\\c$ or even \\netbiosname\sharename it will take 30-60 seconds to connect. It will connect and after that everything is fast and...
  4. M

    Windows 7 Windows 7 can't see computers in my workgroup, can ping via IP and NetBios ok

    Very weird, but I can't see the computers on the workgroup in Windows 7 Home Premium. I know it's not the network, because I ran a 3rd party network diagnostic tool that shows me ALL the NetBios names and IP's of all the computers in the workgroup. I can also ping the IP and NetBios name...
  5. N

    Windows 7 Windows Update Failed and Nuked Internet Connection (IP address still getting assigned)

    I was applying the some updates to Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit and the update process failed. I shut down the computer and when it rebooted, the computer reported my Internet connection was down. My computer is still getting an IP address and DNS settings from the router. I can ping but...
  6. L

    Windows 7 Accessing Windows 7 Share outside of domain

    Hi All, I have a Windows 7 computer setup as part of a domain. This computer also has file sharing enabled. At the moment, any computer on the same domain can connect to this windows 7 share. (Which is what I want) However, any computer NOT connected to the domain (even connected to a workgroup...
  7. H

    Windows 7 Laptop says it got internet but doesn't! [HELP!]

    Basically I just moved my laptop to a friends house. It's through a cable which is inserted and my laptop says it got internet but it doesn't. Furthermore I can't ping any other computers on the network. I'm running Windows 7 Home Premium. I did an ipconfig /all and here's the results: Windows...
  8. J

    Windows 7 Unstable ping?

    Hello Recently when i play an online video game. my ping becomes very unstable usually my ping is around 90 but now it jumps from 90 to 700 i dont really know what is causing this i use home wireless internet. I tried to continuosly ping the ping is unstable, it has spikes. thanks
  9. C

    Windows 7 Ping hostname is good, but cannot get access to the website in browser.

    This afternoon, I first found that ie8 stopped working, but chrome was still good. So, I restart the machine. I cannot get access to any websites any more even my router's admin page. Any idea? I can ping Google etc without any problem. There are another two PCs behind my router and they have...
  10. J

    Windows 7 Sometimes disconnecting from internet.

    Hello i have some issues with my wireless internet on my laptop when i play an online game, sometimes the internet disconnects I use a D-link router. I have tried to uncheck IPv6, and uncheck the 'Allow computer to turn off this device to save power'. I have an Intel R WiFi Link 5100 AGN and...
  11. A

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Ultimate - unable to accss pc via remote desktop

    Hi, I don't use Windows much so excuse me if I am asking basic questions here. Today is the first time I have had to access my work pc remotely so went out and bought Windows 7 Home. I accessed my works VPN network via the browser (have an icon in my taskbar called "network Connect" which...
  12. S

    Windows 7 Frequent wifi drop on win 7

    Guy i'm new on win 7 and not expert in any tech stuff, pls guide me ... Any one facing window 7 (64) wifi issue ? facing crazy wifi connection drop and high latency ping (router, in working condition, ping usually is 1 - 3 ms, but after sometime my ping will increase to few...
  13. P

    Windows 7 Desktop computer does not appear in Explorer's "Network"

    The computer name of my Win7(64b) Desktop is called "AVA". For the purposes of debuging, I've disabled AVA's LAN adapter and connected it to the network by enabling its Dlink DWA556 wireless adapter. The attached system config file represents this decision. In addition to AVA I have 3 other Win7...
  14. A

    Windows 7 Internet browsing problem

    Hi All, In my pc i have two nic as one of them is configured with broadband modem and another one is configured to share internet to my laptop through one switch. broadband modem >> nic 1 >>> internet is working fine. Nic 2 >>> switch >>>> laptop >>>> can ping any site ( by ip or by...
  15. A

    Windows 7 Internet browsing problem

    Hi All, In my pc i have two nic as one of them is configured with broadband modem and another one is configured to share internet to my laptop through one switch. broadband modem >> nic 1 >>> internet is working fine. Nic 2 >>> switch >>>> laptop >>>> can ping any site ( by ip or by name) >>>...
  16. C

    Windows 7 Can not get two computers to the same homegroup but can ping them

    Hi, I have two computers running Windows 7 Ultimate. They both connect via a Router, one wirelessly and one wired. They are both on the same workgroup but I cannot for the life of me get them to network with each other, either via opening up Explorer or by connecting them both to the same...
  17. E

    Windows 7 Use an USB modem for internet while I can access the ethernet devices

    I want to use an "USB Modem" (3G) for internet and a local area network (LAN) (Ethernet) at the same time. The "USB Modem" is a device of the same kind of a Huawei 3G USB modem. When I turned the USB modem ON, the ethernet local network (wired) is not disconnected. However, when I do that I...
  18. S

    Windows 7 Laptops drop or cant connect to network netbook can plz help

    Like the title says our home network is aparantly running fine via wifi but the laptops in our house hold are having issues. First all we have called in a technician to solve this issue before but it was temporary. the desktop the modem is directly connected to says it has a connection of...
  19. R

    Windows 7 Ctrl-break does not stop ping

    Ctrl+C does not stop ping Very strange and annoying little issue. If I have a running ping going I cannot stop it using ctrl+c, it works everywhere else. Win7 x64
  20. X

    Windows 7 Laptop can't see other computers in network

    I have a home network that has been set up on a modem with internal router for ethernet ports and wifi. When computers connected to the modem via ethernet cables, they can easily discover each other through the 'network' icon. But when I connect my laptop to the network's wifi, only the desktop...