sorry it looks like 1.2 isn't officially out yet... my bad
New Creators Update bug. I have no idea what this file is listed in the error message.
have you got Intel Driver Update Utility installed?
ok well that process will try to record what powerplan you use and send it back to homebase... you can uninstall the update utility (short term fix) or look for an update which Intel should have any day now or even just ignore it as it doesn't do anything bad
OK, I'll have to do that later.
GOG, emailed me again. GOG Galaxy still doesn't work for me.
They have a downloader, which is nice, but s_s_s_l_l_l_o_o_o_w_w_w.
I have Crysis downloaded and installed now.
Now, I'm waiting forever for the Witcher 3 GOTY to download, so I can install it.
The Witcher 3 GOTY is installed & Intel Driver Update Utility is uninstalled.
Error message is gone.
Thanks ussnorway.
Maybe, I'll actually get around to putting my Predator this week or weekend.
Next week is a definite no for that. 3 differnet day's with appointments.
Monday: Hospital's Lab.
Wednesday: Endocrynologist for diabetes.
Thursday: Orthopedic Surgeon.
3+ miles of 1-legged hopping between the 3.
New AMD Crimson ReLive 17.4.2 driver released yesterday.

Find the latest Graphic driver releases and download links here:
Graphic Drivers
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I did a clean install of Creators Update yesterday. Now GOG Galaxy and everything else is working so far.
I just have to re-download all my magazines later tonight from Zinio.
This time around I left Raxco's Perfect Updater 2.0 uninstalled.
Maybe that was the issue ?
The Sunday will be weekly backup and system image time.
could be a conflict... they both want the same port?
anyway nice work getting it sorted
Yeah probably. I was off on when I did the clean install. It was actually Wednesday. After I got Windows installed, updated, driver installs and GOG Galaxy installed the power went out for a few hours in my area.
I already had Crysys, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt GOTY, Origin, Need For Speed: Most Wanted installed.
Then Origin was downloading Crysis3 & Titanfall Deluxe when the power went out.
Redid those and everything else Wednesday night, Thursday and just got my Zinio magazines done.
I forgot I had to get my offline maps, too.
They're done now, too.
So far, so good.
I did notice a Creators Update bug on this install.
This time I also setup a pin for logging into Windows 10.
That worked fine Wednesday & Thursday, but not today.
I'm back to re-using my Microsoft account password for logging in, as the pin login fails.
It had to have been Raxco Perfect Updater 2.0. The only thing I didn't install. For the hell of it I ran Windows Backup & System Image a day early and both completed successfully this time.
Have you checked those backups as the windows one fails restoring for me on creators update. Luckily acronis 2017 does a fine job.
Actually since 1995, I've been lucky, I've only ever had to restore any files or folders from a backup twice and restore 1 system image.
The 2 backup episodes were only because of replacing a hard drive both times.
Actually, I accidently did a mistake in Storage Sense this morning and let it delete my downloads. I thus, found out my backup worked, as it restored my downloads for me. Then I only had to re-download GPU-z, as a new version was released yesterday.
I also, purposely deleted my downloaded themes from Vista, 7, 8 and 8.1, as Creators Update puts Windows Themes in the Store and their all free, so far.
They don't have all the themes I had before, but it's roughly 3/4 of them.
I'm just using a different one now as the Sailing theme isn't in the store yet.
nmsuk: The new RX 580's don't look much better setting's wise, compared to the RX 480's.
The RX 780 or RX 880 will be out before I think of upgrading.
When I do a new video card upgrade in 2 years, I'll probably do a monitor upgrade right after it.
nmsuk: I noticed something in Windows Backup when I went to restore them. They didn't at first. They're a new check box that needs to be checked first, before it will actually restore anything.