startup issue

  1. naj690

    Windows 7 black screen on startup with "my computer" open

    hi. i know that this problem is quite common but i still cant find a working solution. i hav been using windows 7 home premium for quite a while already but today suddenly the black screen problem occur. my explorer.exe is already running. i cannot access the internet coz my internet browsers...
  2. Logan Hunt

    Windows 7 W7 not assigning drive letter upon startup (Non OS storage drive)

    Hello everyone, I will cut straight to the chase: I have two raid arrays, one stripe (OS) and one span (or JBOD, which is where I store data). The problem I am having is Windows will not automatically assign my data drive a drive letter upon starting up the computer. I have to manually go into...
  3. J

    Windows 7 Win7 won't start after installation

    I have this weird problem that whenever I try to install win7 after all the installation processes when it comes to starting up the system for the first time there is this black screen with floating windows logo and 'starting windows' or smth similar ( i don't know exactly cause i have it in my...
  4. R

    Windows 7 CMD/ I run a "dirty" query, it says I must be an admin......but I am!

    My laptop always goes to a "scan" screen upon start-up, claiming it was not shut down properly. 9 times out of 10, it also freezes during the ten second countdown. I have tried "FSUTIL DIRTY QUERY C:", but it says I must be an administrator to preform this function. (I assume that it means I am...
  5. F

    Windows 7 BSOD, impossible to start computer

    So on the other day, i was having some trouble with a usb memory stick of mine. I restarted my computer and i got a BSOD right after the windows is loading screen. I have tried running chkdsk, boot repair, memory repair etc but nothing seems to fix it. The code i get is: STOP: 0x0000007B...
  6. E

    Windows 7 JIT error: Out of Range Exception Error

    At EVERY start up on my Dell Inspiron 1545 that came preloaded w/ Windows 7 Home Premium I get the following error message. If I hit "continue" on the warning box everything seems to work just fine. But I'd like to fix the problem, but don't really understand the JIT fix at the bottom and how...
  7. M

    Windows 7 Black screen at start-up

    Hi all, I've just bought a new Dell laptop (studio XPS 16: Intel Core 2 Duo Processor P7450) and when I start it up, I get a black screen half of the times; The Windows 7 start-up/welcome 'picture' is displayed correctly - the problem arises when I am to login (the screen is black, but I can...
  8. M

    Windows 7 wouldn't start, stuck in black screen

    The other day my laptop would not start. It got to the black screen and would go no farther. I tried starting 2 or 3 times and gave up on a normal start. I put an Acronis boot disc in and it started. It has started successfully several times since then and it's running OK. In fact this post...
  9. E

    Windows 7 Windows 7 Media player!

    Hey! I am not quite sure where should i post this thread, so i post it here. The problem IS NOT with Windows Media player. WMP works fine! the problem is that it automaticly starts with W7. and that i cannot turn it off. Even when i shut down the process, after 2 sec a new one starts! is...
  10. J

    Windows 7 Windows 7 error message won't go away

    Hey, So maybe a day or two after getting Win7 installed on my Dell, an error message pops up from the start up. Clicking ok or exiting out of it makes it go away, but a second later it pops up again. Can anyone help? It looks like this...(I hope I attached the picture right)
  11. Z

    Windows 7 BlackScreen on startup, video card has no output.

    Hey people, I've installed an original genuine version of windows7 on a formatted disk. It worked fine for a few hours, but when I shutted down my PC, and tried to turn it on an hour later, it didn't work. When I turn on my PC, the screen stays as black as it is when my PC is turned off. I...
  12. A

    Windows 7 Startup problem related to User Acct. Control Setting

    Hope this hasn't been covered to death. I searched extensively and couldn't find quite the same problem. I installed Win7 x64 Ultimate over the weekend. I previously had Beta & RC as a dual boot in addition to XPx64. I'm now running Win7 alone, though I have the HDD with XPx64 set aside...
  13. M

    Windows 7 HELP HELP HELP - Windows 7 freezes at startup after installing from Vista Home Prem

    I have installed windows 7 onto my philips HEPC 7511 pc which was running Vista Home Prem but it wont go past the 'starting windows' screen now - i know nothing about computers and really really need a solution. Have run the auto fix thingy on CD but says it cannot fix the problem, Have tried...
  14. K

    Windows 7 Error with attempt to dual boot

    I had windows7 installed on a 500 gig hard drive. i shrunk this partition (465gigs) by 10 gigs, and i wanted to install windows xp on the 10 gig partition. So once the partition was made, i booted from the xp install disc and it installed on the 10 gig partition but when the computer restarted...
  15. H

    Windows 7 Services on startup... failing.

    So I've recently noticed a problem with my Windows 7 x64 PC where whenever I rebooted, when it came back to the welcome screen it was staying there saying "Please wait," for a few minutes (not sure what it was doing, but it was doing it in safe mode too...) So I wanted to check my eventlog to...
  16. A

    Windows 7 WIndows 7 not starting up

    Hello everyone, I came to this forum because I have some problems with my Windows 7 installation and i hope i may get here some good help First, here are some info about my Instalaltion process: My hdd is a 320 gb sata drive from WD, when i wanted to install Windows 7 i had to get some...
  17. S

    Windows 7 Problem with starting up Windows 7 after instalation of XP on another hard disk with

    Hi. I Have a problem starting up the newest windows after instalation of older windows with dual boot mode. I installed XP 32bit from windows 7 onto another hard disk. Afterwards, It does't allow me to start Windows7. It freezes at "Verifying DMI pool data". After reading some forums, I...
  18. L

    Windows 7 Windows 7 RC build 7100.

    I think this is the right spot to post my problem. I got Windows 7 RC build 7100 32 bit Three days ago when i booted my cpu i got a startup window that reminded me to validate my software. Tho i pushed ask me later.. a minute later i tried all the keys that are available for Windows 7 RC 32...
  19. A

    Windows 7 Blue screen of death on startup (but not always)

    Hi, Ive installed Win 7 about 3 wks ago.. I LOVE IT.. it goez smoothee and fast.. but theres just one thing that is bothering me.. Sumtimes while starting up, i get a blue screen error.. but the error code i have not taken down.. but the text is often diferent.. one which i remember is Driver...
  20. B

    Windows Vista W7 won't start-up without install-dvd

    Hi, I have a problem starting up W7 in dual boot. I did a clean install of the W7 RTM on the second partition of my (sata) HDD. After installation I didn't get a dual boot menu to choose my OS (Vista or W7) I forced a dualboot menu with Vistabootpro, but when I choose the W7 option, I get...