
New Member
May 25, 2016
I upgraded to windows 10 from win 7 SP1 on my notebook Asus X5DIN 64 bit.
Problem is my wireless did not work anymore. Driver issue it seems.
I had to go back to win 7. Now I can connect to the web again.
Is it possible to get all drivers for windows 10 BEFORE upgrading?
I don't know... download all of them and save them on dvd maybe...

Hi Mart1n,
as you may have discovered laptop or notebook drivers are always supplied from the manufacturer apart from some gpu drivers. If you use drivers from other sites then you may well end up with blue screens so always use ASUS drivers.

I checked your systems support page, which for you is the first place to look and unfortunately driver support stops at Windows 7.

The only driver updates that might possibly be available are those which come via Windows update. If I were you I'd check forums which related to ASUS and ASUS laptops as someone may have found a work around..

Here's a few I found:
Laptop Forums

ASUSTeK Computer Inc.-Forum-


Sorry I have to rush out but checking a ASUS forum might help?
Hi holdum333, I have found out they don't always do that. When I went to check all my drivers I found there was six drivers that was not up to date. That was the case with both my laptop which is Windows 10 Home and my desktop which is Windows 10 Pro.

Hi @Sonny I'm not a expert on this subject. I really don't worry about having the latest updated drivers. It is my understanding that if you are up dating drivers through devise manager, they probably aren't the latest drivers and there coming from windows. If you want the latest drivers for your PC, the best place to get them is from the manufacture. That's what the big dogs tell me any way. According to HTG, these are the drivers you would want to keep up dated.
IMHO You should only update drivers when you are having problems and the up date might fix your issues.
If you either built your own PC or loaded a fresh version of Windows, you’re currently using the Microsoft-approved drivers included in Windows, which aren’t always going to be the fastest choice, especially if you have a real video card. This is a scenario in which you’ll want to update these drivers:

  • Video Card: The difference in speed between the generic Windows drivers for your video card and the official NVidia or Link Removeddrivers will surprise you. Even if you aren’t a gamer, make sure you have the real drivers.
  • Motherboard/Chipset: you’ll want to make sure to head to the manufacturer’s site and grab their chipset drivers. If you bought a PC, head to their site, if you built one, go to the motherboard manufacturer’s site. Every installer is different, but in general, you can just run the downloaded driver.
  • Sound Card:the native Windows drivers won’t include all the extra sound features like virtual surround, etc. If you bought a PC, head to their site, if you built one, either go to the motherboard manufacturer’s site for onboard sound, or the sound card manufacturer’s web site otherwise.
  • Network Card: most likely you’re using some type of onboard card that’s part of the motherboard, and you already grabbed the drivers from there.
If you’re a gamer, you’ll probably want to make sure to keep your video card drivers updated regularly.

Hi holdum, Not in my case. I only had one driver that was up to date from MSI. Whatever my computer is working great after updating through device manager.

Maybe W10 will keep your drivers up to date. I have heard no way to shut this off with W10 Home?? What you all think about this??
Update Your Hardware Drivers With Windows Update
Assuming you’re using Windows 10, Windows Update will automatically download and install the latest drivers for you. Windows 7 and 8 provided driver updates via Windows Update, too, but Microsoft is being much more aggressive about this in Windows 10. It all happens automatically. Even if you install your own hardware drivers, Windows will automatically overwrite them when a new version is available.

This is the automatic, set-it-and-forget-it solution. You don’t need a driver-updating utility because Windows has one built-in.


And how can that be since I don't have an internet connection with win10?

And how can that be since I don't have an internet connection with win10?
Hi @mart1n ! Sorry we were talking about some thing different than your issue. If you can not find a driver for your internet adapter, you won't get any up dates. Better just stay with W7 like @kemical suggested.;) W7 is a great OS.

Some users are being given the ok from Microsoft that their hardware is fine for upgrading to Windows 10. If you have no driver support how can one effectively upgrade to another os?
The answer is that basically you can't. You might get away with it for a while but if a ever a clean install was needed then that's when problems would likely appear.
Check the Asus forums like i said and see if other users of the same model have found a way round the issue but otherwise I'd go back to 7 and install one of the apps which stops the nags from MS.

I agree with kemical on the real issue here, and that's the OP probably never ran the COMPATBILITY TEST from Microsoft before attempting the upgrade from W7-->W10. If errors are returned on the machine hardware, drivers, or apps from the existing W7 configuration, that program is basically telling you to remove that hardware (mostly on a desktop), drivers, or apps, as they will most likely fail to work AFTER a W10 upgrade. OP doesn't mention if he did this; so our assumption is generally a "NO" he didn't. The W10 COMPATIBILITY TEST is not 100% however, and the final methods for determination are in order: (1.) check the computer or motherboard manufacturer website for W10 driver support, and (2.) CALL the computer or motherboard manufacturer and ASK them if your machine, that they can run by your computer or Mobo serial number, is W10 compatible.

Actually calling the computer or motherboard manufacturer is the final word on this. Most folks don't do this as they don't know that they can, or in many cases the effort spent trying to get through to some of these companies is massive and takes many phone calls and multiple days of calling. I rarely do this anymore, especially with the motherboard manufacturers as most of them are offshore and have no phone support--you get what you pay for!! Most of us Techs simply go with Option #1 as kemical indicated and visit the website; if no W10 drivers are listed for that machine or mobo; the determination is it's simply not compatible, tell the Customer "NO", and move on to the next Customer. Occasionally, I'll get an income challenged Customer who simply refuses to replace the machine to a new machine or motherboard since they can't afford to do so, and I'll monkey around with the drivers as mentioned by Sonny and others. I don't guarantee it will work; and if it doesn't behave on normal usage after the W10 update is completed, I simply return the machine and say "sorry", you're either stuck replacing the machine or using it with the existing version of Windows on there (W7/W8x).

Lastly, OP can try to update his W7 to Win8 and then to W8.1 (not an easy task). If he can get his laptop to run 8.1, that is kernel-compatible with W10 and W10 native drivers may work on his laptop, but again, not guaranteed. [CAVEAT HERE IS THAT AFTER JULY 29TH 2016 AND THE END OF THE FREE TRIAL W10, MICROSOFT WILL NO LONGER GUARANTEE NATIVE DRIVER SUPPORT FOR COMPUTER HARDWARE!!]. If OP then got the 8.1 working and runs the upgrade, a post-July 29th Windows Update may inadvertently revert their Wi-Fi driver on that laptop and the wireless will never work again. :andwhat:

Last time I went through one of these deals with a netbook (Asus AspireOne), and finally got everything working on W10; it was still too slow for my Customer and he just gave the darn thing to me and went out and bought a W10 tablet! It still works (and on Wi-Fi), but can't add more than 2GB RAM, so it's slowwwww... :rolleyes:


Yeah those netbooks are just too slow even after moving to 2 gb ram. I kept giving mine away to folks who really needed a notebook
but didn't have the money to buy one and they kept giving it back to me as "unbearable" to use. I tried every OS and even Windows Starter 7 was a complete "pig".

@RichM: Yup! I know, I know!! :rolleyes: I believe I also put a dual boot with UbuntuLTS 14.04 on the Acer netbook I have with the W10 on it now. That too runs slow.:time: But it's handy if I at least have that with me as I can do quick checks on flash drives or external HDDs that don't seem to be working on a Customer's computer. External drives that fail on both Windows & Linux are usually trashed.:down:
**still that little guy is handy if I get called out to a Customer Emergency, and I don't have time to pack up my big Sony laptop**:D

Yeah I have a 14" Sony that is on Windows 8.1 that I carry around to check internet connections with.
I sold my 17" Compaq on eBay as it never seemed to fit anywhere in a clients home or office and weighed
a ton.
