windows xp

  1. Hermitkrab

    Windows 10 How do I Keep Notepad on the Screen

    Even from the days of XP, I never found a way to keep either notepad or wordpad on top of other pages. Clicking anywhere on the screen with notepad open immediately minimizes it. Is there any way to keep notepad locked on top of other windows?Thanks in advance for your assisstance.
  2. InsaneFreakshow

    Windows 7 Problem after clean installing Win 7

    Hi all, okay so yesterday I installed Win 7 on a laptop that had XP before that. XP was on C: disk, and me not being that good at reinstalling OS's I chose to make a clean install of Win 7 on disk D: Now.. if I understand correctly a clean install should've just deleted the previous OS...
  3. purveyorsltd

    Windows XP windows xp reinstall

    Hi, I am attempting to reinstall windows xp home on my mom’s Dell 740 optiplex computer with the Dell reinstallation CD that came when unit was purchased. All her files were copied to a flash drive & no need to recover data. Have done this in past without any problems but this time I can’t seem...
  4. A

    Windows XP Difficulty Connecting to the Internet

    I have an old (10 years) computer which I have had to reinstall Windows XP on.This was done using the original installation disc. To use this disc I had to reformat the hard drive. The computer is now running XP again. The original installation disc was of course also 10 years old so the...
  5. X

    Windows XP How to Force Windows XP to Scan for driver update/install

    Hi All, Good Day. I have a windows xp pc in factory for machine use, some issue and I formatted and I need CNC controller card driver to be install. I had tried update it from device manager and it couldn't find any driver, I also try to add Hardware wizard also didn't work, can't remember...
  6. P

    Windows 7 Check of Win 7 partition with chkdsk from WinXP-BootCD possible?

    Assume I want to check the partition NTFS integrity of a Win 7 system from a BootCD with WinXP. Is this possible? Or is the WinXP chkdsk utility outdated and NOT usable for Win 7 NTFS systems? Peter
  7. A

    Windows XP i have broken my new xp computer with network manager

    hi there i dont understand internet terms or networking concepts at all i know how to open a browser and use it though... i have a modem with 4 plugs and 3 computers 2 xp and 1 windows 7 i have been using 2 on the modem and now i have a new xp maxchine. all are connected to the modem with one...
  8. whoosh

    VIDEO Windows XP Startup Sound slowed down to 24 hours

  9. abrogard

    Windows 7 How To Uninstall Botched Win7 Install on XP machine?

    I have an old XP machine. An Acer Aspire. I put Win7 Ultimate on it but it hasn't taken. Always gives me an error message and asks for the install disk again - which was a USB stick - but when i provide it nothing changes. So I need to get it off and start again. I have 3 physical disks...
  10. RUDY03


    When I first installed windows 10, was just trying to fiddle with it, and you know....tried editing the registry in order to change the selection box colours. By selection box I mean, that box which appears when you pull your mouse towards a particular direction while pressing the left click. I...
  11. W

    Windows XP HTTPS Problem

    Hello An elderly friend whose computer I generally look after, has a problem when accessing some websites and is very worried about it. She has Windows XP Pro installed - SP3 and fully patched (she cannot afford to upgrade) and when trying to access some websites, which display the 'HTTPS'...
  12. J

    Windows XP Changing file systems, can't access files

    Hi, I’m having a problem accessing some of my files. I think it might started when I changed laptops and restored a backed up copy of all my files on to the new computer. The old one had a FAT 32 file system with Windows 2K, and I formatted the new one, which is running XP as NTFS. I’m mainly...
  13. AKPatriot

    Windows XP XP Broken

    I was running xp, until the windows/system32/config/system was found missing. I do not have the windows disk, but I do have a Linux mint 16 disk. For some reason it won't let me boot from DVD, I stead just giving the error message.
  14. abrogard

    Windows 10 Can't Copy Across Net - Why?

    I recently upgraded a win7 computer on our lan to win10. now i find I cannot copy files from another computer on the net, winxp, to this new win10. previously I could and did, quite frequently. now the win10 computer tells me i need admin permissions. and the winxp computer tells me to...
  15. abrogard

    How To Safely Share my Computers?

    we have about seven computers all running some version of windows from xp to 10. So's I can move files between them at will I habitually share all the drives. And, of course, every time I do I run into Microsoft's warning about sharing root drives. never worried me. but now we have this...
  16. N

    Windows 7 Cannot install SP1 in Win-7

    I can install all updates in Win-7 successfully except the SP1. Whenever I try it I finally get an error message (Error #80004005). I've tried the automatic fix but that doesn't do any thing. I have also tried to format my C Drive and load a Win-7 (Pro) with SP1 using a DVD from Microsoft. After...
  17. Ronald95

    Windows 10 Upgrade or not! (concerned)

    Two weeks ago I made a clean install from Windows XP 32-bit to Windows 7 32-bit. Was worried that new OS won't work properly because my PC is 7 years old and may not have the best specs, has survived a virus and hard drive crash twice. So far it works flawlessly. Now I'm been bugged with "Get...
  18. N

    Windows 10 Not liking the Windows 10

    Well, after running Windows XP for quite some time, I knew it was time to upgrade. The hardware was 64 bit, Windows XP had a hard time keeping up with new technology, then Microsoft and Google dumped support for it, so kicking and screaming, I decided it was time for an upgrade. Although...
  19. Howard Rippiner

    Windows XP Changing user Privileges in Windows XP system

    I have a Windows XP system that I still use off-line for a few tasks. I am the only user of it and my account is listed in Windows as an 'Administrator'. However, when I try to load programs onto it, I get a Windows error message: "The installer has insufficient privileges to access the...
  20. B

    Windows XP NetBIOS names

    I have three computers with XP, Vista and Win7 in home network. I cant access always Vista and Win7 from XP by name, only by IP address. I suspect it's some NetBIOS refresh issue. Can someone help me?